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Thread: GGGGRRRRRRR *insert profanity here*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden

    GGGGRRRRRRR *insert profanity here*

    A fair warning before I begin to write; this will be a long rant/ramble about my day today. I'll tell you about three main events which all involves animals, and they have all been quite frustrating to me.

    Does anyone remember me telling about the kitties that I fostered? Anyways, today I called the people who adopted them. The first person I called started stuttering and sounded all embarassed as soon as I asked bout the cat and then proceeded to tell me that she had been too busy with her kids that she hadn't had time with the cat, so she had just given him away to some friend of hers who had had a cat before that had been hit by a cat and died a month ago. Shaking with anger I hanged up the phone after a short "goodbye" I called the guy who had gotten the little kitty that I had wanted to keep so badly myself (Houdini) and what do I hear? He told me he had been too busy with school lately so he had given her away to some relative of his. I was crying then, so stressed and upset, I mean... I loved all those kitties and tried so hard getting them good homes and then this happen... One of them I had even wanted to keep soooooooo badly myself but wasn't allowed to and now this... For God's sake, little Poop-nose will probably road kill anyday now just like the woman's other cat!! And I have no clue where Houdini is or how she has it...

    Anyways, after that I really needed to see the third kitty in the bunch, Ronja. We hadn't been able to find a home for her so my uncle and his girlfriend had to take her back. See, the kitties originally came from my uncle's place... I will need to tell you some background info here for you to get the second part of my little rant. My uncle recently moved in with a new girlfriend in her house out in the country. She owns a little house and they have some animals there. This girlfriend of his is the cheapest person I have ever met and she has over 10 cats or so at this farm who keeps getting more and more kitties every year because she is too Goddamn cheap to castrate them. The mom of the kitties I fostered wasn't even a year old when she had them, which is why she wouldn't take care of them. Anyways, I went up there with my parents and saw Ronja and she was fine (thank God for that!)... But when I went out to the stable to see the animals there (rabbits, guinea pigs and a pig) the next bad thing happened... See, they have two rabbits (a male and a female) that they keep together at all times and that have babies all the time, I always thing that it's as messed up as it gets cause that cannot be good for the female, being pregnant all the time. The reason they keep breeding is because they get paid some money for each rabbit baby that they sell to some pet store somewhere. Anyways, I went out there and there was this new baby rabbit and one of his eyes... The eyelids were swollen shut together and his eyes wouldn't open. The female rabbit was pregnant again (obvious thanks to her big belly) and I got to see the male rabbit going at her twice while I was in there, poor thing. She also had this huge bump under her neck which looked exactly like the cyst that my guineapig had that he had to have surgery for. When I asked my uncle and his girlfriend about the rabbits they just told me that the baby rabbit had been born that way and that they figured the bump on the female would just go away soon. I didn't want to say things I'd regret so I left the house again and went over to the area where the cats were sitting... One of their cats had this big long wound over his eye that kept his eye shut and there was puss all around it. And then there was another cat... He was jumping on three legs and he couldn't put his fourth leg to the ground, I tried approaching him but he limped under a cat so I couldn't reach him. I ran inside the house, hysterical, and told them that their cat's were badly hurt and what did they tell me? Both of the cats had been like that for weeks, the cat with the eye had gotten that from a fight and the other one they figured it had been hit by a car. I couldn't keep it in anymore then and basically screamed at them that they were horrible people and shouldn't be able to own pets. I asked my parents to go home after that and we did... When I sat in the car my dad looked at the cat with the bad leg and said somethings to my uncle and his girlfriend, obviously upset. He then told me that the cat's leg had been dripping blood when he looked (I never saw that cause I never got that close to him). Then we left...

    And on the way home the next thing happened. While driving along the road we suddenly spotted a cow that we standing directly by the road, just centimeters from the cars, with no fence in between. We immediately stopped and called the police telling them about it. We went out and tried shooing the cow back in, and saw that the so called fence was all broken. It couldn't even be called a fence really, it was just small rotten wood poles with barbed wire in between them. It was obvious that this had happened before because some of the poles were only standing because of some stones that were supporting them. At last the police came but the cow got so scared cause of the car with the lights that she started running along the road, lookign for a way back in. She couldn't find it so she just jumped... and got tangled in the wire and fell. She rolled and screamed (heartwrenching sound) and then got up and the wire fell of her, and she ran away. The farmer came at the same time, holding a little box with a hammer and nails in his hand (can you belive that?! he was goign to fix it with a hammer and nails...). The police said they'd handle it from there on but before we left I said some words to the farmer saying that he had to look at his cow cause it obviously got hurt. He just mumbled something in response and didn't care at all. I doubt he will even fix his fence, he will just back it up with some stones I bet. I heard the police saying "if this happens again we will force you to change the fence" which obviously meant that nothing will be done about this.

    And that's it... and to top it all off; my grandpa who has leukemia got really sick today and is currently in the hospital where they saw that he had had a heartattack and that he is sick and very weak and God this day... I wish I had stayed in bed.

    Sorry for the rant people... Hope no one minds too much.

    Please sign my guestbook if you have the time

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD

    I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. Please let us know how he is doing.

    First of all, your uncle's girl friend needs a head check! 10+ cats and they are not fixed? That is really dumb. Does she not see what her negligence has caused? As for the presious kitties that have been rehomed, is there anyway you can contact the people that got the cats? If not, I hope that their new owners are better than the ones they had before.

    Hope your day gets better!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Syracuse, NY
    Ann I'm so sorry about the day you have had. It's so hard when yo care about animals so much to see them suffering. It really sounds like your parents are wonderful people, backing you up with your uncle and his EXTREMELY irresponsible girlfriend and the cow situation.. They also had to watch the foster kittens for a little while until you returned home from the USA if I remember the story correctly???

    I feel terrible for the poor bunny having to just have litter after litter and be harassed by the male....Poor little girl
    Maybe you can get her spayed? Or him neutered?

    Did you ask your dad what he said to your uncle about the cats? I hope he knocked some sense into him!

    I hope your grandfather recovers. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

    Now, do what fellow Pet Talkers told me to chocolate ice cream, take a bath and get a good night's sleep!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Stockport. England
    Ann all I can do is:



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Oh Ann, I'm sorry about the horrible day you had, I hope getting it all out here helped a little (not much I'm sure). Just remember, we're here for you (I'm here also!) any time you need to get something (anything) off your chest! Your grandfather will be in our prayers, keep us posted. Anna{{{{HUGS}}}}

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    Ann what a terrible day. Sometimes it just seems that bad things happen all at once.

    First of all I'm very sorry about your grandfather. I can also understand your frustruation about the rest. I agree some people should not even be allowed near animals. I know perhaps I shouldn't say this but in cases like this I could become violent and just beat some sense into some people.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    I'm sorry about your grandfather and the horrible day you had. I'm thinking of you and your family and have your grandpa in my prayers.

    I fully understand your rage concerning these cases of negligence and carelessness - animals deserve respect. I'm also get very angry when I witness such situations, and I always end up with a terrible helpless feeling as it seems that people is so stupid or arrogant to listen to arguments on this question, they just keep on mistreating animals


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    Is there a local humane society or rescue group you could contact?? Maybe they could help the animal situation. We are all here to help in ALL situations and don't think twice about using our ears and hearts to help. Laurie

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden
    Thanks everyone for all your kind responses! I really appreciate it.

    My grandpa is doing a little better thankfully, the doctors noticed that he had a big ear infection as well and emptied his ears of 2 deciliters of puss (I hope no one feels disgusted by me telling this, if so sorry!). He had a calm night and ate some this morning without throwing up, so it seems like he will be OK again, something I'm REALLY thankful for...

    Today, when biking home from school, me being the klutz I am fell and scraped up my hands so bad and twisted my wrist >_< I have one of my hand in a bandage now so scuse me if my typing is all messed up! What was so darn annoying about the whole thing was the fact that I fell in the road that passes the kindergarden and there were some little kids that pointed at me and laughed! Grrrr, lil rude meanies... oh well, kids are kids I suppose!

    Laurie, I did speak to my parents bout calling some humane society (although I have no clue if there even is an office close by since I've never had to contact them before), but when I brought it up my mom got a bit mad at me and said that if I did that her brother would never speak to her again and since he is her only relative alive (cept for some aunt who lives in Denmark) she didn't want that at all. I don't know though, if this keeps up I'll go against her but I just can't stand to see this happen to the poor animals

    I asked my dad and he said that he had tried talking some sense into my uncle, saying that if you own animals you must take care of them properly and that he was very ashamed that they hadn't even tried to take the cat to the vet or anything. My uncle hadn't responded then my dad told me, but had looked very ashamed himself. The girlfriend tried to interfere and said what they do to their pets is their business and that cats have goo healing flesh (hearing that made me want to punch her so bad, so don't feel bad Gio cause I too feel like that a lot!). My dad told her off though and my uncle said that he would arrange something.

    Next time we speak to them we will be sure to ask about it, cause both me and my parents are really upset over it.

    And yes, I will try to get the phone numbers for the new owners of the little kitties... I tried calling one of the old owners but she wasn't home and the guy would still be in school I think. I'll keep you posted with what happens.

    Well, my hand is hurting so I will get off now, but before I do so I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the sweet people here, for being my friends and allowing me to vent (it does feel better afterwards!). I appreciate it greatly

    Please sign my guestbook if you have the time

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I am so sorry about all the awful things you had to witness. You are so brave to stand up to your uncle and the farmer like that. Stay strong and keep being brave. You are protecting the innocent and voiceless. I hope your uncle soon realizes that animals are not lawn ornaments and regular vet vists are very necessary. How about offering to pay for his animals (especially the rabbits and cats) to be spayed and neutered? I'm sure several people here would help with the price. Never feel bad for talking about things here. It really helps you heal to be able to vent.

    Your grandfather will be in my prayers.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    I hate people like that... oh it would be real easy to make money selling kittens and baby rabbits to pet stores... but do the lowlifes ever think about the animals??nooo, they don't have them for pets, just as a means for selling them to make money!!! that is so disgusting!
    Last edited by toughCookie; 04-25-2002 at 06:18 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Vancouver, Canada
    What a horrible day you've had It will get better. Hang in there! I hope your grandfather is feeling better soon.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden
    Originally posted by aly
    How about offering to pay for his animals (especially the rabbits and cats) to be spayed and neutered? I'm sure several people here would help with the price.
    I've thought about that actually Aly. The thing is though, for one they would never allow the rabbit to be fixed because they make money of her kids (gggggggrrrrrrrrr ). But I have already started saving some money so I can bring Ronja (the little kitty we fostered) to the vet and have her fixed. I don't have much money but I'll try to get some together, I'll ask my parents too and they might help as well. I really don't care if my uncle and his girlfriend gets offended by it or anything, I don't want Ronja having babies before she is even full-grown, and that IS what would happen for sure if she isn't fixed.

    I had another argument with my mom about this all, I tried calling them today to ask if they've brought the cat with the bad leg to the vet yet, but they didn't pick up and I brought up that I wanted to call the animal welfare if they don't do something soon and she got mad at me. I hate it... I can't stand to see this happen but at the same time I don't want my mom to loose her brother... God, I just hope that when I do get a hold of them that they HAVE booked a time at the vet for the cat.

    I was also thinking, when I can afford to get Ronja fixed, I want to get her some shots and stuff too. Cause I know they don't give their pets shots or anything either and I don't want her getting some horrible disease either.

    How old will she have to be before she can be fixed? I can't remember right now so excuse my dumbness >_<

    Please sign my guestbook if you have the time

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    what has happened about the kittens? I was just wondering...

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