I thought it'd be great, since so many of us PTers are expecting (or have close friends/family members who are expecting) to have a thread to talk about what's going on; what stage we're at, how we're feeling, what we're doing to prepare ourselves, how we're staying physically (and mentally!!!) healthy, and any of the troubles we go through along the way. And of course, for those of us who have our babies this year, to talk about how everything is going with the new baby!

I know I like to talk about it (and it's pretty much all I ever think about) so I will likely frequent this thread.

Everything with my pregnancy has been so great. I'm on week 11 now -- so close to my second trimester! My baby bump is just showing now. I've had no morning sickness still, other than the occasional spell of nausea some mornings for weeks 5 and 6, but I haven't thrown up once. Nevertheless I've managed to lose 10 pounds in the last month simply because my metabolism has gone through the roof. I have to eat constantly, atleast evey hour, to keep my blood sugar stable. It's funny to see my baby bump and above it I'm so skinny where I wasn't before. My breasts still don't hurt. I'm waiting for that to happen still. It's almost frightening that they don't seem to be growing alot either and have had minimal changes. I want to breastfeed very badly, so I think that in the back of my mind I worry that maybe they'll never have any big changes and I won't be able to breastfeed. I know it's silly, I'm sure that everyone changes at a different pace.
Weeks 5 and 6 were weeks of fatigue for me, but it sped up to just needing a bit more sleep than before, and now I finally have my energy back. I'm excited to be able to start going to the gym again. I start prenatal yoga at the end of the month too.
My next ultrasound is in May. I'll be 20 weeks so I'm hoping we'll find out what the sex is. I still think it's a girl, even though I'd rather have a boy.
Due to my busy life and home schedule, I'm planning my own baby shower (is anyone else planning their own?). It will be sometime in early July. I'm inviting lots of family and friends, and it should be really nice. The dining room table will have a huge platter on it, and people can mingle to and from the patio into the house (as all of our parties end up). I'll have puppies then, so it will be good socialisation for them. I'm goign to put the big things on the registry, like the crib and change table. My SIL thinks everyone should have their baby shower only when they're 8 months pregnant -- I think it's crazy. I'm not buying many things right now because you usually get SO MUCH from the baby shower. All of the things I don't get, I'll need to eventually go out and buy. If I have to go out, at 8 months pregnant, and buy a crib, change table, rocking chair, etc, not to mention all of the other necessities, and pack it all into my house myself (my husband will be working out of town), I will not be a happy camper -- I'll be huge and tired and greatly annoyed that I decided to wait that long to have my baby shower. Plus, what if I go into labor a month early? So, no way. 6 months is far along enough for me!
I'm eating as healthy as I can, but boy it's hard some times. I have always been a very healthy eater, and avoided cravings. Now the cravings are so much stronger, they can be hard to ignore. So I try to keep busy. Today I'm cleaning the entire house and working on Visa's whelping pen. I already mopped out the entire garage. Now I'm in the kitchen, scrubbing out the cupboards and getting rid of extra dishes we don't need, to make room for baby things.
anyways, I'd better get back at it! Lots of cleaning to do!