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Thread: My story

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    edmonds, wa
    i'm going thru withdrawl!!!!!

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Haines, Alaska!
    Originally posted by G.P.girl
    i'm going thru withdrawl!!!!!
    ME TO!!!! ::CRIES::
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    LOL, fine I'll post a little bit more. But after that, you can't get anything else out of me! Lol. You must wait until I'm atleast done another chapter. Here's a bit of Chapter 3. This chapter isn't very long...Atleast not as long as Chapter 2 lmao.

    Chapter 3

    When Tymber got home, she was so full she felt like she would explode.
    Martha wasn't as critical as she thought. She was actually a very sweet woman. She once helped train the horses until an accident left her leg paralyzed. Now she wasn't able to do the things she once did to help out around the farm. She walked with a crane that Potter made just for her. The two monsters didn't turn out to be monsters at all, but two very inquisitive little girls. They asked so much of Tymber that she barely had enough room to answer them. Sera and Peewee they were called. Peewee assured her that her real name was Pesima, but that her sister couldn't pronounce it right when she was younger. She called her "Peewee" and the name stuck. They were both very adorable, and even though Sera had dark hair and eyes and Peewee had light hair and eyes, they looked very much alike.
    It turned out that while Tymber would be working there, all she really had to do was clean the stables and the horses. Potter said that she could assist Daire in training and exercising them and see how she was at it. She already knew that she'd have to get used to riding. When she stepped off her horse, her knees buckled and she'd have fallen if she wasn't hanging on to the saddle. Her legs hurt something terrible.
    She untacked the horse and let him into the tiny corral. Soon she would want to name him.
    His name is Seabring. Staar told her.
    "How do you know?" Tymber asked.
    I don't know. Staar bluntly replied.
    "Alright." Tymber said. "Seabring it is." But she felt Staar's puzzlement afterwards. How had he known the horse's name?
    It is late. Let's find my gift for Presta tomorrow. Staar yawned
    "Yes, that'd be better." Tymber said as she poured some oats into a bucket for Seabring. Potter had been kind enough to give Tymber a whole bag of oats and even gave her permission to have more if she ran out. She patted Seabring's neck as he bent it down to eat from the bucket. "Do you think school will be fun?" Tymber asked.
    What do you do in school? Staar asked.
    "You learn things." Tymber answered. "The girls get to learn cooking and sewing, and the boys learn, horsemanship (but only if they show great skill since there aren't many horses), fighting, reading, and writing. And everyone learns how to communicate with their spirit bond and work with their powers properly."
    It sounds better to be a male. Staar observed.
    "I know." Tymber replied sadly. "They have so much more to learn. That's why they start so much earlier than girls. And I'm starting tomorrow; the day the boys do. I still don't understand why."
    Maybe you learn with the males tomorrow. Staar suggested.
    "That's absurd! Why would they put me in class with a bunch of childish boys?" Tymber asked.
    Maybe, Staar said with humor in his voice, you are a boy.
    "Staar!" Tymber said, laughing, "You are evil!"
    Rowr! Staar pretended to snarl and leaped, nipping Tymber's arm. He ran in circles, panting.
    "Why you crazy mutt, you!" Tymber laughed, chasing Staar through the camp. By now, everyone was in bed, and Tymber was laughing so hard that she could see that people were starting to light their lamps. Tymber keeled over and smothered her laughter.
    Evil am I! Ha! Look at you, waking the people up! Who's evil now! Aha! Staar ran around in mock satisfaction.
    "Alright, alright," Tymber whipsered laughing, "let's go to sleep now."
    Where do we sleep this fine night? Staar asked.
    "I don't want to go back into the tent." Tymber replied. "Let's go to our secret spot." she whispered.
    Ah, the secret spot! Staar said. He ran into the woods and Tymber followed him at a much slower pace.
    When Tymber got to the tree, Staar was already curled up inside the large hole in the ground. She climbed in and snuggled up beside him.
    Tomorrow will be good. Staar said.
    "Yes." Tymber replied. "Good."
    I've been BOO'd!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    edmonds, wa
    oooooh i want more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    LOL, here's the rest of Chapter 3. Don't rush me now lol, I'm only almost on Chapter 5.

    Tymber awoke to Staar nuzzling her face with his cold nose. She stretched as far as she could in the cramped space. It it time to go! Staar said excitedly. The sun will be up soon!
    "Oh my goodness," Tymber said, "I forgot! Let's go." She brushed the dirt off her breeches when she got out and then ran for the corral. She tacked Seabring up and then remembered what Potter had said about wolves.
    No. Staar said.
    "What?" Tymber asked, smiling slyly. "I didn't say anything."
    You didn't need to. I saw the image in your mind. I am not wearing anything around my neck. Staar said, obstinatly.
    "You know you must." Tymber said. "What if someone mistakes you as a wolf?"
    Then they wouldn't be mistaken, would they?
    "Staar, come on. It's only while we are in town. You don't want to be shot dead, do you?" Tymber pleaded.
    Fine. But this means that you can't ignore me all day. If this collar is going to make me noticable, it might as well be you who notices me. You aren't going to keep me locked up in the stables all day like lastnight. Staar said, stubbornly.
    "Oh alright." Tymber laughed. She quietly walked up to the clothesline beside her tent. She pulled off a red rag and tied it around Staar's neck. "Let's go." she said. She mounted Seabring, and they were off.

    Tymber realized that Staar had exaggerated when he said that sunrise would almost be there. It was black as night. She sighed. Wolves can't comprehend time past the next hunt and mating season. Atleast she was able to take her time on the way there.
    Tell me about Sunn and Staar. Staar told her.
    "What?" Tymber asked, surprised.
    On the day we met you said there was a story called Sunn and Staar. I want to hear about it. Staar explained.
    "Okay. Hum. Where do I start..."
    The beginning.
    Tymber laughed.
    "Hundreds of years ago, there was a girl named Sunn. She and her spirit bond, a jackal named Staar, were assigned to guard the tribe. Back then, women were able to do the things only men can do nowadays. They were watching the camp when suddenly, Vansons, the demons of the forest, came upon them and tried to kill everyone in the camp. Using her fire power, Sunn blasted all of the demons away! But her powers were never the strong, and she couldn't control her fire. Staar was killed. There has never been a jackal in these parts since, and they say to see one is bad luck. The Vansons have never been seen again, but they say that when the time is right, they will once again be awaken to take revenge."
    This is true? Staar asked.
    "I suppose so." Tymber answered.
    Staar nodded silently and ran ahead of Tymber to lead her into the city. Seabring trotted to keep up. Tymber laughed at the insane contrast of the red rag on Staar's black fur.
    Look at me! shouted Staar. I'm a dog! A mountain breed! He frolicked in the field that led into the town. Tymber laughed.
    She stopped Seabring in front of Potter's field, and opened the gate. She walked him into the stables and heard a glorious sound. After putting him into the stall, she found herself wandering toward that intoxicating noise. She saw, in the very last stall, a young man, playing on a magnificent instrument. He looked up at her and stopped. "Oh, don't stop." she pleaded. "It was lovely."
    He smiled at her. "I suppose it's time I get on to work anyways." he said. "My name is Daire." He stood up and brushed himself off.
    "I'm Tymber."
    Daire looked her up and down. His eyes held a moment at her clothing. Tymber had realized that she didn't wear the same odd things that the women here did. "You look strong enough to help me train." Diare observed. "It can be tough dealing with the young ones. But it has to be done. Potter has high hopes for two of his young stallions, but he finds them too unruly to be bred. Too high-strung."
    "What's the hard part?" Tymber asked.
    "Breaking them without breaking their spirit." Daire answered. "And not getting hurt in the process." he winked. "I think you'll do fine. Just fine."

    Tymber couldn't believe she'd agreed to this. She was riding atop a stallion that was running in circles. Daire had the horse on a lead stood in the middle of the corral. Tymber wasn't used to riding horses; her legs still felt horrible and her backside was getting increasingly sore. But she wanted that necklace to give to Presta more than anything.
    She had worked out the calculations. If she rode home just after noon, she'd make it in time for lessons. She remembered that she had to patiently wait in line at Elder Greta's tent while Greta handed out the assigned classes. Tymber was curious as to what classes she would get. She might be the only girl to start a month early. Imagine what her classes could be!
    She was daydreaming so much she didn't hear Daire calling to her. "Tymber! Tymber! Pull back on the rains now!"
    Tymber pulled and the horse reared. She clutched the horse's mane and let out a silent scream. The horse thrashed and Tymber almost fell. Instead, she slid herself off the saddle and watched the horse run after Daire. He dodged the stallion, and ran for the fence. He leapt over just in time. Tymber soon realized that she had to do the same. The stallion ran up to her. She jumped over the fence and landed flat on her bottom. "Oooh..." She twisted around and rubbed her aching backside.
    "What happened in there!" Daire yelled, approaching her. "You weren't listening to me. I had to repeat your name several times, and by the end you didn't know what to do and yanked on Strawberry's reigns! I swear, I almost had a heart attack. You were supposed to give a gentle tug, not bloody pull his teeth out!"
    "I-- I - I'm sorry." Tymber said. "I- I was daydreaming; it was all my fault. I'm so stupid!" she cried, pounding her head with her palm. "I'm just stupid."
    Daire sighed. "You aren't stupid. And I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just surprised, that's all. You did very well out there until -- well, you know." He extended his hand and helped Tymber up.
    She sniffled, quickly wiped an eye, and smiled sweetly.
    "I'll try and train the horses on my own. I'll let you clean out the stables." He waited until she nodded, and then took her into the stables. Tymber listend carefully as Daire explained what to do. It was fairly simple. She had to dump the maneur into the pile behind the last stall. Then she'd scrub down the stall sides, replace the hay and oats and let the horse back into the stall. Daire said that he would finish training the horses when they began to tire and then return to help Tymber.
    It was harder than Tymber thought. Her back was aching and the pike was heavy as she replaced the old hay. The horses were more skiddish than she thought. They'd try and run away as she switched them stalls.
    Suddenly Staar appeared into the stables. Hello sister. he said.
    "Where have you been?" Tymber inquired.
    I walked around the land. You know this man has odd beasts. They have horns and smell rotten.
    "Cattle." Tymber told him.
    Whatever you say. I bet they taste better than they smell. Can I eat one?
    "No." Tymber said sternly. "If Potter finds out, he'll kill you."
    Fine, fine. Need any help? Staar asked.
    "It would be nice, but I'm afraid you may spook the horses. They are afraid as it is." Tymber sighed.
    I see. said Staar. Well, I guess I'll just lie down right here. He plopped himself beside the pile of maneur.
    Tymber cringed. "How can you stand the smell?" she asked.
    It may smell discusting to you, Staar explained, but it is merely interesting to me.
    "Uggh." Tymber groaned. She moved on to the next stall.
    When she was almost finished all of the stalls, Daire walked into the stable entrance. He looked tired and sweaty. "Those two really beat me up." Daire told Tymber. "I didn't think they'd last that long." He looked down. "I was wrong."
    Tymber giggled. "I'm almost done here."
    "Good. Good. I'm looking forward to a nice warm bath. You know, Potter has plenty water in the well, and he always lets me have a warm bath. I'm sure that we can find an extra tub around here somewhere, and if we heat up the water now..."
    "Yes!" Tymber said. "You have no idea how much I would love a clean bath. Where I live, it's impossible to have a clean bath. I always get shoved in the tub last, and by then the water is filthy."
    "Where do you live?" Daire asked as he scrubbed the dirty wall.
    "I- I live outside here. In the forest." Tymber answered.
    "In the forest?" Daire exclaimed. "I mean, not to offend you, but why would anyone want to live out there?"
    "I'm not too sure. I guess my people just like to be with nature." Tymber answered uncertainly.
    "Well, when you put it that way, I guess it would be a nice place to be." Daire looked off. "Falling asleep to the rush of the creek; waking up to the chirping of birds."
    Tymber looked down. "Sometimes when I'm there I wish I'd never wake up. Just sleeping forever would be nice."
    Daire looked concerned. " Why's that?" he asked.
    "There are other things out there than nature."
    I've been BOO'd!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    MORE! MORE! MORE! It's a GREAT story so far, Jordan!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    Originally posted by wolfsoul
    LOL, here's the rest of Chapter 3. Don't rush me now lol, I'm only almost on Chapter 5.
    Get those fingers typing then! We need more. Very good story, I'm hooked.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    Thanks! Lol...just a little more shouldn't hurt...

    This is a VERY long chapter lol. It might be even longer than Chapter 2. Here's like..a quarter of it lmao.

    By the way, you'll notice Staar's character start to come out a little bit. At first he was quiet and maybe more inquisitive. He gets a good sense of humour.

    Chapter 4

    After Tymber had a nice warm bath in a big tub, she rode off on Seabring's back. When she got to the end of the road, she waved at Daire, and watched him wave back. She had forgiven him for his earlier outburst, and was really beginning to like him. There was more to him than those sky blue eyes.
    I want to go hunting. Staar said. That way I can present my gift to Presta today.
    "You go ahead." Tymber said. "School will start soon." Tymber reached down and pulled off Staar's red collar.
    Ah, he said, a mountain breed for half a day, and a wolf for the other! Cheers sister! He ran into the distance. We are pack forever!
    Tymber shook her head and smiled.
    She was entering the forest now. She quietly put Seabring into the small corral, untakced him, and then walked into the village.
    "Where have you been?" Neolyn stood in front of Tymber, blocking her way.
    "I was riding." Tymber answered through her teeth.
    "Riding!" Neolyn scoffed. "Where were you..'riding'?"
    "Why does it matter? Seabring needed exersise so I rode him."
    "Seabring?!" Neolyn laughed, "Oh for pity' sake, what a terrible name. Anyway, Staar is a terrible name too. Where is that mongrel anyway?" she asked, looking around.
    "He isn't a mongrel!" Tymber's blue eyes flashed with anger. "He's a wolf, and you're just jealous!" Tymber looked at Neolyn's arm. It was covered with dry blood and gashes from where Staar had attacked her.
    "You know what the people are saying about you?" Neolyn asked. She shoved Tymber when Tymber tried to push past her. "They're saying that there's never been anyone with a wolf spirit bond before. Nobody knows what that means. But I know it means your just a freak." Neolyn pushed past Tymber.
    Tymber watched Neolyn walk away and wiped her tears. "I'm not a freak." she whispered. She heard a bell ring. She knew what that meant. She walked into the line that was in front of the Elders' main tent. She saw only boys in front of her, and when she looked behind, she, again, saw only boys. What if Presta had gotten confused, and sent her on the wrong day?! No, Presta is much too clever to make such a mistake. So, she waited in line, and finally she was at the front. She looked around and people were staring at her. Tymber was the only girl in the whole line. Her face reddened.
    "Tymber." The Elder at the front said.
    Tymber bent down and bowed her head. " Yes Elder." she replied.
    "Here." the Elder handed Tymber a large leaf. "This displays the classes you will be taking. Take fortune, child."
    Tymber took the leaf from her hands and was surprised to see the Elder wink at her. She smiled and said "Thank you, Elder."
    When she had gotten away fom the lineup, Tymber looked down at the leaf. She couldn't believe her eyes! Boys classes! They had put her in boys classes! Maybe it would be a good thing if all the girls got to be in boy classes, but she would be the only girl! Tymber almost fell over.
    Sister! Staar called. He ran up to her. What troubles you? I could feel it from way over there.
    "You were right, brother." Tymber replied. "They put me in boy classes. Why would they do that?"
    I don't know. Maybe --
    "Tymber." Tymber turned around to the sound of her voice and saw Presta's granddaughter. "Tymber, Elder Presta would like to speak with you."
    Tymber uneasily walked up to Presta's tent. She pulled back the flap and cleared her throat. The Elder was seated oppisite of Tymber, facing the back of the tent. This was Tymber's chance to look around. She noticed colourful things decorating the tent walls. She saw bottles and pots. Most interesting, a skull that sat on the corner of the short table that was in front of Presta. To Tymber's surprise, the Elder had turned around and was now facing her. Tymber quickly regained a straight face.
    "Find my belonings interesting, child?" Presta asked her.
    "Um, yes." She felt her eyes trail back to the skull on the table.
    "Deer." Presta said. "Do you like deer?"
    "I - I suppose I do. I mean, I like the taste of them..."
    "Your spirit bond is searching for deer now?"
    "Yes." Tymber said uneasily. "But -- how did you know?"
    "Tymber, sit." Presta ordered.
    Tymber sat down and felt herself sink into the bear fur. She welcomed the softness on her legs. Presta looked down, and then looked into Tymber's eyes. "You know," she said " you don't owe me anything. Neither you nor your spirit bond." Tymber felt her mouth slowly open and she pressed her teeth together so much that her cheeks hurt. "What you are doing is dangerous. The townspeople and our tribe do not find eachother pleasant company. But then, I suppose you don't care what people think of you." Presta spoke. "And if you do, you shall have to learn not to, as I'm sure you realise now." Tymber was confused at the Elder's words. "As you must know now, I have placed you in classes that do not match those of the other women of this tribe. I know you can read the words written on that leaf." She waited for Tymber to nod before she went on. "You are different than others." Presta sighed. "Tymber, you have a wolf as your bond. This is a spectacular thing, as it has never happened before. And I must say, that I have no reason to understand why this has happened to you, so do not ask. I just know that you are someone very special." She waited. "Tymber?"
    "Elder..." Tymber whispered. Then she looked into the Elder's eyes. "I have waited my entire life to be different. I've always wanted to be special. And now that it has happened, I'm not sure why, and I'm confused. Why do I take these lessons?"
    "You are the catalyst!" Presta shouted, surprising Tymber and making her jump. "You are the one who will change the life for us, for better or for worse!"
    "But what does that mean?" Tymber asked quietly, frustrated.
    "Nobody knows what it means! I know the best of any of us, and I don't know alot. It is written in the prophecy. Child of the wolf; that is you. You are the catalyst; you will change the lives of all of us!" Tymber looked down, confused. "When you are done your lessons you will leave."
    Tymber's eyes shot up. "Leave? Where?"
    "You will choose where. There is evil brewing child. Evil that will rid the worlds of our people. There are so few of us already."
    "But I don't know where to go, let alone fight --"
    "You will learn!" Presta's eyes flashed yellow momentarily. She stammered and fell back.
    "Elder!" Tymber rushed to her side.
    Presta tried to sit up but couldn't. She looked into Tymber's eyes. "You see child? I felt your power. It brought power back to me; something I have not felt for a long time. Did you see it? Did you feel?" Tymber shook her head. "There are certain things your class will not teach you." Presta told her, her voice weakening. "You will come see me when I call for you. And only when I call." Tymber nodded. "You must go now." She watched Tymber walk past the table and push open the flap. "And Tymber.." Presta called. Tymber looked back. "I give you permission to leave the village." Tymber smiled. "You are special.

    "Remember that. You are special."
    I've been BOO'd!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    ::kicks Jordan::

    Thats for being such a good writer! You...You....You writer you!!!

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    LOL, don't kick me, I'll stop writing so good, I swear!
    I've been BOO'd!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Originally posted by wolfsoul
    LOL, don't kick me, I'll stop writing so good, I swear!
    No don't! I was just going through a jelouse moment ::sigh:: It was rearing it's Ugly Green head ~~> Like those ones maybe


    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I'm at school right now. Guess you'll have to wait another 6 hours! Hahaha.
    I've been BOO'd!

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!

    Keep writeing!!
    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    edmonds, wa
    aaaaaaand???*hint hint*

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I'm posting this faster than I can type! Lol. Here's a bit more of the chapter.

    Tymber heard the shriek of the swiftberry bird, signalling it was noon. She looked through the trees, trying to spot it. Her eyes focused on the blue bird that was positioned on the branch of a pine. She heard the unmistakable shriek that escaped it's throat. They were lucky to have such a bird. It was a great fortune that they could rely on it to tell all of the presence of noon.
    She looked at the leaf that showed which lessons she would be attending. First she was to go to weaponry. She found it odd that they started a new class. She remembered that in past years there was no weaponry, as her tribe never felt the need to defend itself. Has that changed? She felt odd standing in the crowd of young men that waited to be instructed. They looked around, sometimes resting their eyes on her for more than a moment. She looked down at herself in her skirts and suddenly felt self-conscious. She searched her mind for Staar and tugged at the link there. She surged queasiness into his mind and she knew he was coming. Their bond was becoming stronger and it felt strangly normal. She felt as though she could carry her life on as though they'd known eachother forever. Maybe a small part of her had known him forever.
    Staar approcahed. Little sister, he said, you don't feel right. Perhaps you should rest.
    "I can't." Tymber replied. "I have class." She tugged at the black fur on his back. "Please stay with me. Besides, it looks as though everyone else has their bond."
    I shall stay with you. Staar said. You know, I had a buck. Right when you called me. He got away.
    "I'm truly sorry." Tymber apologized.
    You should be. You should have seen him! He was three - no - four times as strong as me! But I could have knocked him down with one --
    "Class in beginning!" A male voice sounded in the clearing. Tymber and Staar looked up. It was the butcher. Tymber's stomach reeled. She felt like vomiting.
    Hold yourself. Staar reminded her.
    Tymber nodded and listened as the butcher went on. "I will be teaching you the art of weaponry. We need to be able to defend ourselves in case of attack. No matter," he said, suddenly looking at Tymber, "whether it is from friend or foe." Tymber looked around and then let her eyes settle on the ground. She didn't listen to the rest of orientation.
    She floated through her other classes in a daze. She could remember the cold stare of the butcher when he spoke those last few words. It was as if he was implying that Tymber wasn't to be trusted. She wondered if the entire group saw him look at her that way. The butcher was a cold man. The men in the camp did their own butchering, but there would be times when a man was late and a woman wanted to cook her meal but not get her dress dirty. Or when a woman was gifted with some unskinned meat that needed to be tended properly. They'd go to him. And he'd do what was needed in return for...other..."favours." Tymber kicked the dirt in discust.
    I see the things you think of. Staar said. This big man; he is not nice?
    "He is evil." Tymber said.
    Staar didn't ask why. Instead, he led the way to the corral. Seabring whinnied and trotted the short distance to the gate. Tymber tacked the stallion and they left. It was dark now, so the way to the town was difficult. She couldn't remember which way to go, but Staar remembered. Seabring instinctively followed the wolf. When they got there, Tymber jumped off Seabring's back and walked down the dirt road. She heard the crunch of the pebbles shifting beneath her boots in the quiet stillness of the night. A bird flying low caused her to startle. She shrunk against Seabring's black flank.
    Do not fear, little sister. Staar said. Night is only a darker version of day. he said cheerfully.
    "And quieter." Tymber reminded him. She looked around slowly at the darkness that had engulfed the town. It seemed a different place. Tymber wondered whether she could find her way to Potter's home. She mounted Seabring and led him down the path that she thought led to Potter's. She turned out to be correct; she was proud that she could find his house in the dark.
    Then she heard something.
    I hear it too. Staar told her. Infact, wolves have much better hearing than..---
    Tymber blanked out the wolf's presense and let his words dissolve into a world of deafness as she focused completely on the beautiful sound. It sounded familiar. It led her right into the barn. Her intense curiosity didn't make her brave. She sat atop Seabring hoping the beautiful music would never end, but didn't dare slide herself from his back. He stepped forward, causing the stiff hay to crunch beneath his hoof. The music stopped. From the loft, Tymber heard a russle, and then she saw Daire's head lift from the shadows. That was the music! She remembered him playing the day she met him.
    "Who's there?" A pause. "Tymber?" Daire asked uncertainly, squinting at her sillohuette against the starlight.
    "Yes, it's me." Tymber said.
    "What are you doing here?" Daire asked.
    "I - I just needed to get out. Take a walk. And then I heard your music.." Her voice trailed. "It was lovely."
    "Climb atop here. There's the ladder to the left." Daire told her.
    Tymber started climbing the ladder. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
    "Maybelle, the sheep down there; she's due to give birth any day now. I promised Potter I'd stay close to help her." He moved aside to let Tymber have a comfortable spot. "She's had too many. That blasted ram from the farm over keeps breaking out of his pen and seeking out poor Maybelle. Looks to be twins this time."
    "Twins?" Tymber asked.
    "Yes." Daire answered. "Not common in sheep. Poor dear will be lucky to make it."
    "I am a twin." Tymber told him.
    "Are you?" Daire asked, interested. "What is it like?"
    Tymber almost laughed at the way he bent over and stared intently at her in curiosity. "It isn't that great. Atleast, my twin isn't." Her voice drifted. "She's very cruel."
    "That's too bad. Does she look like you?" Daire asked, looking at her blonde hair and bright blue eyes.
    "Not at all. She is larger and has brown hair and dark grey eyes." Tymber explained. Daire mumbled something and fiddled with his instrument.
    "Play it again." Tymber said.
    "Do you know how to sing?" he asked.
    "I don't know. I sing when I'm alone. Unless there is a celebration, singing is forbidden where I'm from." Tymber told him in dismay.
    "Is everything forbidden where you are from?" Daire asked, exasperated.
    "Well no, we are allowed to -- " Her voice was cut off by the glorious sound of Daire's fingers brushing the instruments strings. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe in the sound, hoping its essence would play in her mind forever.
    Daire stopped playing. "I'm going to teach you a song." Daire said.
    "I - I -- Alright." Tymber said uneasily.
    For the rest of the night, she and Daire practiced singing, and Tymber learned that this amazing instrument was a harp.
    I've been BOO'd!

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