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Thread: Noah, my attack cat (hee hee)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Noah, my attack cat (hee hee)

    I just think this is so funny!!!! My step-dad has been coming to our apartment for a little bit so he can post his resume online.

    I've been getting his calls daily, asking me how to turn the computer on, how to open Excel, varius questions like that. So that tells you a bit about my step-dad.

    He called today and said, "Kelly, Noah isn't being very nice to me. He's growling and hissing at me." I reassured him that if he ignores Noah, Noah will do the same. That Noah wont "attack" him if he doesn't try to play with or pick him up.

    "Are you sure? He's really growling, and now he's sitting on the chair I'm sitting at." (hee hee) I told him that that's Noah's chair and that he'll stay at the top of it and he'll ignore him.

    "Are you sure?? Each time I go to sit down, he swipes at me and hisses!!" I told him that if he needed to, he could squirt Noah on his side and he'd go away!!

    Is that hilarious!?!?? Its really funny when you know the type of guy my step-dad is....kind of helpless and feminine.

    That's my little gaurd kitty!!!
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Bastet does that with my Flatmate. He is not allowed near my flute. She starts spitting and hissing at him. She also does that to strange people at the door too.

    She would never scratch or bite but she does put on a great show
    "A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why the cat cannot seem to find tidbits on the floor."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    A colleague of mine spent a night at the apartment of friends in Berlin. They left early in the morning for work and my colleague stayed in the apartment with the cat. And she came home saying: "This cat stood in the door and growled at me." She was really scared.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You know, I love my mom....but she can drive me absolutely crazy!! We were talking about Noah and she said "He'd be in trouble when I got home."

    I said, "What for? He could scratch my eyes out and I'd still love him to death. He's my baby..."

    She goes, "Well, when you have kids, it can't be like that, you have to dicipline them...." I told her Noah was a CAT, in his own home, that my step-dad was the intruder. That went in one ear and out the other....

    Ever just want to tell them to go to H**L?????

    Anyway.....I'm glad Noah's not the only protective one. I think its funny that a grown man was afraid of a cat!! ha ha!!
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    HA!! HA!! HA!!

    Just picturing it in my head makes me laugh.... SILLY NOAH!!!! What a strong and protective little man you have there Kelly!!

    That reminds me of... when I had my wisdom teeth out my Grandma came over to visit me .... and Tinky ran around the living room with her ears back (airplane ears)... back and forth... back and forth..... it was just like out of a cartoon... I swear!!!!! I thought it was sooooooooo funny!!!


    Alden is here!!
    7/6/2006 - 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 inches


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    We had a neighbour's kitty Oz a mangy looking 17 year old long haired black cat adopt us as his main home for a few years. He spent more time with us than at his home We fed him everyday (twice) and would let him in our house in the winter when they left him outdoors to freeze. He let us brush him , wipe his eyes and butt and pick him up and cuddle him. He spent most of his time on our front porch. We had workers who called from their cellphones saying they couldn't come up the stairs because there was a vicious cat growling and hissing at them on the porch. This happened twice. We are talking about big, burly men here!!!
    I went to the door , Oz sauntered in , I picked him up and cuddled him until they came and then sent Oz on his way. Talk about a guard cat. I wanted to keep him but when we went travelling for a few months his owners moved away. He was very special . I'm sure he would have stayed with us if he had the choice.

    I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul. Jean Cocteau

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    LOL What funny stories. I had a roommate of Indian decent but she was born in America. Her fiance was from India. He came to visit her and he was very afraid of my cats. I only had Storm and my RB Pepper at the time. He was so scared that he asked me if they would attack him or bite him. I thought that his behavior was strange until he told me that in India cats aren't kept as pets. They are wild animals. I guess we'd call them feral here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    these stories are funny.... people need to post some more!!
    our wonderful little protective babies!!

    Alden is here!!
    7/6/2006 - 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 inches


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Monessen, PA

    Attack cat

    Our newest baby, Plague, is generally very easy going. A few weeks ago I was home from work with the cold from heck and happened to be by the sliding glass door in the kitchen when my husband came home. Plague was sitting by my feet, saw him come into the yard, and started growling up a storm. I culdn't believe it. She was actually aiming for the door at a run when I intercepted her so he could get in. Once inside she realized it was ok 'cause it was just Dad coming home from work....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Tubby is my watch cat too. Quite often I will see him sitting by the long window that is next to the front door - surveying his territory, as I like to call it. If he sees someone walking in the street or a yard guy or something, he will start growling too. It was so funny the first time Terry heard him do that, because Terry didn't know that cats growl. He thought something was wrong with Tubby.

    However, I have to note that as soon as the "invader" comes in the door, all growling is abandoned and rubbing up against and begging for pets is the new "protection" offered. Unfortunately I think if anyone ever broke in the house, Tubby would just follow them around looking for pets as they walked away with the house.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

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