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Thread: A new show for Jon Gosselin? (of Jon & Kate+8)

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post
    Jon says his current girlfriend is supporting him all the way through this mess. I was surprised to hear that. Jon has some serious problems and he needs some immediate help. For the kid's sake, I hope he gets himself under control right away.
    I wish he would stop talking about his current girlfriend. This kind of talk is so childish .... like "she's on my side." nah nah nah nah! Some day she will be history but his kids will always be his kids. It's time he wakes up and smells the coffee and realizes that if he wants a relationship with them as they grow older this kind of stuff needs to stop. The name-calling of his ex needs to stop and they both need to go cold turkey off TV - TLC as well as interviews. Obviously no one close to him (his family) is advising him of what his actions are causing or, if they are, he isn't listening.

  2. #32
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    Yes, right, Ellie. Like we're all that stupid to not catch on to this.

    This bozo has 8 children......8 children!! He didn't think of them when he was out running around with all those women, going to all those photo shoots, premieres, parties, fashion week, etc. etc.
    Suddenly, from out of nowhere, he decides that the show is not for his children??

    Seriously, what does he plan to do to financially support them? It is still his responsibility. As we said before, those kids are going to need some serious counseling. Jon and Kate better get busy planning their future without the show. I think TLC will pull the show for sure. They don't need all this garbage. Jon thinks he's doing some good. Sorry Jon, you're wrong again. have managed to bring down everything your whole family had within a matter of months, all for your own selfishness and inconsideration. He is such a loser!!!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  3. #33
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    It would have been one thing if he quietly left the family for reasons that none of us needed to know. If he had spoken to Kate and they mutually agreed to split, quietly. No, not Jon. He left and went into a life of constant partying. How many women did he go through in two weeks? Thank goodness we'll never know the real answer.

    Instead of doing the right thing, and, possibly gaining respect, he has done it all completely wrong by all standards of decency. He should be glad he found a lawyer to back him. He looks like a real winner too, by the way. Of course he's in it all for the money and publicity.

    Jon just continues to make a fool of himself in front of everybody. Those children will have to live with the fact that their father acted so inappropriately. In later life, they will have little or no respect for him. It just makes me sick.

    Pam, after this so called girlfriend sees the Larry King show, she'll probably dump him too. He couldn't have looked or sounded any more dumb than he did.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post

    Pam, after this so called girlfriend sees the Larry King show, she'll probably dump him too. He couldn't have looked or sounded any more dumb than he did.
    I will maybe be able to catch it on a re-run sometime. I have to agree with one of Kate's comments not so long ago where she said she feels like she is divorcing a teenager, or words to that effect. He often comments on how young he was when he got married. It's too bad he didn't grow up before getting married and before becoming a father of 8.

  5. #35
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    I'm just so sick of seeing their faces plastered on every magazine and so sick of hearing all that talk about them that I just don't buy anything that mentions them anymore and I certainly wouldn't be watching anything they film. Wonder what those eight kids will think when they're finally old enough to realize they were pawns in this whole scenario.......two idiots as far as I'm concerned.
    Seems there's a new trend going on that these weirdos have tons of kids and then decide they are fed up and want a divorce. Nice example for teens today. Sick sick sick.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    I will maybe be able to catch it on a re-run sometime. I have to agree with one of Kate's comments not so long ago where she said she feels like she is divorcing a teenager, or words to that effect. He often comments on how young he was when he got married. It's too bad he didn't grow up before getting married and before becoming a father of 8.
    I hope you get to see it, Pam. Keep a barf bag close at hand. His body language is pretty absent during the whole thing. I will look forward to what you think.

    It really is a shame he couldn't have been mature enough to have realized what he was doing. His performance on the Larry King show reeks of how he believes the American public are all so gullible, he can get away with murder. Everyone is laughing at him. He's provided enough stand up material for all the comedians in the US. It's too bad the innocent children will have to pay for his indiscretions.
    Those little kids of theirs are so cute and so bright. It almost brings tears to my eyes to think of what they will have to endure as they get older and realize exactly what's happening.
    This guy better watch his back. Some kook may jump out from behind a bush somewhere and attack him.

    I don't know much about Kate but I give her credit for always being gracious about him. At least I've never seen her bad mouth or demean him. She has kept her composure and dignity much better than alot of people could have.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  7. #37
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    I don't know why everyone is so obsessed w/ their life. I think they should be left alone to deal w/their problems. There's people all over the world going thru the same thing Jon and Kate are going thru, and just because they're not on tv and everyone doesn't know about them it's like it's no big deal. I mean come on, they are normal people just like us and they are going thru some rough times in their lives right now. They each have made mistakes, haven't we all?
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genny View Post
    I don't know why everyone is so obsessed w/ their life. I think they should be left alone to deal w/their problems. There's people all over the world going thru the same thing Jon and Kate are going thru, and just because they're not on tv and everyone doesn't know about them it's like it's no big deal. I mean come on, they are normal people just like us and they are going thru some rough times in their lives right now. They each have made mistakes, haven't we all?
    Unfortunately, Jon and Kate have put their lives out there for everyone to see. Especially Jon. I don't see it as an obsession but reasons of concern.

    As I said before, if Jon would have followed proper channels to start with, all of this would not have been on Larry King Live. Obviously, Jon enjoys the limelight.

    I always give the benefit of the doubt to anyone because I'm certanly not perfect. I don't have the right to judge anyone. Let's face it, these people have provided enough reason for many of us to be concerned about the way they're affecting their children.

    I've made alot of mistakes but I dealt with them behind closed doors and didn't invite the world to critique me. Anyone else could have gotten away without scrutiny but these folks seem to be asking for it.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  9. #39
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    Ick to it all.

    poor babies

    I've been Boooo'd!

  10. #40
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    Just heard on Fox that Jon is now being sued by TLC for breach of contract. This guy is in a world of hurt from every angle.

  11. #41
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    I used to feel somewhat sorry for Jon, since I thought Kate was just trying to screw him over and make him look like the bad guy. Now it appears that he's just as looney as she is!
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  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Just heard on Fox that Jon is now being sued by TLC for breach of contract. This guy is in a world of hurt from every angle.
    I heard this on the news today too. Before this is all over, Jon G. will wish he would have learned how to control himself in every way. He is in some very deep trouble.

    I wonder if Kate will be sued individually too? She didn't call off the participation in the show. He did. Still being married, I hope she doesn't have to share in the responsibility.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  13. #43
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    Wouldn't it be lovely if the media simply ignored those two?

    Out of sight - out of mind; pure bliss

  14. #44
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    I saw a clip of a "spot" she did on Jay Leno recently. It took place in a parking lot of a grocery store and I think the clip was supposed to be funny but Kate wasn't laughing. She was struggling to get through it. It makes me wonder why she even agreed to that. It was ridiculous. I guess there was money involved. With the financial mess these two are in I can't imagine how they are going to survive.
    Last edited by Pam; 10-17-2009 at 05:01 AM.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
    Wouldn't it be lovely if the media simply ignored those two?

    Out of sight - out of mind; pure bliss

    Pam, I saw that too. It was so strange, I didn't get it and neither did anyone else apparently.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

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