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Thread: Steve Irwins remains to be fed to his crocs - not a real story

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Mixed feelings about this thread.

    Again, while not a huge fan of the Croc Hunter, I was afraid that one day he'd be the first course of an animal he was showcasing.

    I think there is a great deal of irony in the whole story.

    Being killed by a relatively docile animal.
    Dying in the ocean and not on land.
    The swiftness of the accident as opposed to being munched to death.

    I would have thought he would have lost a digit or limb before he lost his life.

    In some strange way I think he'd laugh at the thought of being fed to a croc AFTER his death....
    Last edited by RICHARD; 09-06-2006 at 04:09 PM.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Concordia Lutheran Home in Cabot
    To me, the publishing or even thinking of such an article is in vey poor taste and very disresptful of Steve Irwin's memory and to his family who are still in shock and grief at his passing.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I cannot even believe someone found death funny and decided to make it into humor. Sure, Steve Irwin loved his crocs but that was part of his job! If he didn't love them, he would not have showed so many people what kind of creatures they really were. He did so much things for animal conservation its not even funny. What an a$$! This person needs to be slapped in the face over and over agian till his brain damage is fixed. People actually buy the "national inquirer"? Wow, thats sad.

    Lori, I don't think anyone was trying to be rude to you. I think they were reffering to the sources of the story.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    Lori, I don't think anyone was trying to be rude to you. I think they were reffering to the sources of the story.
    Exactly! Group hug

    What is it about the word "SATIRE that isn't understood
    I though satire was meant to be funny or at least mildly amusing............
    Give £1 for a poundie

  5. #65
    That's not satire - just bad taste to publish it so soon but I guess the Steve Irwin jokes will start doing the rounds soon................
    Sadly they have already started.. actually they started within hours of the news .

    I found this article & posting of it absolutly sickening... what a load of crap .

    I am going to look into it, but i am thinking feeding the remains of a human to any animal would be illegal .

  6. #66
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    [QUOTE=cloverfdx]Sadly they have already started.. actually they started within hours of the news . [QUOTE]

    Such is human nature I'm afraid - remember the Diana jokes, the 9/11 jokes..................maybe is a coping mechanism of sorts
    Give £1 for a poundie

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I haven't heard any jokes yet, but my friend told it was funny he died and laughed, so I had to set her straight.

    I can't remember who said it, one of you said his death was totally ironic. WASN'T IT? TOO ironic, if you ask me.

    Did anyone hear how he actually pulled the barb of the stingray out of his chest, and then the next second he was gone?

    I'm still so upset about this all.

    ETA: Just heard my classmates joking and laughing about it.
    Last edited by BC_MoM; 09-07-2006 at 12:03 PM.

    "Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you?
    But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window." -- Steve Bluestone

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BC_MoM
    I can't remember who said it, one of you said his death was totally ironic. WASN'T IT? TOO ironic, if you ask me.
    I just saw a movie where you are led to believe that the main character dies after achieving his dream.....He goes on for another 9 years going back to that dream.

    Judging by what the Irwin accomplished, I think that most of us will die in some boring fashion, like in bed, alone and with no record of our passing.

    If I die at my job,

    I'll lie in a puddle of spit with my nose on the keyboard.

    304ifegwqjerg[3u Will be my epitah..

    Funny? The joke is on all of us...

    We live our sucky lives and have to envy someone who's job was traveling around the world, working at 'job' that most of us would kill for.
    Toss in a good looking partner, a few offspring and some T.V. shows?

    I think I'll wake the cat up and have a good wrestle with him.


    He wasn't a good bloke......

    He was Great!

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Chicagoland, IL
    Good point Richard. I agree that ultimately priority should be quality over quantity when it comes to life and how we live it. I hope in time the thought of the joy Steve had and accomplishments he made in his life will bring some comfort to his family, friends, and fans.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    You know, I always envied Steve - I bet he didn't have a morning when he woke up and said to himself: Maybe I won't go to work today - I'll call in sick. He loved his job and he did it with passion - he inspired so many people to look beyond their problems and needs and realize that nature conservation is a common job.

    I am sorry he died, this means now we'll have one great person less on this planet.

    Disgusted at the article.

    Lori, I know you didn't understand, but I'd be more careful another time when posting.

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