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Thread: cats eat the dangdest things!

  1. #31
    Pesto will actually lick, if not EAT, anything. She licks her scratching post even (it is carpeted)! She has been caught licking the bathroom door, tub, sink, computer monitor (a favorite), and especially her momma's forehead!

    Personal servant for Pesto

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    So. Wisconsin
    Our current two cats are really strange - they only eat their food and their kitty snacks! We have never had cats like this before!! The male will try to steal milk out of a glass or a momentarily unattended cereal bowl, but if you give him a little milk in his dish, he's not as interested, and will only lick up a little bit. Guess it's the challenge of sneaking it that's more appealing to him. The female, or the "Critic", as we refer to her, is something else - if we give her a little bit of chicken or ham or cheese, she will sniff at it, turn up her nose, and try to bury it!! They both will eat flies if they get a chance...quite off-putting for us, I must say.

    One of our previous cats absolutely loved fresh mushrooms, and would come running whenever I opened a package. He also liked garden peas, and cucumber. Both he and his companion cat liked corn on the cob. We would put them outside with their corn on the cob because it was messy. It does look funny to see a cat eat corn on the cob. I think sometimes with two cats, when one likes something, the other one thinks he should eat it too, just so he's not missing out on anything.

  3. #33
    My cat Boogie, eats the weirdest things! One of the strangest people foods he's eaten is corn. He eats all kinds of things, and I wouldn't be suprised if he ate string like Pesto too!


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Asperagus....need I say more?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    MA, USA
    i tried to give Zezu some bannana last night, he didn't like it though. he just pawed at it. He loves when my girl friend is eating 'go-gurt'. it's a form of yogurt that's held in a handy tube. He always sits up on her shoulder when she eats those.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Canberra, Australia
    Kazi loves cheese, tuna, turkey - all the usual things, but she will virtually mow me down to get to the vegimite! Those in the UK and Australia will know what I'm talking about but I suspect those in the UK and Cnanda may not - its a salty, black, strong tasting paste we use as a spread - I love it on toast, but I get tired of fighting Kaz off for a taste! She's also a licker - one brand of hairspray (I woke to find her licking my head one night!) that I only used the once was obviously very tasty to her too - she likes the bathroom walls and cupboards too...

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    CA, US
    Originally posted by khoiho:
    My three month old grey and white tabby Miuccia goes absolutely wild for my eye makeup removal pads. Miuccia is usually the sweetest kitty, but whenever she gets close to one or smells one she growls and lunges for it. I have to be very careful where I throw the things. Once I accidently threw one in an open wastebasket and I only realized it when Miuccia was digging through the trash. I was too late - she had it half swallowed by the time I caught her and she was growling very aggressively. I just sat there in shock praying that the makeup removal pad wouldn't do Miuccia any harm when 30 seconds later Miuccia threw up and out it came! I was immensely relieved. Miuccia has gone back to the wastebasket again and again, hoping to be lucky enough to find another tasty "treat".

    Miuccia also has the exact same reaction to the tails of furry mice toys. She half swallowed a tail on one occasion and I had to pull it out of her mouth to stop her from swallowing the whole thing!
    My cat also eats all the tails off of her mice! hehe . . .

    ~*~ Chanelle ~*~

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    CA, US
    Originally posted by pam_pesto:
    Pesto will actually lick, if not EAT, anything. She licks her scratching post even (it is carpeted)! She has been caught licking the bathroom door, tub, sink, computer monitor (a favorite), and especially her momma's forehead!

    Yes, my cat loves to lick also! I found her licking her carpeted scratching post and alos her stuffed monkey Ernie. Hehe . . .

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    CA, US
    Originally posted by pam_pesto:
    Pesto will actually lick, if not EAT, anything. She licks her scratching post even (it is carpeted)! She has been caught licking the bathroom door, tub, sink, computer monitor (a favorite), and especially her momma's forehead!

    Yes, my cat loves to lick also! I found her licking her carpeted scratching post and alos her stuffed monkey Ernie. Hehe . . .

    ~*~ Chanelle ~*~

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    CA, US
    My cat Aerial wants anything that I have. When I sit at the table to eat she'll jump up on the washstand thats behind me. Then she balances one paw on my shoulder and streches her other paw out as far as it can reach. Then Aerial trys to take my food off of the fork! Sometimes she'll get the tidbit and then she doesn't eat it! Silly kitty

    ~*~ Chanelle ~*~

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Denver, CO
    Well, after all these weeks, I have to say Kazicat tops the list. Vegemite!? Those of us who don't live upside down dispute whether it's edible for humans.

  12. #42
    I've heard it's nasty stuff, but that's what the Aussies say about our peanut butter....

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Sydney, NSW, Australia

    I'm not from Australia or USA so I'm not really biased but...

    Vegemite is delicious, it's a yeast extract with a high salt content and most cats love it

    Peanutbutter, don't let the Aussies fool you its more popular here than Vegemite! (and one of my cats likes it too)

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Canberra, Australia
    okay - we have to defend the good old vegimite - in small amounts, for humans its delicious although I admit it may be an acquired taste (like olives?). Apparently its very popular among cats and dogs as is peanut butter. I confess to being pretty fond of peanut butter too and I have a friend whose cat loves it!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Edmonton, Alberta
    My cat knows when I open a yogurt container and waits until I am done to lick out the container.

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