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Thread: What color should I get???

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by popcornbird
    Zan, we call that a rose breated cockatoo here! OMG! I can't believe you have those in your backyard! You're so lucky! I'm sure you can tame them (even the wild ones) because they are very intelligent and one Australian on a cockatiel board I'm on said she tamed all the cockatoos that come in her backyard and they're very friendly, even come in her house sometimes! Makes me want to take the next flight to Australia! We only know those birds here as pets, so I can't even imagine them wild! When we went to get Popcorn and Muffin, there was a rose breated cockatoo there. It was BEAUTIFUL! I went up to see it, and it started bobbing its head and all of a sudden told me "HELLO! My name is Ruby!" OMG! He really startled me because I was NOT expecting that. I started begging for him, and my parents said well get him..............until they saw the price! $1,500!!! Is it illegal in Australia to adopt a wild bird as a pet, because all the parrots there are pet birds! LOL
    Yes I thought you called them something different, but I couldn't remember what
    Well, I'll have to get to work taming all the galah's in my backyard...that can be my next project after I get my new baby tiel! And LOL Ruby sounds gorgeous!!
    I've only seen on galah here actually on sale as a pet, but I didn't see what the price was.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    oh and also, I forgot to say Popcornbird I LOVE your new sig (especially the pic of Popcorn, I have to say). Are both Muffin and Popcorn clipped? We clipped Lachie but he can still fly a little, so we don't take him outside at all...but anyway, those shots are just beautiful!

  3. #48
    i know! how can you keep them outside?? i know there wings are clipped but i guess im kind of a worry wort when it comes to bringing tiki outside lol

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    So What color cockatiel should I get? Grey? I think I am gunna get a grey one
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by popcornbird
    Thanks! I tried to get a pic of Muffin as good as Popcorn's, but she kept moving! She wanted to go back inside. She HATES the outside world! LOL

    I would NEVER take any other bird outside even if they were clipped, but Popcorn and Muffin are different. It seems that they never learned to fly. They are clipped, but even when their wings are fully grown, they still don't fly. They have never even tried to fly once in the 3 1/2 years we have them! They glide down from high places, but they are too scared to fly up. I only take them in the backyard to take pics, but I stand RIGHT next to them, and when they are out on my hand, I wrap my fingers around their feet. I'm VERY careful, but I wouldn't recommend it. My birds are just different.
    lol "I'm different!"..."No're special."
    And that is weird. We can't get Lachie to STOP flying we've clipped his wings just how the vet said and he continues to fly wherever he pleases . It doesn't matter that much, anyway, and it's probably good for him to stretch his wings. My dad doesn't think it's so funny though, because Lachie's favourite landing place is on his head! lol it's pretty funny, dad's got this thick black hair and Lachie settles himself in it like it's a nest, before I rescue dad But he's still perfectly tame, and if I whistle to him then he will come and land right back on me, so I don't think it's really a big issue.
    Maybe Muffin and Popcorn bird never needed to learn to fly? I don't know, maybe it's something to do with the age they were sold at, or maybe you're just such a good parent that they never felt the need to fly away from you
    BTW i might have said this before but I'll say it again...Muffin just looks about the cuddliest bird I've ever seen! (just as a whisper, I'm thinking about getting a pearl cockatiel, because she's so gorgeous)

  6. #51
    zan: i looovee lachie! do you have any new pics??? thx

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by Jessica12345
    zan: i looovee lachie! do you have any new pics??? thx
    no sorry jess, my digital camera's not working at the moment I've got my brother onto it, but he hasn't fixed it yet.
    Anyways, since pettalking birdies are so cute, i reckon it would be really cool if someone could put all of the birds into one photo so it looked like they were really together...i'd volunteer, but I don't have photoshop or whatever it is a person needs to do that kind of stuff. Don't you think it would be neat? The cutest photo ever!

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by popcornbird

    She is the cuddliest bird! LOL! They were very young when we got them, so I guess they never learned to fly. They were young when we got them, and I guess they got used to walking and not flying. They can fly down, just not up. I dunno, maybe they can but just don't want to?? Oh well, their choice. I wouldn't mind them flying in the house, but they choose not to!

    Ps. I noticed pied tiels LOVE to fly! LOL
    There's this lady that lives a few houses up from me that has a pet Rainbow Lorikeet and she walks down the street in the evening with the little guy on her shoulder!
    I don't know why he doesn't fly away. Maybe he's a wild bird she just tamed, or maybe she's permanently clipped his wings or something. Anyway he's a gorgeous little bird! And she takes him for his daily walk every evening and it's really sweet.
    And about Muffin - if you pet her a lot does she close her eyes? Because that's the kind of cuddly bird she looks like! I used to rub Charlie's cheek patches and she'd go completely into this trance sleep thing...she looked like bliss itself. Does Muffin like to be petted a lot? Because she looks like that kind of bird.

    Tikeya's Mom: When are you getting your new tiel? As for colours I'm debating between silver, pearl, and lutino (I guess it also depends on availability). Post pics when you get your new baby!

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
    So What color cockatiel should I get? Grey? I think I am gunna get a grey one
    maybe just pic the one with the best personality? looks are important but maybe pick the bird that picks u?
    I've been BOO'd!

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    I am for surely gunna get a grey one that likes me.. Oh to hell with it I dont really care about the color any more as long as the bird is nice like popcornsbirds birds. .. Cheeko always bites. He will sit on my finger and thats it. Did I mention it is hell to get them out of their cage ..
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
    I am for surely gunna get a grey one that likes me.. Oh to hell with it I dont really care about the color any more as long as the bird is nice like popcornsbirds birds. .. Cheeko always bites. He will sit on my finger and thats it. Did I mention it is hell to get them out of their cage ..
    Why do you want to get another bird if the one you already have isn't even tame? I dont' think PCB's birds just "came" nice...I'm sure she really worked with them to get them to love and trust her, and be the sweet birds they are. You've got to be willing to work with the bird also, to get them to like you. Maybe you should work with Cheeko first.

  12. #57
    I think you should work with the one you already have for a while before getting another. although you said you getting a job first? how soon? because until then you should really be reasearching on birds and working with cheeko.

    Tiki didnt exactly like me at first either, but Like i said i went to a speical bird place and they made me get to know her for a month before taking her home, so it wasnt that hard to tame her. But i still had to work with her.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    Well I dont know what to do to make my bird trust me, he just bites really hard and dwars blood. And he hisses. I think He is impossible to tame, or @ least is seams that way. How do I tame him? He'll sit on my finger but he wont let me touch him.
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  14. #59
    Originally posted by wolfsoul

    10000?! i wouldnt buy anything for 10, 000 dollars...
    So I guess you'll never own a car or a house!

    Ummmm, I hate to play devils advocate here, but, T's mom, WHY ARE YOU GETTING ANOTHER PET??? your dog just killed your rabbit and in another thread you talked about your dog having killed a bird. Then you were complaining about the cost of spaying the bunny, but, you're willing to PAY for another animal!!!
    You keep saying that your a bad pet owner and I'm starting to wonder if that's true. A good pet owner would make sure all of their pets are taken care of before they bring any more pets into their home. And if your dog has a high prey drive, then that should be taken care of before you bring anymore pets home.

    just my .02$

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Just remember that Popcornbird and others are trying to help you. She is very passionate when it comes to birds, yours and others.
    Well, said Brie!!! I have wondered the same thing myself, but was leery of saying anything here b/c I don't know the first thing about birds. But I do care.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

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