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Thread: How does your cat act when he/she sniffs catnip?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Spencer. What's wrong with my cats - they don't really seem to like catnip. Maybe it has just 3.2% kick like everything else in this State

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Stockport. England
    Love them little men Spencer!! How about dancing mice? Cat Heaven?!!


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Originally posted by Pam
    Karen, confession time here! I did drug Andy one day with catnip on purpose! I was trying to hem a pair of slacks and he kept batting at my thread. After messing up my thread and causing me to stick my finger I got the bright idea to go outside and cut some catnip. He met me at the back door meowing wildly when he saw what was in my hand! LOL! He went into his little catnip frenzy and wound up asleep (sleeping it off I guess LOL!) and the pants were finished with no interruptions!!
    LOL LOL This isn't a bad idea..... I may have to get another supply from my mom (she grows it) and keep it handy for the times I really need to get some stuff done around the house!! LOL LOL

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Spencer, Love the Line Dance. Where are their cowboy hats?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Edmonds, WA USA
    One thing I have noticed with my cats: they did not seem to care for catnip until they were 'mature'..........meaning about 3 years old or so. My 1 yr. old (Wylie) has no interest in it now, and looks at my other kitty (Kedi) like 'what is WRONG with you?' when he is into it.

    And Kedi himself did not like it until he was 3-4 or so. Now however, he is nuts for it- he has actually EATEN it before.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Originally posted by purrley
    Spencer. What's wrong with my cats - they don't really seem to like catnip. Maybe it has just 3.2% kick like everything else in this State

    Purrley - Ritz couldn't care less about catnip. I've tried every iteration I can think of from fresh to toys and the reaction seems to be that it is something that smells bad and should be given the same treatment as her poo.

    Each catnip toy has met the same fate in our house. Ritz walks over to it, sniffs it, walks past it a little and does the "air bury" like it is poop that escaped from her box.
    "Everything is better when Ritz sits on it......or in it"

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    chaucer roles in it then eats it then goes crazy. then jumps on any thing that moves including you foot1

  8. #23
    My two love their catnip. My vet told me that after neutering that cats can have a much as they like, but not before. He found that too much catnip causes birth defects. Check with your own vet.

    I get the big tubs from the pet shop. Lamoni loves to stick his giant head right down in there and get a "face full". It sticks to his wiskers and face fur. He blinks a bit and then shakes his head in a big sneeze. Little green bits fly everywhere. Too funny.

    Fifi loves to rub her face in it when we put a pile on the carpet. We can't let her at the container. She will hook a paw in there and try to tip the container over. She used to do the same thing with food and water dishes. Lamoni broke her of that. About the third time she tipped his dish over, they went an had a "discussion".

    Charles Kincaid

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Montpelier, Ohio
    Misty is all over the toy and just enjoying it so much. When she gets tired she just layes on the toy when she is done not wanting to give it up. It is sooo cute!!

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