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Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. #3796
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    The skilletheads in office - all parties - can't seem to agree with anything that will benefit the PEOPLE THAT ELECTED THEM.

    They are just pretend adults playing kid's games.

    "I am not going to agree to anything because they called me a name or embarrassed me in the media...."

    One comment that ALWAYS gives me a wonderful chuckle is the "I want to work with (Name your favorite government agency/issue/problem)"

    Then they sit down and pout when they don't get their way.


    Obamacare/ACA is a joke.

    Again, Selling 500 tickets for a bus that only holds 45 people is what it boils down to.

    Instead of starting to REFORM the system - they just threw MORE people into a system that is over burdened and over priced.

    I have a problem with BOTH sides of the isssue.

    To quote an idiot, who has become a persona non grata to some politicians - The voters are stupid for falling for the scam?


    I was told I'd be able to keep my doctor under my HC coverage. Then, I was called and told that my doctor could not see me anymore because my insurance wasn't accepted anymore. Instead of starting all over witha new doc, I decided to wait and change my coverage so I can go back to see him.

    Not a huge deal for me, but what about the people who can't wait?


    Both parties are to blame for the mess.

    Instead of focusing on lowering the costs - meds, implants and care - they go ahead with a broad plan that does NOTHING to improve the system and the way HC is delivered to the masses.

    Reforming the system is easy. You focus on the 'foundation' - you just don't start to add floors to the building w/o checking on building's basement.

    Or you can accept the plan and read thru the paperwork later on?

    That's a winning strategy..

  2. #3797
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Yesterday's verdict in Fergueson was sad, but the violence that followed was tragic for the community, and I do not see how that will befit anyone in any way, shape or form whatsoever. I feel sorry for the people who worked hard to build businesses or own franchises in the area that are now ashes and rubble, and think the whole city will be all the worse for wear no matter what.

    Sad, sad, senseless, sad.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3798
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    I heard just a bit of a story on the news last night about a 12-year-old boy in Cleveland who was shot by police at a playground. He apparently had some kind of a toy gun that was very hard to distinguish from a real gun and was pointing it at other people. Where did he get the toy gun and why did he take it to the playground? Did the police tell him to drop it? Did they realize he was a child? This is so sad.

    Why wasn't the National Guard in place before the Ferguson verdict was announced? I thought they'd been placed on standby in anticipation of problems occurring once the verdict was publicized.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  4. #3799
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    The rioters in Ferguson claim the policeman who killed Brown was racist. Some of the properties they destroyed last night were owned by other minorities. So doesn't that make them racist too???
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  5. #3800
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Yesterday's verdict in Fergueson was sad, but the violence that followed was tragic for the community, and I do not see how that will befit anyone in any way, shape or form whatsoever. I feel sorry for the people who worked hard to build businesses or own franchises in the area that are now ashes and rubble, and think the whole city will be all the worse for wear no matter what.

    Sad, sad, senseless, sad.
    I don't understand why the verdict was sad. The kid robbed a store, assaulted an officer, then went for his sidearm. The eyewitness statements being bandied about by the media to fan the flames in the beginning of this mess were recanted, and once they were asked to testify under oath in front of the grand jury their stories changed.

    As to the media and the protest organizers, whatever happened to the charge "inciting to riot"? That's exactly what these charlatans are guilty of.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  6. #3801
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    One of the most amusing things, to me, are the people who rail about something that bothers them.

    The best examples are the media prostitutes/politicians who get on a soapbox and SCREAM about their disgust/hatred on a subject.

    My favorite?

    The guy from the church who was against gay marriage and eventually was caught up in a meth/gay/massage scandal.

    Seems like he enjoyed hiring guys for massage, doing some drugs and getting frisky with the hired hands?


    When people start with the 'blah blah' isn't what god wanted? They lose the arguement

    LOL, I'll ask god what he thinks, if I ever run into him?


    I have worked with racists and people who were just plain ignorant.

    They aren't separated by THAT much.

    The comments about the riots/unrest as being a blemish on that kid's legacy totally screws up any credibility that their arguement may have held.

    In essence, they are trying to condone the behavior that led up to his death and blame the cop for shooting him?

    People without a true stance will continue to scream and cry when they do not get their way and throw anything at the wall to get it to stick.


    Last thought?

    The people of ferguson think that the PD is racist and profile people?

    Well, they should call someone else instead of cops when they need them, I am sure they will get 'justice' that way?

  7. #3802
    I have worked with racists and people who were just plain ignorant.
    I've always considered racists among the most ignorant group of twits in humanity. Worse, by and large it's WILLFUL ignorance, because somewhere along the line someone has attempted to teach them otherwise.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  8. #3803
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    One thing that really irritates the crap out of me is the 'victim mentality' that has surfaced lately.

    IF YOU END UP 'interacting' with a PO, chance are you are a victim of a crime or are acting/being stupid in your life?

    No one wants to admit the problem lies within?

    I have seen people act like idiots when the cops show up.... they call names, spit, swing, start to act like morons - then complain about getting rousted.

    All the morons that you see on TV that talk about kids getting being 'profiled' should talk to the kids and tell them that their actions determine your interactions with the law.

    It's simple formula, to simple for some idiots to comprehend?
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  9. #3804
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I have been amused by the talking skillet heads on the telly who are talking about the need for police/police departments to reform and NOT use force when dealing with the public (criminals).


    I don't know if getting tickets, being brought home by the police and being taken to the police station for an umpaid ticket counts as having experience with law enforcement counts.......but the answer to the problem of getting hassled by the cops is pretty easy. Don't be stupid - that is what I learned?


    Howard Stern had a tape of his father yelling at him - HS was screwing about and his dad tells him, "I told you not to be stupid, you moron".

    There ya go, "don't be stupid" and you WILL NOT be arrested, thrown in jail, beat, tased, gassed, shot,beaten or killed?


    The 'experts' on TV all spew the same BS about the police using too much force when they deal with the cops?

    Why not concentrate of the stupidity that brings you in contact with the authoriies?

    No one mentions HOW OR WHAT a person does to get the cops to show up.


    The problem is that society focuses on what happens after some idiot breaks the law.

    One news outlet makes me laugh because they list all the recent deaths where the police/law officials are involved and never explain why the police showed up?

    How's about reporting on the "victim's" actions beforehand?


    A stupid kid waving a fake pistol in a park gets killed by a PO.

    What did the kid do to get the police to show up?

    The media places NO RESPONSIBILITY on the idiot's actions BEFORE the incident. It's all the the Establishment's fault.

    The establishment doesn't give the people jobs, schooling, integrated police forces and government - people talk about change - but wait for it to be handed to them.



    The chuckleheaded lawyer that represents the brown family is a buffoon.

    I love that his quest - poorly named after the 'gentle giant' - is to get ALL police officers to wear body cameras.

    Maybe THAT will show the BS that officers have to put up with on a daily basis and really bring to light the stupidity of the people that they interact with on a daily basis?
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  10. #3805
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post

    A stupid kid waving a fake pistol in a park gets killed by a PO.

    What did the kid do to get the police to show up?

    The media places NO RESPONSIBILITY on the idiot's actions BEFORE the incident. It's all the the Establishment's fault.

    The establishment doesn't give the people jobs, schooling, integrated police forces and government - people talk about change - but wait for it to be handed to them.
    From what I have seen, it was nothing the kid did - playing with a toy pistol by himself in a park - but that a neighbor called 911 to report what she thought might have been someone with a gun. She did mention it may be a juvenile ... but the police drove up, saw the kid, and the toy gun and shot him before the kid had any chance to do or say anything.

    Should a child have been given a toy gun with the orange plastic removed, and allowed to go outside with it? No. But he obviously was a bored kid, nothing to do ... he knew it was a toy, but ... the officers obviously did not.

    Tragic all around, on any other day it might not have happened.

    So many of the issues are not nearly as black and white, cut and dried, as the media make them out to be - but nuance takes more than a soundbite, and heaven forfend we spend more than 60 seconds to research or explain a given story, when hype plays!
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #3806
    Join Date
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    Kansas, USA
    I was amazed by all the protesters marching around INSIDE stores in Ferguson on Thanksgiving!! Since when is it ok to protest INSIDE a business??? They should be darn grateful they had any businesses left open in town after they burned and destroyed lots of them recently!!!
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  12. #3807
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    From what I have seen, it was nothing the kid did - playing with a toy pistol by himself in a park - but that a neighbor called 911 to report what she thought might have been someone with a gun. She did mention it may be a juvenile ... but the police drove up, saw the kid, and the toy gun and shot him before the kid had any chance to do or say anything.

    Should a child have been given a toy gun with the orange plastic removed, and allowed to go outside with it? No. But he obviously was a bored kid, nothing to do ... he knew it was a toy, but ... the officers obviously did not.

    Tragic all around, on any other day it might not have happened.

    So many of the issues are not nearly as black and white, cut and dried, as the media make them out to be - but nuance takes more than a soundbite, and heaven forfend we spend more than 60 seconds to research or explain a given story, when hype plays!
    On the CCTV tape the kid was waving the gun around and pointing it at people.

    There also was some breakdown in what the 911 clerk relayed to the officers.

    No there are no cut and dried issues - a 60 second soundbite is a lifetime compared to the 3-4 seconds a PO has to make a decision?


    I have a .22 cal pellet gun that we'd use around the neighborhood to shoot at cans. The house across the street had an empty lot where people would toss trash into. We'd shoot at bottles and cans all the time when we were bored.... My friend was shooting at a can when a cop car drove by and the PO in the passenger seat looked right at us.

    I knew they were coming back, so I took the gun and walked across the street with it. By the time I put it away at my house, the cops had come around the block and were rousting my friends....

    The hassled the crap out of us -rightfully so - but that stupidity could have ended up in a more serious incident. It only takes one act of stupidity to get into trouble way over your head.


    My gripe with the media is that a story is often slanted by the people in charge of the news networks.

    It's all sensation and when you do start to peel the layers away, you get the truth?


    My mom had the best line for me when I got into trouble and went to her for help. She'd listen, then ask me, "who sent you" - meaning who was the person that got you into trouble?

    I saw the idiot everytime I washed my face in the bathroom!
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  13. #3808
    Join Date
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    Illinois, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post
    I've always considered racists among the most ignorant group of twits in humanity. Worse, by and large it's WILLFUL ignorance, because somewhere along the line someone has attempted to teach them otherwise.
    Over the summer I saw a museum exhibit about the integration of the Little Rock schools. One of the pictures was of a group of black high school students walking into school, and a white girl in a group behind them, shouting. Then a few photos down was a picture of two women, one black and one white. Turned out it was the girl who had been shouting insults that day. Later in her life, she sought to reconcile with one of the black girls and now they give presentations to students together about their experiences, racism and prejudice.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  14. #3809

    And this, gentlepeople, is why I hate idiocy like the Ferguson, MO. case.

    This is a legit case of police brutality. Combined with the idiotic laws against selling loose cigs (why is it illegal? Because NYC doesn't get their cut) it is a microcosm of much that's wrong with society, but because of the race baiting idiocy in MO, this is getting far less play when it's a much more legitimate case.
    The one eyed man in the kingdom of the blind wasn't king, he was stoned for seeing light.

  15. #3810
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human View Post

    And this, gentlepeople, is why I hate idiocy like the Ferguson, MO. case.

    This is a legit case of police brutality. Combined with the idiotic laws against selling loose cigs (why is it illegal? Because NYC doesn't get their cut) it is a microcosm of much that's wrong with society, but because of the race baiting idiocy in MO, this is getting far less play when it's a much more legitimate case.
    Someone posted a rather lenghty list of 'police shootings' in the last year.

    I answered, 'How did those shining examples of citizenship come to be involved with the cops?"


    Yes, the NYC case is an example of 'police brutality', but isn't the basic idea NOT to get on a PO's radar?

    I guess I am too naive to have an opinion about cases like these.

    You cannot fight the 'power', so why get into the ring?


    Crime is like riding a bicycle.

    You can get on and ride as far as you like, but you are going to fall down, eventually.

    If you scrape your hands and knees, you can't blame anyone except the guy in the saddle.

    YOU might take a stand against gravity as you get up, but who is really to blame when you fall?
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

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