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Thread: Medical help for cat in Baltimore, MD

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hi Everyone!
    Ok I have been working with the original vet Toby was going to. I explained the situation and why we couldn't use them. Since they took so long getting back to me and said they were working on it I just scheduled Toby for the surgery with the other vet. I paid the bill for the new vet so that is all clear.

    The original vet has agreed to return all donations back to the original donors. They said the refunded donations will be sent by next week. If anyone does not recieve thier donation back please email me. I am trusting that they are very honest but just in case of a paper error I would like to be sure.

    As far as keeping Toby I have become very attached to him this past month he is such a sweetheart. Toby is a little territorial though. I have 7 and 8 month old siamese mixes which he gets a little rough with and holds them down. I also have two dogs which he is not very fond of. So I am still working with Toby to see if he can adapt to living with the rest of my furry family or if he would rather be an only cat. As far as Pam he will not be going back with her. If it comes down to him not being able to adapt to a mutliple pet household then I will begin a search for an only cat home. Which if that were to happen I will be very picky about since Toby has special needs and he needs to be loved bunches.


  2. Is there anyway the donations can be forwarded to cover Toby's expenses with the new vet?

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks so much ES but I paid the other vet yesterday at time of service. I didn't want to hold them up waiting for the first vet plus didn't want to delay Toby's dental surgery any longer.


  4. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I do wish you could be reimbursed for some of this, Xena. That was our intention.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I do understand and God Bless all of you for giving the donations. The vet was unable to forward the money to the other vet or me due to the checks being payable to them. Since Toby has had the dental surgery completed and is now all up to date on his shots I thought it best to have the donations returned. This way they can possibly be used for another down the road in need. Toby and I would truly love that.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    How's Toby doing, Xena? I hope his sore mouth is better now, and that his behavior is improving!

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Xena is getting an error message when she tries to enter Pet Talk, and asked that I post an update for you about Toby. A positive one too!!!

    If you can let everyone know that Toby now has full run of the house. He is
    getting along with the dogs pretty good and with the play therapy is even
    starting to do better with Casper and Saber. Toby now will even sleep in the
    same room with them within a few feet of them. So I think he is progressing
    nicely. The other day I was laying on the couch watching TV and was being
    headbutted by Casper. Normally he will do this once or twice. But it
    continued. When I looked up it was Toby purring away! From there he decided
    to give me a face wash. I guess he was getting even from his bath on
    Saturday. lol He curled up on my chest layed his head under my chin and
    slept peacefully and very contented while I watched the rest of the movie.
    So we definately have come a long way and I think Toby is very happy with
    his forever home and his forever family. I guess we were destined to be
    together from the start. lol He is such a sweety!


  8. How wonderful!! Toby's story really touched me. I am so delighted to hear of his progress.

    Please extend my best wishes!

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    What a wonderful story with such a happy ending. Xena there is a crown waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. It is saved for only very special people. And you have been chosen by all of our little angels who watch from above.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont
    Gosh Xena, you are an angel for sure! I am so glad Toby is coming around and being part of his new found family. Such a delightful story - and out come. Thank you for taking such good care of such a dreadful situation. You are just the best!

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Gini and Sasvermont, I say a big "AMEN" to what you both said!! Xena is top notch in my book. I just want her Pet Talk problems to be solved so she can speak for herself!! LOL!! I hope she will email Paul or Karen to see what in the world the "10600" error means, and that they can get it straightened out.


  12. #87
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Hi Everyone!
    Ok I have deleted my temp internet files and cookies. Seeing if now I can post here. Toby is doing great! He even attempted a mutual grooming session with Casper yesterday. They did well for about 2 mins until Casper decided it was playtime. lol Toby's mouth has healed very nicely and the drooling has stopped. He still likes the Whiskas pouches so we stay stocked up on it. Normally I feed them in separate rooms to avoid any confrontations. The door was cracked and Casper had gotten into where Toby was eating. I ran in as soon as I saw the door cracked thinking oh no they are going to fight. My mouth dropped as there they sat side by side eating away from the same dish with no conflict! All three of them are sharing 3 litter boxes too. Toby and Casper even chased each other around last night playing like they should instead of getting upset like Toby used to. Saber is taking a little longer to trust Toby now but I think he is showing signs that he will soon. He has been watching Casper and Toby alot and I am hoping will soon join in. I have been doing play therapy with the three of them three times a day from a book by Pam Johnson Bennett a feline behavior consultant. It reallys seems to have made a difference in Toby and how they get along. Plus I do a play session alone with Toby so he can be the victor and catch the prey everytime. (A toy at the end of a string on a wand. lol)

    Thanks for your care and concern about Toby it has been truly appreciated. (Crossing fingers that this works.)


  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Aberdeen, MD
    Xena, you are truly an angel! I am so glad Toby is doing well and getting along with the cats and dogs in your household. He sounds like such a sweet boy. I get tears in my eyes whenever I read your posts. Sure wish I could have found a permanent home for him, but it sounds like he has his place in your home and heart.
    Please let us know if you need any $$ for Toby's medical bills, or any other needs that come up. I'm glad you can now post on PetTalk, we'll all be sure to keep in touch.
    Hugs to you and Toby, and your other fur kids!

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Hurray! Xena, I'm so glad to see that you were able to get back in, and that you had more good news about Toby!! He certainly sounds happy, and you do too!!

    Connie, I'm glad you're back too, new name and all. Sure am glad you put "Bo's Mom" under your new nickname, so I was sure to know it was you.

    What a success story. Just wish it could be that way for all the little needy ones.


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