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Thread: Jack Is Ill: He is going to the bridge...(Update)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm so sorry to hear this. Please don't blame yourself. You've done everything for him that you could. I'll continue to keep Jack in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. ((((HUGS))))

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Well it is after 5 PM there. I was just checking in to see what developed. Thinking of you!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Did any of the docs use the term thyroid storm? That's what it sounds like to me.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    • Cats may present in a "thyroid storm" with severe tachycardia, open-mouthed breathing, hypoxia, and a "panic-attack" mental status. These cats may become aggressive and/or hysterical with handling.

    c. Acute Management

    • Reduce stress! Too much handling or restraint (blood draws, catheter placement, radiographs) will exacerbate catecholamine release, and can precipitate a stroke or a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.

    Give supplemental oxygen and cage rest. Do not attempt to place an oxygen face mask on a hypoxic 'thyroid storm' cat!

    Start a beta-blocking agent ASAP. Propranolol is the drug of choice because it blocks both the peripheral and cardiac effects of thyrotoxicosis, while more cardiac specific beta-blocking agents (e.g. atenolol) do not block the peripheral effects. Dose: Cat 1 - 2 mg/kg BID - TID; Dog 0.2 - 1 mg/kg BID - TID, to effect.


    Causes(in humans):

    * Infection: lung infection, throat infection or pneumonia
    * Blood sugar changes: Diabetic ketoacidosis, insulin-induced hypoglycemia
    * Recent surgery to the thyroid
    * Abrupt withdrawal of antithyroid medications
    * Radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment of the thyroid
    * Excessive palpation (handling/manipulation) of the thyroid
    * Severe emotional stress
    * An overdose of thyroid hormone
    * Toxemia of pregnancy and labor

    Thyroid storm is treated with a combination of antithyroid drugs, blockade iodine drug, beta-blockers, and treatment for any underlying non-thyroidal illness or infection that may be contributing to the thyroid storm.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    New Jersey
    I am so sorry too hear this.
    The CREW all 10 plus mom and dad are pulling for you and your baby.
    GILL & Crew;

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    I have been following this thread and am only posting now. I was hoping the news would get better and I still hold out that hope. Know our thoughts and prayers are with you from Italy and we hope and pray Jack can make it through this terrible ordeal.


    My rainbow bridge babies have forever left their paw prints on my heart.
    Lilith & Vixen, taken too soon. I love you always.

    Signatures, avatars & blinkies if anyone wants one pm me with color,
    font and background preference and with pics and names of pets.

    Lilith's Catster Page Vixen's Catster Page

    Vote for my furry ones on the cat & dog channels
    Vixen, Bella, Vega, Frost, Phoenix & Artica

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    Poor Jack and poor you I am heartbroken with you. I hope Jack finds peace and comfort regardless of the outcome. You did all you knew how to. Please don't blame yourself. Grief is the price we pay for love. Hugs.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    South Carolina
    (((hugs))) and prayers for both of you. My heart is breaking for you. We all know the pain you are feeling.
    Loving meowmie to Archy & Binky (RIP my sweet boy 10/13/10)



  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Please do not blame yourself!! You gave Jack the best care plus some!!! Many prayers coming your way for Jack and YOU!!!!!! HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!! Sandra
    Nine is Fine!!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    trenton, new jersey
    Please don't blame yourself for anything. You've done everything possible motivated by your unconditional love for Jack. Second guessing yourself and wondering all the what ifs is understandable and goes with the territory. Jack certainly doesn't blame you because he knows you love him and tried your very best to help him feel better. You did nothing wrong! Many prayers are being prayed for Jack and for you. Hoping and praying for a positive update.

  11. #41
    Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, I am counting them all, and hoping they will help to take care of Jack.

    The vet phoned yesterday and said he managed to get a blood test from Jack, he is still stable, poorly but stable having oxygen.
    He said he is completely hyperthyroid and is suffering from serious hyperthyroidism, as it has shown in his blood. This is what is making his rapid heart rate and breathing.
    His other thyroid has just completely taken over, and is going completely haywire. He said that usually 70% of thyroid in cats is bilateral.

    He is still in a stable condition, and he said he will try and get an x-ray from him today.
    What he needs to know is if there is irrepairable damage to his heart from the thryoid, if it is enlarged and damaged then there isn't much to do, as he would never survive an anaesthetic to remove the other thyroid.

    I am PRAYING that there isn't any damage to his heart, and it's all the thryoid, and he can keep being taken care of with oxygen to calm down and eventually have his thryoid removed. Once the thyroid is gone, his problem should be solved, but I am on tentahooks not knowing what his heart is going to be like.

    I feel like a zombie and completely empty. I feel sick, and have a constant pain in the centre of my chest. I am just praying his heart is okay, and he can be cured.

    I am waiting today for another phone call, I will post an update when I recieve any news.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    South Carolina
    We'll be praying very hard for Jack and you. Don't give up, miracles have happened around here.

    Loving meowmie to Archy & Binky (RIP my sweet boy 10/13/10)



  13. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    More prayers that Jack doesn't have permanent damage.

  14. #44
    I'm sending along prays for Jack and you as well.

    Take care.

  15. #45
    The vet phoned around 11.30 this morning, he managed to get a concious X-ray this morning of Jack. However, the damage to his heart is just too bad and his breathing has deteriorated. He's gravely ill and there is nothing left to try for him now.

    I will be going around 5.00pm this evening with Kevin and we will let him go to the bridge.

    Thank you everybody for your kind thoughts, prayers and words, they have been a great source of comfort to me to read them, and know that people were thinking of Jack.

    I know there is a crack in my heart that will never heal.

    I will post in memorial soon as I know this will help the grieving process for us.

    I will bury him in the garden by the fish pond, and plant a rose tree there for him. I will also buy a memorial plaque for him to put down.

    I will never forget him, he has made me happier and given me more joyous, funny and happy moments in my life than I have ever had before. The times when I was with Jack were the happiest times I have ever had in my life, and I know eventually it is this I will remember about him.

    Thank you everyone.

    Kisses and headbutts to all your own furry friends and companions.

    Kate, Kevin & Sunny xx

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