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Thread: Karamel is neutered. I felt terrible.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Istanbul, Turkey

    Karamel is neutered. I felt terrible.

    Hi everyone,

    We had Karamel neutered on Saturday. But I felt so much regret afterwards, seeing him under anaesthetics, helpless and when he was trying to wake up and walk he couldn't use his hind legs well. He got much better the day after. But I think he is still recuperating because he is not so lively and naughty yet. I wonder will he ever be back to his old self. I can't get over the feeling that I have done him wrong by neutering him. I never wanted to do it but had to because he badly wanted a wife and was throwing urine on the sofa, on my bed etc which is a lot of trouble to clean ( I think we will throw the sofa out after all, he peed on it at least 4 times). The vet told me he may eat more and may get bigger so i should feed him carefully. Is it true?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Thanks for the comporting words LUT. The vet recommended me Hill's and IAMS but to tell the truth they are way too expensive for Turkey. Almost 4 times as expensive as the food i give to Karamel. He has been doing quite well with it. He is a healthy boy with a muscular body and shiny fur. But I will see what I can do about the food from now on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You most definitely did the correct thing in neutering!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The vets here would have kept the animal until it was fully awake so you would not have had to see them in this groggy state. The most likely reason is exactly what happened to you, you pannicked, thinking it was a bad thing. Just remember that if he had any other operation, one to save his life pehaps, he'd have that groggy feeling and you would not feel guilty, would you???
    All pets should be neutered if for no other reason than stop accidental litters, but there are SOOOOOOOOO many other benefits from it.
    You can still get him that "wife" I am sure he'd love a companion, just make sure to spay her as well, because not everyone will and dogs may roam into your area and make her pregnant.
    The myth that animals get fat if they are neutered will only become true if they are fed more food than they can burn off with their level of exercise. (but then this is true of un-neutered as well). In other words it is NOT the neutering, it is the amount of food.

  4. #4
    Me again , Ganime !

    If that Hill's food is unaffordable , try another brand , but pay attention that it is called "LIGHT" . It helps to cut down on the calories too !!
    Success !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Ganie- you did the correct, responsible, humane thing by nuetering your pet!!!!! Karamel will recover, and be good as new, just you wait. While I don't know if it is "true" that cats gain weight after nuetering, I do know they pick up weight as they age, and lose that kitten energy. So, keep him active with play things!! And as suggested by Jenluckenbach, a 'wife' would be just perfect for him now!!! Keep us posted, but I am sure he will be just fine shortly.

  6. #6
    Please do NOT feel terrible. You did the best thing for Karamel. Imagine if all the time all you did was think about "a wife." Now he can relax and be more peaceful -- instead of raging hormones all the time telling him ....go, go, go...fight, fight, fight...sneak out of the house NOW!!!
    He will also probably be healthier after being neutered!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    you did do the right thing, the responsible thing. I know you don't like to see him that way, but it was necessary, just like any other surgery he might need.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Spaying and Neutering is the KINDEST thing a pet owner can do for their furbabies. You should be proud of yourself and Karamel for this. Personally, I have two male kitties who went through the neuter surgery. They are crazy, playful, fun loving and Thin. I didn't read how old Karamel is, but, in my limited experience, cats neutered while they're still relatively young won't have any problems or weight gain. If I were you, I'd cross that bridge when I came to it. Just enjoy your little fellow and get him that wife he wants so badly. Twice the joy!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Ganime, I also agree with the others that you did the right thing by neutering him. This will also make him healthier and happier in the long run. I have 3 male cats and they're all neutered. They still think that they are kittens. I feed them a light formula dry food and I measure the amount that I feed them. My Pepper is a bit overweight but I think that his metabolism is lower than Storm's and Sunny's. Good luck.

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