Quote Originally Posted by Asiel View Post
According to the numerous neurologists that have spoken about this , it seems that the damp and cold climate plays a huge part in it. According to some researchers if a person is born in Arizona or other tropical country and lived there till they were in their teens and then moved to Canada, the chances of them developing ms would be almost non existant. And if a person is born in the cold damp countries and live there till their teens and then move to the hot countries the chances of developping ms would remain high.
I haven't looked into this theory so I don't know if it's true or not but seeing it comes from leading researchers I don't discount it.
I know for a fact that Canada does have a high index of ms and Britain just as high if not more so.
I do know that teenagers in Canada often experience their first attack between 14-16.
Hmmmmmm....that is very interesting.
It puts me in mind of LUPUS........even tho it is now prevalent anywhere in the world, about 35 years ago it was mainly a disease of women who migrated from Asia to Western countries.
Gotta be something to do with the environment.