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Thread: In the wrong place at the wrong time

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Oh, so sorry to hear about Cassie!! I hope she gets well soon. She'll be in my thoughts. Good luck!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    What a sad story to read. At least Cassie is feeling better now. My three babies and I will have you and Cassie in our prayers. That must have been so scary. Stay strong.

    I agree that it was good that the owner took you to the emergency room but I also wonder about that person. If they knew their dog was toy aggressive, why take it to a park filled with dogs? That's an accident waiting to happen.

    At least everything is turning out. Hug and kiss Cassie for me.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Just wanted to say hi to Cassie before work. I hope she is feeling better this morning and is in less pain today. Couldn't stop thinking of you guys last night and we pray for her very speedy recovery. You must be so exhausted from the fear and stress. You probably didn't sleep much I'm sure. Take care of yourself as well, OK? Please give the precious pug a hug and a kiss.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Hi everyone. Thank you so much for caring, it means alot to me. Shortly after I last posted last night I gave Cassie her antibiotic and she choaked on it...back to emergency we went. They said that they think she'll recover 100% within a couple days. She's just very swolen in her throat and nasel airways. The bleeding has stopped, she's just sore now and swolen. She does seem to hurt a bit less then she did yesterday, that's a relief for me. The vet said there is a small chance that the injuries she has now are permenant but he does not think so because of the type of trauma (blunt from being knocked in the noodle by the big, hard headed lab). I think she'll be ok. It was a lesson for everyone, both the owner of that yellow lab and for me. The owner of the lab will never bring balls to the park again, and I know that Cassie is not the roughest dog that I thought she was. I will be more careful too. Thanks for the support. You all are great.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    I only read about Cassie today, since I have no access to a PC over the weekend.

    I am so sorry I really do hope she will get better soon, I'll be thinking of you. I am sure thought that she will find comfort in having you near her all the time.

    Take care

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    You think you know how much you love your dog until something like this happens and then you realize the extent of that love and how painful her pain can be to you.

    It does sound like she is getting better and it is time that heals these type of wounds. I imagine the antibiotic was a big old pill and sometimes those are a challenge for anybody to get down.

    Love and kisses (human and doggie) to Cassie, sweet little puglet, from Rachel, Tucker, and Hannah. Hannah says very special treats make a dog feel better.

    Karen, the situation your family went through was heart-wrenching. I've always wondered if animal hospitals were even staffed over-night when they have patients.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs:
    back to emergency we went. They said that they think she'll recover 100% within a couple days. >>>>>>>>>

    Now that's Great news. I am glad I read your post before going to work.
    Give her plenty of hugs from all of us.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    So sorry to hear about your sweet little puglet, Cassie! This was shocking news to read after being away for the weekend. I sure hope that she recovers soon! I can imagine how frightening this was/is for your family! RachelJ is right, you sometimes don't realize how much you love your pet until something happens to them. I know I was so terrified when my cat started vomiting blood after getting routine shots! I felt so helpless and all I could do was sit on the floor and cry and pet him during his bouts. The vet didn't seem concerned and said it was like a reaction that a human would get to a tetnus shot. Now, that seems a little more serious than that to me!! He's fine now, but I sure did have quite a scare!! I'm just wondering now if I ever want to take him for shots after that experience!
    I'm glad the lady with the lab took responsibility for her dog's actions (like an owner should), but I do agree that if she knew her dog was toy aggressive, that it shouldn't have been allowed off leash or around other dogs. Like Aly said, that's definitly an accident waiting to happen, and poor Cassie got caught in the middle! Give her puppy kisses and purrs from my babies. We're thinking about you!
    Karen, what a devastating thing to happen. Especially for it being a "non life threatening" injury. So sorry for the all-to-soon loss of your pet. I'm glad Cassie can recover in the presence of her family.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Oh Leslie, I feel so bad for being so late in responding to you. Poor lil Cassie! Her poor lil face! I've been accidently head butted by my Cody (lab mix)and I thought he broke my nose-all over a tennis ball!!! At least the owner took responsibility but I'm sure feels terrible. Your poor sweetheart had no idea what happened. I totally understand what you went through. I hope by this time, the Cassie-girl is feeling better. Poor lil smooch face!! Give her zillions of teensy kisses from me and a tender lick from my Cody. We'll continue to say a prayer for you all!! xoxoxox

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Poor little Cassie girl!! I hope she gets better. Give the little pug face kisses from me and Shaianne!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    I'm so glad the Vet said Cassie should be 100%, but I'm sure it will take time for the healing, give her a kiss from Perry and Daisy.
    I think dog parks are a wonderful place to bring your dogs like Cassie and all the dog friendly pets. I think people ought to be aware of how their dog would react in certain situations as with Cassie and the dog who is so protective of his or her ball.
    We took Perry and Daisy to the dog park in Palm Springs, it was enclosed for small dogs and they would not get along with any other dog or any children. We have tried to socialize them, but when the two of them are together we are afraid they will attack. My point is that you should know what your dog is capable of and if they are like Perry and Daisy, you just don't take them to a dog park. Now we take them to out of the way parks with hardly any people in them and let them run on a long leash. They love that.
    But we are very careful with them around other dogs or children, Schnauzers can be cranky and only love their family and close friends, but they are the sweetest most loving dogs with us.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    So glad to hear that the bleeding has subsided and the vet has given you such a positive prognosis and that she is beginning to heal. Very sad that the poor little pugster has to experience the pain, though. We all feel so helpless at those times, especially with our voicless "kids." Please hug her for me and give her a kiss anywhere she's not hurting! We are thinking of you and the brave, brave little Cassie. Love Sandra, Cody and Star

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Hi everyone,

    Today is a bit better then yesterday but I let her out of her little tiny cage because she was giving me the most pittiful little cries...I felt TERRIBLE keeping her all alone in that little cage so I took her out and set her next to me on the couch so she could get some snuggle time and she began to choke again. She just can't come out of that cage until she's 100%, no matter how bad it makes us feel. We just have to be strong and resist letting those soft, pittiful cries get to us. Other then the constant choking, she seems better. I just hope that choking goes away. It's a scary thing and I know it scares her too (and Graham). Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the good wishes. All of that positive energy that you have all created may be helping my little muchkin heal and begin to breath normal (as normal as a pug can breath) again. You are all so kind and understanding.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    I'm so glad that Cassie is gradually getting better. But what a painful time the little mite has had.
    We have lots of leash-free dogs areas in our city, but owners of small dogs are using them less often. There have been too many incidents where bigger dogs have hurt (in one case, killed) smaller dogs. It's just that smaller dogs have less weight & protection if a bigger dog has a 'go' at them...even if it's just happy play. So it's not a case of putting down bigger dogs as awful & aggressive or savage or anything. The smaller dog is just physically more vulnerable in any rough & tumble socialization with a much larger dog.
    Please keep us up-to-date on Cassie's progress.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA
    It must be awful not being able to cuddle her when she whines! I'm glad things are looking up for sweet little Cassie.

    I have to wonder, like everyone else, why the owner had the tennis ball if she knew her dog was possessive. I agree with Jackie; if you know your pet has a tendency to behave in an agressive or negative manner you should take precautions to ensure it doesn't happen. By allowing the tennis ball the behavior was practically invited.

    Little Cassie is in my thoughts. Jeffrey, Bandit, Kelsey and I send many sweet kisses and tender hugs your way. (Bandit, little puglet, snort-filled kisses and Jeffrey, big, sloppy kisses )

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