We had a great day yesterday! We woke up early in the morning and took Freckles to Hendrick's park for her very first hike. She did WONDERFUL! I was so proud of my little girl! We walked all the way to the very top too. Then we came home and got ready to head out to Dan's moms. dan's dad met us there and we had a nice barbecue. We made some steak (well Dan did and let me tell you, he really knows how to make a good meal on the grill!) and had some beans, potato salad and corn on the cob. We had TONS of fireworks but Dylan didn't care for the noise too much so he hung out with grandma in the room and watched cartoons with Mason, Dylan's cousin while we did the fireworks.

We had some really nice fireworks. I bought a ton of purple rains as those are by far my favorite. I love the purple. It is so beautiful! Freckles hung out with Sadie but didn't get too close as the last time she was there Sadie nipped her, and since then she has been slightly afraid of her. Sadie is posessive over food when other animals are around, hence the reason Freckles got nipped. They were being fed in different areas, but Sadie didn't like the fact that Freckles was getting fed too, so came over to snatch her food and bit her.

Freckles did seem to want to play, going up to Sadie, barking but then running away with her tail between her legs LOL! Sadie is getting pretty old now so she's more grumpy. I will continue in another post so I do not lose this one.