Hey, everyone. Ok, well, my friends pretty much know that I'm not still in the insurance business. I may go back to it at some point, but, I just couldn't keep plugging money into it, and, getting nothing out of it. It stunk walking away from it, though, because I was really enjoying the actual job.

But, I'm attempting something new again. There's a Ford dealership here in Columbia that had an advertisement on the radio for salespeople. They were to be paid salary, and, no commission. So, I applied. I got hired, along with another girl, who's quickly become a great friend, it's fantastic. The pay scale, if anyone's confused, is set up so that we don't try to sell a Mustang to someone who can afford a Focus. The salespeople don't actually negotiate price, it's pretty nifty. And, just makes it more customer service out there on the lot. Customers really respond well to it, from what I've seen. I know my parents loved it, that's why they bought their Mustang from this place, and, not somewhere else.

Anyway...my request now is that I'd like to hear what you guys like about your Fords, and, what you think makes them better than other vehicles. I just want some different perspectives. If you hate Ford, that's fine, too. Everyone has their loves and hates. I'd rather not hear about the one Ford you drove that was a lemon, and, therefore all Fords suck. But, if you feel the need to share that, that's fine. Y'all can be as general or as specific as you want...and, I'm learning the lingo, so, if you wanna throw things out there like torque, MacPherson struts, AWD, ABS, etc...I either will know what you're talking about or I'll find out.

I'd also like to hear about car sales experiences, good and bad. I really want to hear from the consumer side of it, what would make it a good experience, what would make you turn your nose up at the dealership.... And, obviously, leaving you totally alone isn't going to happen. I'm always going to at least greet people on the lot and let them know that I'm there.

So, there it is. Just asking for a little insight...I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read all this, truly I do. I don't expect many responses, but, sometimes, I'm surprised, even in Pet Talk. If I get one response that will help me make a customer more comfortable or if I learn a new way of saying something, than it's all been worth the time it took to type this.