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Thread: Cairn Terrier,Poodle ???

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    thank you Giselle I copy n pasted that list and will save it..
    thank so much for the info..
    Hope to find something he will like

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    seattle, wa
    shih tzus are awesome dogs, I see a lot of them at work. unlike most small breeds they tend to be very out going, not stand-offish and afraid, or snippy, and very playful, wiggly and sweet. they are the only small breed Id ever own. EDIT: is that a bichon you have? we see lots of them at work too, they are another small breed I like. for the same reasons as the shih tzu, they arent jumpy/snippy or afraid.

    as for the odor, that is a slightly founded statement. they are a breed very prone to allergies, and shih tzus who have allergies are prone to yeast infections (more so than other breeds with allergies) and this is what gives them a bad odor. if their allergies are being treated though, the yeast infections with lessen. and of course once the yeast infection is treated the odor will go away.
    R.I.P. Pidge & Charlie <3

    Margaret (the biped)
    Oliver & Sahkmet (the buns)
    Brock & Alki (the poops)
    Felix & Linus (the mews)

    "A dog's mind is a terrible thing to waste."

    "In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog." -Edward Hoagland

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    that was really interesting..thanks, I can see why a smell would get bad... and yes I think they are adorable dogs, but have never been around one, all the other people i know have big
    I love my sammyJ hes really a mutt..Bischon/shi is the most lovable sweet adorable, and i could go as a whip and really shows he loves
    Im so glad you told me about the if that is being treated and the allergies are treated no bad smell..a lot of people dont know that I guess..A bischon is a very adorable dog, but i have to keep a close eye on him or he will jump in any car, or try to follow some one he likes off..I am trying to teach him not to do that but my daughter is one person he really loves to and she gets very upset when i correct him..and I said I wont have anohter dog taken by jumping in the car with someone..jsut because he likes car rides..its kinda frustrating..Im not to sure how to handle it she got really upset with me this evening.And i was really upset because he didnt come when i called..and that is the only time he has not come..But thank you for your post so much..glad to hear all that

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