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Thread: My Dog Is Aggresive To Others

  1. My Dog Is Aggresive To Others

    My dog, Lexi, is highly aggresive towards other dogs and people. She has not bitten anybody.....yet, but we do NOT want to take any chances. She is a 10-month-old Jack Russell Terrier, she has had an excellent life with us.

    Please I need help on what I can do!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Texas Tha Dirty South
    Has she always been this way or is this something new? How much socialization did she get with people and other dogs when she was younger? You may want to find a behaviorist to evaluate her.

  3. She has actually been this way most of the time, the vet told us that we should not socialize her until she has had all of shots, till the age of 6 months! That really cut down on her socailization! She is now 6 months old and we can not even take her on walks anymore. To people she will:

    -Stick her back hair up
    -And bare her teeth

    To dogs she will:

    -Stick her hair up
    -Bare her teeth
    -Trys to get off her leash
    -Bites people around her or holding her to get to the dog

    HELP ME! Actually we do have somebody helping her, but she is still very violent!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Home of the Flames :D
    Well if she is crying at other dogs and people perhaps she is just intimadated? She might be doing this because she is scared, it's her way of protection.

    I hope you find an answer. Good Luck

    Thank you joanofark for the great siggy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Well, first of all, and I can think of no polite way to put this, your vet is an idiot!! The window for socializing puppies closes at 16 weeks, that's four months old. After that it's a long drawn out, slow, limited process!! You shouldn't have taken her to dog parks and places where you couldn't guarentee the health of other dogs, but she should have met other dogs who you knew had their shots. She should have been exposed to as many people, places and different things as possible long before now. Socializing her can be done at any age, but it's much harder and takes much longer now.

    Dog aggression is a JRT trait. People aggression is not. They are assertive, dominate little dogs though and require consistent, firm but gentle handling. They are hunting dogs. They were bred to hunt and work. They need mental and physical stimulation in large amounts! If your dog can't be walked even, she is getting neither and the problem will only get worse. A bored dog of any breed is going to get into trouble!

    Get her to a trainer who specializes in aggressive dogs--a good trainer. Do some research on the trainer before taking her to anyone. You said she bites people when they try to restrain her? All it takes is one bite to a child or anyone else that gets reported to the authorities and your dog is dead!

    Maybe there is a JRT club or other owners in your area. They could likely point you in the right direction for a trainer.
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

  6. When she was little we USED to take her for walks and she used to run up to people and lie down with her belly up for a good belly rub and it was a sign of submission but then she just changed!

    As I am writing this she is sleepign beside me, looking so innocent!

    But now if the door bell were to ring, she would be up and running to the door before you could say doorbell!

    We took her to puppy school and I not only had to put her at the other end of the classroom because of her talking and biting but we had to muzzle her! I hated it and she looked like it was hurting her! She could not be herself! In the end she was a very good girl!

    Actually she knows many tricks and commands she knows how to:

    -shake a paw and other paw
    -high five
    -Where did your tail go, and where is your toy!
    -Plenty more actually!

    She is a good little girl until you see a new person or a dog! My friends around the street got a cute little blue merle Australian Shepherd and she is only half his size and she tried to take out a scrap of meat from his poor little body!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    I couldn't agree more with what Glacier said.

    As far as the puppy class goes, if they seperated you fromt he other dogs at the other end of the room, well than obviously that was not a puppy socialization class, Your instructor was probably not a good one. You should of dropped out right then & there & found a more reputable trainer. But you can't change the past.
    I would seek the help of a behavorist that specializes in aggression ASAP.

    How about the breeder from your pup, have you contacted them? They should be able to point you in the right direction.

    good luck
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I also think your vet is an idiot! Most puppy series of shots should be complete at 12 weeks but at 9 weeks they should have sufficient antibodies to allow them to be in controlled social environments. There is no window of opportunity more important than the 8 - 16 week period of a newborn pup to be socialized to it's environment. The 7 - 8 week period is invaluable for learning to socialize with it's pack. That is why I hate to hear of dogs being taken from their litters before 8 weeks.

    Please Note: The Jack Russell Terrier is now officially called a Parson Russell Terrier as of about a year ago or so.

    I have seen several PRT's put down because of this aggressive trait. On the other hand, I have seen PRT's that are the sweetest, most loving dogs ever in the hands of a persistant owner. You need to read and learn more about this trait and what can be done to help the dog before it is too late. The AKC has even published this as a recognized fault in the dog because it is becoming more wide spread through poorly planned breedings.

    I strongly encourage you to read more about the breed on the AKC's website.
    They also have many listings for PRT clubs. Contact one of them to try to get some help.

    In the mean time, be firm in what is acceptable behavior and never reward behavior that is not. Find something the dog loves and use it as a teaching tool. JRT's usually love to play ball. If the dog acts out when it goes for walks, consider walking it with a halti collar on. This is a muzzle restraint system that is dog friendly.

  9. We have studied very hard to obtain this wonderful breed with their happy antics and wonderful nature! Lexi's tail is undocked and her ears are also uncroped!

    We have a behavioursit in here and she is doing ok with Lexi. Lexi was amazingly good with her ....................after like a half-hour!

    I hope there is some future in this dog! And she is only 10 months old!

    Thanks so much! I will keep you all posted on Lexi's progress!

  10. I forgot to attach a picture of her!

    You will all see the wonderful smile on her face!
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Sounds like you're on the track to a great relationship with your pup! Keep up the hard work. It will pay off in the long run.

  12. I'm not to sure anymore though! The other day a BABY came over and Lexi knocked her down with one tap on the back. Lexi kept barking and barking, she wouldn't let up!

    I was so embarrassed, they asked if something was wrong with my dog and all I could say was that I didn't know, does anybody have a clue from what I described in earlier posts in this thread what is wrong with my dog!

    Is she intimidated, because she won't even back down at a German Shepherd 5 times her size! Is she just plain scared! Or is she naturally aggresive?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Originally posted by Lexi_Lover

    Is she intimidated, because she won't even back down at a German Shepherd 5 times her size! Is she just plain scared! Or is she naturally aggresive?
    She's not scared. She's a Jack/Parsons Terrier--that's perfectly normal behavior for the breed. I've never seen a JRT back down from any dog, regardless of size. They are fearless little dogs.

    You do need to get her under control before she hurts someone though. I think she needs more help than you are going to get on the Net. She needs direct training and intervention. Talk to your vet for a recommendation. Well, maybe a new vet, since I'm not impressed with the advice your current vet has given you!

    Is she spayed?
    Last edited by Glacier; 12-30-2004 at 10:30 AM.
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

  14. No, she isn't spayed, but she will be in the New Year, the behaviourist tells me that if we do that it will calm her down a little bit, but not very much!

    Also the vet and others around here and there tell me that as well! We might want to let her have puppies one day but if she doesn't calm down with other dogs then we will have sapy her!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Texas Tha Dirty South
    Originally posted by Lexi_Lover
    We might want to let her have puppies one day but if she doesn't calm down with other dogs then we will have sapy her!

    Please don't breed her. With the issues she has, you will only be creating more dogs with problems. Breeding is done to improve the breed and it doesn't sound like Lexi would make a good contribution as far as temperament goes. She may be a great pet to you and she is a very beautiful dog, but it sounds like her temperament is not very stable and it would be very irresponsible to let her reproduce. Breeding isn't easy. It costs a lot of money to produce/take care of a healthy litter of puppies and even more for a disastrous litter. For each puppy you were to sell or place into a home, an equal number will die in a shelter because no one wanted them. You have your hands full with Lexi, you don't need a litter of little Lexi's running around causing problems. Not everyone can handle a dog like Lexi and chances are her puppies would be dumped in a shelter because the buyers couldn't handle them. Leave the breeding to the professionals and let Lexi be your baby.

    Here are some websites to check out before you breed:

    The first one listed has a lot of great info so you'll want to navigate through the whole site. I also highly recommend doing the "virtual breeding".

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