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Thread: PetTalk Meeting 2002?

  1. #16
    I'm all for the midwest. Then again where ever it is, I sure ya'll will have great fun. Me....i'm still ponderin.

    Angel, yeah right...that the worst kind the ones to say to not be afraid...been there done that..LOL

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    I was thinking of driving to Texas, but that is a loooong drive from GA.

    Maybe I could fly down there. But then again, if I can spare a weekend to go to TX, maybe I should go to Ft. Rucker in Alabama to see my husband. He leaves in January and I am not going with him. Weekends are the only time we can spend together after he leaves.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    Kayann don't feel left out I can't go either too many things to do this next year. Also I 'm one of those NOT in the southwest or east. Sounds like tons of fun though you will have to make a HUGE album.
    What ever happened to Iditarod fan,haven't seen her in a while.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Whew! Ok, Ok, I have lots of ppl to reply too...umm, let's see...

    Spencersorry if I missed this, but do you know the dates of 'your' spring break? Dallas/Ft. Worth is actually only a 6 hr drive or so from my parents' house! And I would LOVE to visit the big cat sanctuary...not sure how the puppy ppl feel about that though!

    LoganEven if the 'big' meeting doesn't work out I'd still like to try to meet you guys (in TX or thereabouts)...just let me know when!

    Jackie/KayAnn/Souraya/CorinnaYou guys will be in our thoughts and you know us, we'll take LOTS AND LOTS of pictures!

    Augie (aka Tex) Scared of us? We've all had our shots...and I'll make sure Angel wears her muzzle!

    3greys I understand that Tx is a bit far for some of the easterners. I guess I'm at a bit of advantage cos my family (usually) makes a yearly trek to WV to visit our stompin' grounds. Soooo...I'll let all the easterners know if this transplanted hillbilly is going back 'home' this summer! Maybe we could meet up then!

    Karen/Paul Could you guys be our guests of honor?

    Whew! That was a fairly long post! lol I *think* I answered just about everyone...

    Ok, if this is a wkend and/or a spring break trip, I'm all in--but, I also graduate college this May and don't egg-sactly know where I'll be for the summer. I *might* be moving to Kansas City, MO!

    [ November 19, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

  5. #20
    Zippy-kat, all,

    I'd definately consider it. Dallas, eh..only 13 hr drive for me, I did it last year to meet up with some friends, although I still prefer to fly, (i'm not spooked yet, if it's my time it's my time). Since home for me is WAY south Texas, I probably wont get home.

    Depending on where and when this is going to be held, like I'd say, I'd consider it. My social skills are terrible though, I'd be in a corner drinking beers or something..LOL

  6. #21
    Augie, we would not let you sit in a corner drinking beers... with all the personalities on this board, we are all fun and would pull you right outta that shell of yours!

    Tonya, your a brat... remind me to bring a kennel for you to ride in on the way to Texas.

  7. #22
    HAHAHA, the truth comes out....

    On-line I am happy go person complete opposite. go figure huh?

  8. #23
    Sounds like fun to me!!!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Don't feel too bad Tex, I'm kinda the same way- computers are a great outlet, although I'm far from shy. You can drink a beer and I'll be sippin my White Zinfedel (the I wanna be wine). Depending what happens with my life by 2002, count me in, preferrable when it's no so HOT! We can all wear name badges with our dog's names.."Hi My name is Cody!" Logan's can be "Hi My Name is HONEY!" What a reception she'd get! ( she really is a honey) or "Honey Butter!!!

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Angel dah-ling...

    With the way you drive, I'd be MORE THAN GLAD to ride in the kennel!

    My spring break is March 22-April 1.

  11. #26
    Hey, how do you know how I drive!!! I drive very well thank you !

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    DeliDog: Im afraid i wouldnt be able to... because i am young and my parents wouldnt let me... they dont understand how sweet you all are and my mom is still thinking wether or not to let me give out our address..... grrr this is the only reason i hate being young!

    On the other had.. wow i have a tough life!! I have to go to the beach everyday with my sister! UHG this is sooooooo hard!!! hehehe ill have to load pics on webshots sometime and show em off!

  13. #28
    I wanna be young again please please please

  14. #29
    Naaaah, bein' young ain't that fun. To many things to try to figure out. Once you are older and have learned, things get easier. I still have a long way to go but today I have experienced some things that would have turned out a lot different had they happened a few years back. So, you could say I have a learned a thing or too and it felt great!

    Anyway, I hope this meeting really happens. It would be so much fun. I like Spence's ideas of places to meet. I don't think I could bring any of my girls though.... to long of a drive in the car for them .

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    But Augie dear, you are young!

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