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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, congratulations, Smokey, on both the new name, and the forever home! So glad everything has worked out, welcome to the family!

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    I'm a bit late with my congratulations to Smokey Stray Mate, the Trey Kid...being down the other side of the world. Love the full's the kind of long, well thought out name that's given to a pedigree dog. And Smokey's a top dog & deserves a name like that.
    Smokey Stray MATE makes him an honorary Aussie. When somebody does something really good here in australia, we use the phrase,'Onya, mate!' It's short for 'Good on you, mate!'. So, Cinder, when Smokey does good things, you might like to think about saying, 'Onya, mate!' instead of 'Good, boy'.
    Congratulations to Pred, Cinder, Karen, & everyone who gave us a new doggy friend in

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    YAY!! YIPEE!! YAHOO!! Totally Fantastic! Awesome! Great! Wonderful! Magificent! Welcome, Smokey, to the "family" and our hearts! Way to go Cinder & Phred! I love happy endings!!!

  4. #79
    Hi again, everbody; it's Cinder ~

    Time for me to intro my liddel brudder, Smokey the Kid. OK Smoke - jump rite in here and say Hello to all the wunnerful KurKids and Hoomins that are rootin' for ya...
    Gosh, Cinners, I'm too scairt ta talk on the 'pooter keys. What should I say? Oh, OK, Cin.

    I wanna say a Big Thankx to all you folks that talked Dad into keepin' me insted of given me ta the Angels at the shelter jail. I think I'm allowed to stay as long as I keep behavin' and don't fight with Cinder or the Kat. Dad's made some calls and is trying to get us into the Dog Skool that starts reel soon. He even told Cinders that she might be goin' back to the Skool for a 'fresher lessin or two (heeheehe).
    34wersd 89uiojk56rtyfg uihjknm -=p[];' rtdfgcv 67tyugh23qweas
    Oops, sorry. Hey CinDog, Help!

    Cinder again... The Kid go a little 'cited there and started banging keys with both paws. He'll katch on perty quick - he's a smart lil' pup. Like he said - Thanks to all our friends for talkin' to Dad!!

    We'll talk again later...

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*
    Last edited by Phred; 03-08-2002 at 07:38 PM.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Cind, Smoke, Star "Burst" here. Geezz, I'm barkless! My little labbie heart is sittin in a puddle at my paws!! You two are just the bestest pups and real buds to all us kids and hoomins. Feels like I known yuz all my life. Thinks that's what my mom taught me it means to be and have a real friend. I hope I can be your forever friend, Cind and Smoke! Now Cind, keep the youngin in line and make sure he don't mess up and end up back in jail! You can kinda like, be his "tooter!" I think he'll love school with all the other kids too. As for his 'puter skills.....well, like housebreakin; some things just take time and praktice, praktice, praktice!! I'll be posting a Star Burst "Flash" soon...some real heartbreakers!! Watch for me soon on my channel, "Star Flash..." Oh, and don't forget to tell dad, should he venture out tonight, to leave you the remote!! Love ya, Star and Cody

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited February 02, 2001).]

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Onya, Smokey! That was an amazing first try on the computer. Cinder Dog must be a great teacher. Between the two of you, there must be a powerful amount of brainpower. I'm sure you'll both do great at School...Smokey as a freshman and Cinder as a postgrad student.
    Take good care of your Dear Old Dad because he's given you both (& Kat) the bestest home.
    Now, when are you going to start writing a book on that computer!

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Daisy here. Congrats to both of you doggies! I'd glad Smoke's gonna stay with you Cind. You guys are gonna have a lot of fun together! Two dogs are better than one. This has been quite an interestin' conversation we've all had, and it's even got us furkids to start using the pyooter! So thanks to Cinder and Smokey and good luck to ya!

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Hey Cinder, it's me Hannah. Now that the Smokes is family, you might as well start keeping a journal, because I'm sure there will be lots going on at your house and sometimes a dog needs to vent. With all the these nosey cyber friends wanting to know all your business, you might as well just write it down and let them see what's going on at Phred's place. Geez, they're always loggin' on to check whether you've posted anything anyway! I used to be a little jealous (like Star) of all the time Mom spent on the puter and then talking about Cinder this and Cinder that. But then I realized, if Mom is enjoying Cinder and the Smokes maybe that will keep her away from those rescue and animal shelter sites.
    Those are dangerous territory for the likes of my Mom. Next thing I would look up and there would be another Tucker in the bed.

  9. #84
    Hi to Star, Cody, Daisy, Hannah, and all the rest of you guys ~

    We just popped into the Shop to grab some lunch and check in to say Howdy. Trere's quite a few tails to tell on Brother Smokey that I don't have time for rite now. Dad wants to run some errands and says maybe we'll stop back.

    Hannah, you and Star are right about that watch out for strays - unless the Hoomins are willing to get a new Big Bed you gotta watch how big the fambly gets. The Smoke just figgured out where Dad and Me go when we climb onto the bed - he started climbing up on Friday night. Talk about *chummy* - we pack in so tight on both sides of Dad he can't hardly roll over! And that's without Kat 'cause Boots is still a little timid sleepin' next to the Kid . Add the Kat and I'd say we're a little bit past full-up. Might be a tiny bit better when the Kid graduates past the leash tied to the foot of the bed. That's to keep him outa trouble and also minimize the number of miles he can put on the Kat each night. Also makes it a little tight for him to move around without steppin' on Dad's tenter spots or mashin' me in the ribs .

    Dad says NOW! ...Later /s/ Cinder Woof

  10. #85
    Greetings, fellow NawteeDawgs ~ Cinder & Smoke saying Hi! while we're still allowed to use the 'puter...

    Promised to tell some Tails on ole' Smokey, but Dad sez I tell everbody how bad I've been or he takes me offa the 'puter.

    We (Smoke & Me) just did the Super No-No. Dad put us on the rope at the Shop when we got here an' we played together reel nice. One of Dad's FireBuds came to visit and Dad sees >>we're gone<< an the rope's busted right at the post, which means we're running together but tied together... Dad and the Bud holler, but we can't here them 'cause we're both a quarter mile upstreet in town. Dad starts walkin' and the Buddy drives upstreet on his way home. Well the Buddy sees the DogKatcher Truck pull in behind the 'partments in town and thinks maybe the Katcher Guy knows more than he does, so's he follows. Katcher Guy gets out with a long stik wiffa rope on it and goes upstairs to a 'partment over a carport roof. Guess who's up onna roof all snarled up onna railing? Yep, me an the SmokeMutt; all dirty an scruffy lookin, and kinda yappy 'cause we're all tied up wiff our rope. Katcher Guy takes my license plate number and notes that the Smoke has my last year plate on his collar. 'Bout that time the Bud has called Dad onna cell dinger and Dad's on the way up; the Bud tells the Katcher Guy he knows us doggies so the katcher pole goes back inna truck. Dad skreeches to a stop an dashes up the steps and starts untying us. Guess we acted like we knew Dad, 'cause the Katcher Guy dint ask Dad to prove we were his. Dad dint even get a ticket; the Katcher Guy just said Smokey needed a tag in the next two weeks. It was a REEL Quiet ride back to the Shop... Even though it's a bit past BrunchTime, I suggested to the Kid that we not "hound" Dad ta feed us, since the air is so thick with >>tension<< you could carve it wiffa knife!

    More trouble: the 'puter died 3 times while we were ritin this story. Dad finally noticed it happens when one of us flops down on the MuttMat unner the 'puter desk. He crawled under an wiggled the main power cord for the 'puter an it croaked again. Hmmm; the plug inna wall that Shadow worked on for 5 years an I've been wigglin' for the last two years finally was ready to fall out. Dad crawled under with a wire tie to put the fix on the problem. He thought it was real nice for the Smoke to crawl under, on top of his chest, no less, to help. I crawled in beside Dad to supervise. I find it helps to *bond* when you've really screwed up BigTime and the Two-Legger is starting to show sings of >STRESS< .

    I'll send more if I'm allowed to. Dad has to look to be sure the 'puter dint scramble any 'portant stuff while it's been blinkin' on an off Sunday and today.

    /s/ the NawteeDawgs...

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Cinder & Smoke, youse guys are a riot. This is better den watchin' Animal Planet all day. It's a regular doggie soap opera! Ma reads us your stories every day and she said sumptin' like she's glad we two are a little less mis-chee-vis?? Keep the fun stories rollin' in...

    Shiloh & Killian (both GSDs)

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  12. #87
    Hi, Shiloh & Killian, Cinder here ~

    Dad sez these Tails would be reel funnie - like hee-heee funnie, if it weren't for the sad fact that they're all true!

    He keeps 'minding Smoke and Me that the Kid only gets to stay as long as we behave. And I guess I'd hafta say it would be a stretch to say we've been behavin' the last couple days.

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Oh Cinder...Star here. Now that's one fer da books!! Say it ain't so, Cind!! Like, I knows yuz two are like bonding an all, an I thunk I dun it all. But your little s-capade puts me and my triks to shame!! Remember, as the "first born" it's your job to teach the new kid the ropes! NOT untie them!! And fire dads like Phred are there to reskue pups from big puddles with krunchie water and hot dens, not from roofs or trees. That's where Kat types get stuck! And let me tell ya from xperience, yuz DON'T want that there guy with the long stick and neck choker thingy to lasso yuz up and stik yuz in jail. That's there's reeeel doggie hell and dad just might think twice bout springin yuz. And I'm still skratchin my butt tryin to figger how yuz two got up there...TIED TOGETHER!! Listen Cind to a pup who's been round the block. After all you guys been through, don't wanna hear that this team's breakin up! Listen, I know how hard it is to please these hoomins, but you and the Smoke's gotta give it yer all. Dad AND the 'puter just might have a meltdown if you don't. Keepin my paws crossed. Love Star and Codster

  14. #89
    C'mon, Star ~ You'n Cody are startin ta sound like Dad...

    I should noe better than to run around like that. I wuz borned down around Wheeling, WV and got 'rested by the county jailer there with one of those choker stikz that the Katcher Guy was gettin' ready to use 'fore Dad's Buddy spoke up for us. I think we was kinda' close to going for a ride in the Guy's mobile jail truck. It's also a reely, reely good thing the nice Guy dint give Dad a ticket!

    I'm a little fuzzy how we got onna roof. There wuz guys working next door at the ding dong company building, and a dog lives somewhere inna 'partment where we wuz. Maybe someone chased us up to the porch then we went onta the roof from there. Dad couldn't tell if were got tied by a Hoomin or just snarled ourselves up. Dad says he's gonna stop tomorrow an see if the ding dong men helped by tyin' us up. Says he otta thank 'em if they did.

    All I remember is SmokeMutt whinin' and bawlin' that we'd never get back home with Dad anna Kat, he wuz hungry, and gettin' tired of runnin' and trippin' over each other. I was thinkin' how bad we'd been to run 'cross the busy road that runs past the Shop into town. We wuz both perty happy to see Dear ol' Dad pull up for the rescue!

    /s/ Cinder & Smokey
    the Rescued & Adopted
    FurKids of *Phred*

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Star here. Pheeeeew!!!!!! Bet yer soooooo glad yuz have such a goooooooood dad! Now stay put and lay low. Thanks for the klarifikation!!! Bet'll you'll think twice fore doin sumthin dumb like that again! And make sure Smoke's got on all his proper jewelery on!! Might lose yuz cuz we all havin some nasty storm with lotta winds and everythins rattlin and blinkin and the 'puter might go bust. Oh, did I tell ya?? Mu unkle's a fire guy like dad too. My kusin's a choclate labbie named Barney. He gives his dad quite a workout too! It's been once or twice his buds had to do a reskue like Phred! Sleep good you guys. Luv ya, Star

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