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Thread: Fireworks..

  1. #16
    I don't think Camen has ever heard a Firework, but if he's scared of thunder, then i bet he's scared of fireworks.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    We used to be able to bring the dogs to watch fireworks with us (Keisha & Angus) but Huney & Roxey are terrified of them. We live out in the country a bit and some of the kids shoot guns and they acutally tore through the screen door to get in before
    We just turn on the air condition and the tv and it seems to help them stay calm.

    Now I don't know about Bon since he hasn't been around them before but I hope he isn't scared like the girls are.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  3. #18
    Ginger is scared when people pop their gum, too. That is why I hardly have gum in the house, lol. She hides under my parent's bed

    Jenny gets really worked up She even does that about thunder

    Buster paces around the house.

    Rocky doesn't mind them but he doesn't like them either.

    I just can't wait 'til firework season is over!
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    I used to love the 4th of July... but since I got Buddy, it's not been the same.
    He has to stay on tranquillizers for the entire weekend; if he doesn't then I fear he'll surely die of a heart attack. We've been caught off guard by Summer thunder storms, and I have personally felt the wrath of his fear. (Bruises, bumps, cuts..etc) because he is so deathly terrified of thunder, fireworks, gun shots. He gets 100% out of control jumping on me, plowing me over in the house. If I leave him in the house with TV blasting, radio in every room blasting, fans on, anything and everything to drowned out the noise, it doesn't matter, he still hears it and tried to get out of the house by jumping on windows and trying to break them. If we are outside, he'll try to jump over the fence (which his big butt can not do!!) Or he's even latched onto the fence trying to rip it apart to get out of the yard.
    The dog psychologists we've been working with say it must go back to when he was living in the woods alone. Having no shelter and having to deal with thunder storms alone, they think it's just the fear coming back to him, remembering how terrified he was. They don't know if he'll ever get over it, but we are working on desensitizing him from those sounds.
    I cry my eyes out every time he gets like that, I'm so afraid that one day it will be to much stress on his heart.... and I'll loose him.

    Sierra on the other hand.... she can and has slept through anything!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2005
    This will be the first year that we'll have Roscoe for the 4th, so it should be interesting...

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Chicagoland, IL
    OMG!! The 4th of July is really the last week of June all the way though the middle of July here. Since professional display fireworks are legal in Indiana, people feel the need to go there and then set them off in the allies.

    Maggy HATES the fireworks. I can't say I blame here since we aren't talking black cats (fire crackers) and bottle rockets. M-80s are common place and they go off at all hours of the night. She barks like crazy at them and thunderstorms as well. There are times that she'll just shiver.


    "Ladies, we need to stop comparing men to dogs. Dogs are loyal!" Wanda Sykes

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    Oh PitC9, that's just so sad. Poor Buddy. I hope he'll do okay this year. That just breaks my heart so I can imagine just how badly you must feel. Take care this 4th.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mine seem to do okay, which is a good thing, because the fireworks already started a couple of days ago and they'll continue a couple of days after July 4th. Then we'll go through the same thing again at New Year's. Plus we regularly get some whiz bang loud thunder storms here too.

    I'll get some initial barking from Oz and Gull, when the really loud ones start off, but after awhile they settle down. Oz and Murph prefer to stay in the house though. Last New Year's, I went outside and left the back door open. Gull went out with me and he played fetch with me, while I watched some of the fireworks. Oz barked at us from the door way, "Hey you crazy fools, get back in here".


    .................................................. .................................................. ..... Nothin' Butt Dogs............ Free Dog eCards

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Western Washington
    Niki, Bozy and Cody don't mind the noise at all but Buddy on the other hand, is completely terrified of it. Some kids were lighting off firecrackers a few weeks ago and he freaked so badly that he hurt himself trying to get under the deck that's only about 4" off of the ground. Needless to say I let him inside and he ran to our bed never to come back down that evening.

    I am sooooo not looking forward to it this year.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Niño doesn't react to fireworks, they don't bother him at all.

    Niño & Eliza

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    If we have fireworks close to me I bet Chica will be scared. It will be her first 4th of July.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Central North Carolina
    So far Claire and Rebel have never paid much attention to them, Rebel is alittle shy of things like that but after awhile they just dont' think about it.

    Niki is very afraid of loud noises like that, she hides

    My sister's golden retriever gets very very freaked, she takes meds when things like that are going on. Poor girl!

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Batavia, IL
    jesse doesnt mind since when we got her for christmas from "santa" she was 2 weeks early and had to be homed at my dad's construction shop. plus we werent done building our new house and landscaping it yet, so she got used to loud noises early on. <thank god!>

    EDIT: it also helps alittle that shes becoming deaf (poor baby )
    Last edited by cocker_luva; 07-05-2005 at 12:17 PM.
    Kari (me), Kiera (B&T Coonhound), Jesse (cocker), Jada (Ball Python), Derek (Betta)

    Add Glitter to your Photos


  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Both of mine are trained gun dogs so those kind of noises don't bother them. In fact we always go to the local fireworks display and Dixie watches each one go up. Dusty just lays around watching all the people!

    Honestly though... from the time they first come into my house (for Dusty that was the second he was born) they are aclimated to loud noises on purpose just to help avoid the fear of loud noises. Anyone with a pup should consider doing that in a teaching way. Mine aren't even afraid of the vacumn cleaner and I have to continually tell them to get up so I can vacumn where they are laying.

    I hope everyone has a safe 4th.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Denville, NJ
    I probably won't ever get a puppy but how would you train a puppy to loud noises? Definitely sounds like a good idea!

    Sadie has gotten a little better now that she's older - at least now she seems ok in a room with a loud air conditioner to drown out the fireworks or thunder. Sometimes she hears loud thunder anyway and she runs right to the tub (normally not a spot she likes!).

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