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Thread: Dog poos when kicked off the bed

  1. #1

    Dog poos when kicked off the bed

    I recently adopted a 2 year old neutered male Jack Russell from a local shelter. He is a great dog and is housebroken completely. that is why I am stumped with his actions. We do not allow him on the bed at night but he will try all night long to sneak in with us. I push him out of bed several times a night and put him back in his own bed. When I woke up this morning he had pooped on the steps. Also, earlier that evening I had closed the bedroom door to have private time with my husband. Ike, the dog, scratched at the door a few times and then was quiet. when we opened the door later, he had peed on the floor right in front of the door. Any suggestions, ideas would be great. Oh, and he freaks out when we try to crate him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    Perhaps he's trying to tell you he needs to go outside to potty? It sure sounds like it.

    Even though he is older and "housebroken" he is in a new home with all new people & surroundings. I suggest treating him like you are housebreaking a puppy for a few weeks or so, letting him out frequently. Slowly start letting him out less & less.

    Try feeding him an hour earlier in the evening, see if that helps him hold it all night long. But remember at first I'd let him out frequently like he's a puppy.
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario
    I've said on quite a few other forems about this as well. But my dog did this too. He was house trained and then at one point just started doing his business inside. And I know he did not have to go outside because he would do it like 2 minutes after he came in. He'd also do it right in front of me. I even tried putting him outside to see if he had to go but he still continued going to the bathroom inside. I think he was trying to get attention. I tried telling him 'no' but he would continue peeing. When dogs really want attention, they don't care even if it's negative attention. So what I did to solve this situation was, I put him in a corner and made him stay there for a few minutes or I'd put him in the kitchen with the gate up while everyone ignored him. So as soon as he'd go I'd bring him straight to the corner or kitchen without saying a word. He eventually got the message that he wasn't getting attention for this behaviour. He usually sleeps in my room at night so I would also leave him in the kitchen instead of bringing him in my room.
    Hope this helps! *Sorry for the paragraph answer*

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ontario Canada
    I think he may be trying to give the signal he needs to go out as well.. Maybe when you put him out the first time it wasn't long enough.. I always keep my dog out for at least 10 minutes and stick with him to see if he's finished...

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