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Thread: Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    A Quickie Stray Tail~

    Gotta be quick - Dad wants to go to the drug store, like Now!

    No poopie again last nite, and he doesn't even pee very much! Dad took him out twice after he Hoovered his krunchies and marched him around the front yard for 30 minutes each time. He just kept lookin' up at Dad with his "aren't we cold enough to go IN?" look and trotted along. Nothin' unner the bed (he got to sleep in our bunkroom 'cause Dad said he didn't act like he was gonna go). Darn good thing he didn't, too! Dad's positive he hasn't cleaned up after himself (ugh-yucK!) at least since yesterday morning when he got put on poop-watch and isn't allowed to run with me, only Dad.

    Dad just talked to the White Coat's nurse who said "Doc said...". Short story is don't sweat it till Monday, but if it makes Dad happy dose him with a tablespoon of mineral oil twice a day to grease up his chute. Dad got smart (after he hung up the phone) and wondered why White Coats never learn how to talk on a phone at Vet school - they allways have that nurse person to act as interpreter even when you can hear the White Coat standin' beside her???

    We're headed for the mineral oil store; the Plugged-Up Stray is gonna stay here at the shop tied to the table. Dad's even gonna bring back inside the stinky box (from Toosdays poopie) to encourage him. Got it covered two ways; if he's people-shy - we're gone; if he needs a familiar place - the parts box is his now.

    Dad says "QUIT!" so gotta run... /s/ Cinder
    I'll re-read the name ideas when we're back.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Indiana, USA
    Well, hate to admit it, but I, too, am now addicted to the ongoing saga of Cinder & ?
    I think my cats are getting jealous because I keep checking here and are not devoting my hands to their every need and whim! They have came up with some names before falling asleep...(keep in mind they are somewhat jealous, so some of them aren't too useful ) Soot, Smolder, Ashtray (kinda like a-stray), Poop-in-Box, Cindersfella, Fella for short, Number Two (I don't know if they meant that as the second dog, or were referring to that other thing ), Ashen, & Ashton,
    They also wanted to ask Cinder how the shocking situation was going, as they too are starting to not be excited for mommy to touch them, especially when she goes for the nose...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    This REALLY, REALLY makes my day!!! As much as I hate to admit it, Cinder's tails beat out Frito Feet (which still makes me LOL!) If dad can get mineral oil (yech) down Stray's throat, he will be my perpetual hero!!! Sounds like poor Stray was traumatized. landed on your porch with a bang..was he THROWN? The 2 leggers picked dad's house....hmm...they knew dad and Cinder were special.
    We all expect an update this afternoon Cinder, so make sure dad lets you at the computer!!!!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    PM Stray Tail; by Cinder~

    We're back, oil in paws. No poop - good thing, cause Dummie was sleeping in the poo box! Outie? Nice walk, no poo, no pee - WHERE is he storing that stuff??? I'll catch up on the mail while Dad tends to cooking up the Kid's oil cocktail.

    Oh, for Pete's sake, Dad! What'd ya spekt - he was gonna lap it up offa the spoon, or let you pour it inna his mouth!??? Get a towel, quick - he's got a lot more on his face and he's gonna shake again! Tablespoon goes a long way, huh Dad? Great coverage on the ceiling and the glass door - blends in nicely with the doggie nose and paw prints. No, I don't want a time out sittin' in the car for a bad attitude; I'll go back to typin' while you tidy up.

    Taste it yourself, Dad - it's yuckie AND has no taste. Put it in his bowl, mix in the krunckies, and he'll never know it's there. Well, try more than three krunch pieces - it still looks like a gallon of ugh to him! Boy, that sure slowed down his intake speed. I think he tastes a foreign substance, but I bet he licks the bowl. Yep, he did! Start thinkin' like a Dawg, Dad, and parenting will get a lot easier.

    Well, now that the Kid's all oiled up, both inside and out, how soon does the next show start? All I know is I'm not standing behind him, and I'll NOT share my 'puter rug with him till he's flushed.

    Ya know, Dad, we should put up a sign and charge admission. Two-leggers would PAY to come in and watch this circus! "Now performing, the Phred and his absolutely E-maz-ing troupe of FurKids." Look good in lights, too. No, I don't wanna go sit in the car. Kripes, is he grumpy today...

    Uh-oh; just noticed I can't see all the replies - how are we gonna sort names? I'll send this 'fore it gets losted, and maybe have to print the names out.

    As we speak, the Stray Kid's tummy is gurgling over his motor oil flavored lunch while he naps beside Dad's chair. I can get some 'puter work done sine I don't hafta keep grrrrin' him offa my rug.

    More later... /s/ Cinder

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Laverkin, UT USA
    Cinder - you are a literary genius. I too find myself glued to my computer for the ongoing antics. I must say, I am quite stricken with the name Cinder's Fella. I think its a winner. Cinder, please tell the kid that I hope everything comes out okay

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Pheeew!!! What a day Cinder Dog!! I'm sure the "kid" would say the same! Still, 'preciate you takin the time outta your BUSY day, supervising the recovery and all, to write us. Like Karen, I am toooo taken with your tales. And while I hate to admit it (having been the subject's initiator) this beats even "Frito Feet" for LOL!!! Can't wait to hear how the lube job turned out And I love the name Cinder Fella too!!! Give the kid a paw for me!! Love ya Cinder!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Cinders, I hope that the mineral oil does the trick & that Stray Dog dumps some evidence that it has worked. Which brings me to another name choice for him...The Dumpster. That might encourage him to live up to his name. And you'll be known as Cinders and The Dumpster. After all, he dumped himself on your doorstep to find a home. Also a dumpster truck takes away the debris after a fire (that's stretching it a bit). And your Dad might find himself calling Stray Dog 'Dummy' for short whenever he gets mad at him...which will save him searching for words. Yes, Cinders and The Dumpster!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Evening Stray Tail, by Cinder~

    "The Boys" just came back in from another happy romp around the Shop in the snow storm. The score: pee = 1, poddy = 0/zip/nuttin. Dad's tappin' his sides now to see if maybe he's still empty or too low to overflow. I suggested we just fill him up and see what happens: fillup and overflow out the back end; fillup and overflow at the front; or continuous filling with mysterious loss of *product*. If the first happens, everybody goes home happy. If it's the second or third, we go see the White Coat on Monday. Oh, yeah; partial problem with #1 is just exactly WHEN the blessed event happens, and I guess WHERE. Three AM in the bunkroom would probably not be called a total suksess.

    For those asking about the fambly's *Zap!* and *ouch!* problem, I added an uptade to that long and sordid tail that should help clear up that issue. As you will see, we haven't *fixed* the problem - I just avoid the "paws of pain". Oh, and here's a link that should go back to the *Zap!* forum:

    Name Game summary to follow.
    /s/ Cinder

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Step right up and play *Name That Dawg*, with your host, Cinder, the lil Shepherd~

    Suggestions needed to name "The Stray", a 1 year old, 21", 30 pound (he shrunk from previous estimates), light & dark gray with black overlay 3/4" long to 1/8" long semi-course coat, partial German Shepherd mixed with quite a bit of ??? Smallish, tipped-over (forward) ears; Long but thin tail. Sorta cute, he starts to grow on ya. He's quite timid (read fearful) account abuse from the two-leggers who dumped him in front of Dad's and my house last Sunday. He's super friendly to me, Boots the Kat, and Daddy-O. And if you've been reading these Tails, ya know the rest...

    So far, we have the following names (hope & more hope I didn't furget someone's idea)...

    • Ashley (as in fire ashes)
    • Ashdog
    • Ashen
    • Ashton (wow! He'd have to wear a tie)
    • Ashtray (play on several themes)
    • Blaze
    • Burny or Burnie
    • Charcoal
    • Chimney
    • Cindersfella aka Fella
    • Cole or Coal (fire)
    • Dumpster ('splain That to everyone)
    • Flame
    • Flash
    • Flicker (as in flame flickering)
    • Flint
    • Gunner (Angels for Animals kennel name)
    • Match
    • #2 (as in Number Two; dog or poop)
    • Poop-in-Box (neat?? at dog skool)
    • Poopie-Come-Lately (Dad! that's not funny!)
    • Smoke
    • Smokey
    • Sparky (pretty common, usually Dalmation)
    • Stray
    • Stray Bo
    • Stray Boy
    • Stray Dude
    • Stray Mate (the Down Under flavour)
    • Stray Pal
    • Stryker
    • Tinder
    • Trevor aka Trey
    • Trey / Tres / Tray (French Three = 3rd FurKid
    • sTray (takeoff on Stray & Trey)

    OK, I hope that's all of 'em suggested so far. If we left out anyone's idea, so sorry and Please post it again. Dad and I really like some of 'em; even the Kid pricked his little ear-bones at a few.

    Offer some more and everybody can use the list as a reference the next time you hafta name a new FurKid.

    Off we go to home and another dose of *motor oil and Krunchies*.

    Thankx for all the Ideas and Kind Thoughts!!!
    /s/ Cinder, the lil' Shepherd Dawg

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hee hee - I'd just stay away from "Fella" - might be awkward calling him outdoors "Here, Fella!" Random male pedestrians would be wondering "Why's that guy calling me, I didn't do anything!"

    We had an awkward time with the girl across the street after we named a dog Grace. It quickly became Gracie, the human girl's name was Tracy, and as Gracie loved to slick-sneak past us to run loose, there was much confusion when we'd holler "Gracie! Get back here!" Tracy didn't have much of a sense of humor about it, either!

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    I had the same thought as Karen about the name "Fella", although CindersFella is a cute idea. I vote for Flicker. It's a great dog's name. It has the "fire" theme and it's a good name for a happy-go-lucky "fella". When I was pregnant and reading all these books on names, one said to yell the name out as though you were calling the child. If it sounds awkard or just plain funny, don't use it. Also think about the dogs personality and the way he looks. You're right about the name Ashton. You should see the looks I get when I yell "Jeffrey" (previous owner's named him) and this little, short, hyper dog with a Basset body and a Lab head comes running.

    Karen and Paul, I think you should add a forum and call it "Cinder's Thought of the Day", "Cinder's Adventures" or maybe even a "Cinder's Advice Column" . Cinder's definitely a smart pup and I think all of our pups should be able have a place to talk about thier problems with us humans.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    I agree with Genia that Cinders has given a voice to dogs & cats. Phred has produced the cleverest, funniest true life animal tales I've read for a long time. That man & his dogs & his cats should have literary agents lining up at his door...along with the stray animals.
    He's brilliant at going right to the heart of all the things that we love about owning pets. I'm sure Cinders would agree that she's brought her Dad up to be a very smart 2-legger. Imagine what Cinders & her Dad could do to help all our pets explain what their problems are. They really know how to talk the talk.
    Karen & Paul, have you ever thought of adopting Cinders & her Dad and giving them a good home on this Genia suggests?

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Hey Cinder, It's me Hannah!

    Listen, Girlfriend, you gotta watch your Dad. If he is anything like my Mom, he's about to go off the DEEP EDGE with this waiting for Stray to make the stinkies, especially now that it is cold and snowy and every time he takes the little critter out, he has to put on the coats and boots and stuff. If you find him crying in the bathroom, you gotta go up to him and give him lots of kissies. That gets them back on track for awhile anyways. I won't explain how I know all this, just let's say it goes back to my yoot when I had issues about when and where to do my business.

    I think if the Stray really did have a plug in him, he'd be upchucking his krunchies. Before Tucker came to live with us, (this was after he was a stray and was in this other home where they decided not to keep him) he got into undigestibles and got plugged up pretty good. Anyways he kept bringing stuff up out the front on a pretty steady basis. The vet had to open him up and clean him out. They found candy wrappers and dental floss and the Vet found him $800.00. Just kidding, that Vet guy saved his sorry ass and Mom gets all teary eyed thinking about what happened to her *Baby Boy* before he came to our house.

    Anyways Cinder, unlike me, I know you actually WANT a brother, so I won't try to dissuade you, but you watch out, them boys know all about being all lovey dovey and oh, so devoted. We'll talk later, Girlfriend!

    [This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited January 27, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited January 27, 2001).]

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio

    Cinder Dog, the Gen Mngr at another of the Phred's Sankchoairy family of home entertainment facilities, announced that solid waste production had suddenly resumed this morning at the soon to be renamed Stray Kid mobile plant. That operation was believed to be close to closure following a hastily planned downsizing of the duplicating area that preceded last week's mysterious slowdowns in the waste processing areas. This first solids delivery caught everyone in Phred's home office quite by surprise as the delivery site, the dining room rug, was not where company founder Phred had planned for it to happen. The on-site containment team managed final disposal without much damage, owing to the somewhat dry and firm packaging of this oversize load.

    Always full of surprises, the Stray Unit continued to astound company execs by unleashing a torent of liquid materials while visiting the Shop facility an hour later. The Unit was researching in a back room when it delivered a large, very large, load of liquid wastes onto a company canvas carry case. Fast action by the containment team avoided major damage from the high flow discharge from this newer mobile plant.

    Ms Cinder expressed disappointment that Unit manager Stray was not available for personal comment; he had been quickly sent to the Shop side yard to complete a research project on more appropriate future disposal sites. She advised that he had a 30 foot diameter area to cover in order to find a suitable location. Date and time of his return was unknown. Mr Phred was believed to be involved in this hopefully temporary assignment.

    A tentatively planned company outing to White Coat Laboratories, rumored to have been scheduled for Monday, has been cancelled. The Stray Unit renaming project will continue.

    In closing, Ms Cinder also mentioned that the restrictive hard neck support that had been installed to prevent damage to the sensitive duplicating area renovation site on Stray had been removed. A senior executive felt that last Wednesday's temporary repairs to the excavation site had cured sufficiently to eliminate the need for this akward security measure. The Stray Unit expressed it's appreciation of this management decision and promised to work towards acheiving all of the corporate goals for future plans and policies.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hey Hannah! It's me Star; owner of Tats. Wow, you sure write swell. Lots a good advice there from the girls' point of view. Your story sure was a tear jerker!! Yikes, had me balling there for a while. Check out my post on "General." I'm startin a "Star Flash" posting with lots of yummy tidbits of doggie info. like what's happenin at my den and other interestin tails 'round doggie-dom. I think it's time we pups started xchangin info. from a dog's eye view if you get my drift. Boy this Cinder's sumthin, huh? Can't wait to get the poop on the poop! Been there, done that is all I gotta say! Don't have a bro myself. Just chicks here cept for dad and Mr. B the feline who can get a bit pushy as cats will do. We tolerate him though. He's good for a few laughs, tormenting him and all. As fer names...I still like CindersFella. Think it's a cool handle. Keeps the "fire" theme flamin and kinda bonds the two critters together. Fella itself is kinda cool. Guess we'll know soon what the verdict is in more ways than one! Cinder's dad sounds like quite a handful for one pup. Definitely think Cinder needs an bud to balance the load. You know, the ole bait and switch. Kinda like a tag team! Won't those two keep him hoppin!! Well, mom's callin....AGAIN!! Gotta go! Waitin to hear from you Cinder! Hope there's not gonna be a big "splosion" or somethin in the bedroom when the kid finally lets loose. WOOOOOOOOOO!!! Next one to blow will be dad!!

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