Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post

I'v ebeen cooking since I was old enough to see over the stove. One of the first "real" recipes we learned as kids was Macaroni and cheese.

It's a simple recipe, and starts with a white sauce base for the cheese sauce.

I have NEVER in my memory had the sauce fail.

I've been teaching MJ how to cook, and we made scalloped potatoes the other day for dinner. The sauce curdled, which is a first for me, but I wrote it off as maybe MJ did something wrong.


We were making macaroni and cheese, poured the white sauce over the cheese to mix, and it separated! I've NEVER had that happen.

I just sent Weis markets an email informing them that I will no longer purchase anything with the Weis label on it, because whatever the heck was in that jug it certainly wasn't milk.

Sounds like the milk was old and on the verge of going sour. Heating it would have caused this to happen. I've had milk spoil even before the "sell by" date on the container, so it's pretty hard to trust those dates anymore. Who knows how many temp changes the milk goes thru before it gets to the store cooler, I had yogurt ferment too, before the sell by date, and when I called Yoplait about it, they told me that temp changes back and forth, will most definitely cause this. They sent me over $20 in coupons for the $8 I paid for the yogurt that was bad.