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Thread: Dad protects daughter bullied on School Bus

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    I was bullied in Jr High by one boy in my 9th grade class. After constantly asking him as nicely as possible to stop, I took matters into my own hands. After a vicious verbal attack during lunch hour, I stood up, met him eye to eye and smacked him so hard, he fell over. The surprising thing is that all the other boys in the class, grabbed him and held him and urged me to do it again. I didn't, but the bullying stopped. And I earned a lot of respect, that I can say.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sweet Home Alabama (ZULU -6)
    Usually Bullying is a learned process. Most Bully's are acting out what they see or get at home. It is usually fruitless to confront the parent because they are the teachers of the behavior the kids are acting out. Unless the bullied child or one of his peers confront the problem it will continue on into adulthood. If the mother of the child is being bullied by the father she may take action to correct the child , but often the bullying father will intervene for the bullying child, and the mother is powerless to correct the problem. In some cases it is the mother that is the teacher of bad behavior.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Quote Originally Posted by K9karen View Post
    I was bullied in Jr High by one boy in my 9th grade class. After constantly asking him as nicely as possible to stop, I took matters into my own hands. After a vicious verbal attack during lunch hour, I stood up, met him eye to eye and smacked him so hard, he fell over. The surprising thing is that all the other boys in the class, grabbed him and held him and urged me to do it again. I didn't, but the bullying stopped. And I earned a lot of respect, that I can say.

    Way to go Karen.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  4. #19
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I had some limited experience with this this year, on J's very first bus ride. In fact, the first two weeks had some left over issues. What part of "kindergartners sit in the first 3 seats" doesn't a person in charge of driving a bus full of kids not understand? J went to the back of the bus!!! I was shocked, and had an immediate visceral reaction. I was on the phone with the vice principal (the handler of discipline) and the teacher, by the time we had completed our walk home from the bus stop. I wanted to get on the bus and tell the girl a thing or two myself.

    THEN, the driver got PO'd with me, since I complained. J got off the bus one day and was crying. Driver said she didn't know why....she had to keep moving him cause he was hitting this kid, but she wasn't mean about it. Huh? Thank GOD for the other little girl at the bus stop. She said, "that boy was hitting J, and every time J moved, so did this boy. J only hit him that time to make him stop". I nearly hit the bus driver. She said, "oh, well I neve saw that part of it". Really. So, I called again. She can hate me all she wants, as long as she does her job.

    I have told J similarly to what K9Karen says, though I haven't really focused n the "constantly asking him..." part. I have told him one or two times, tell an adult if nearby, then he is free to hit. I have received a comment or two from a family member about this...but my thought is if you don't want your child hit by mine, make sure yours doesn't hit first.

    I can completely empathize with this father. Our situation doesn't even rate, and I was upset.

    I agree with Kokopup, to an extent. I think bullying is a learned behavior at times. But, I think also it is just a personality trait (stemming from lack of self esteem/confidence). So, while the child might not be bullied at home, he/she is acting out from not having needs met at home.

    And, as Kokopup said, sometimes the parent isn't receptive to the message that their child is a bully. I also think some people have different ideas as to what constitutes bullying vs. 'normal' behaviour. I don't think name calling is 'normal' behaviour. Some people think it is kids being kids.

  5. #20
    Much of this is a society problem. Video games that teach violence, shows that make it seem cool to be bad, rap music music all this BS sends young parents and their kids the wrong message. Only one way to stop them. Hit them where it really hurts in the pocket book.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Kensington MD USA
    JONAH was being bullied?? OUR J?? Gimme the bus corner and I can do some bullying myself... I had plenty of experience when I was in school ~
    ~ at least I'm not...

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I was bullied on the school bus, but it didn't bother me much, or have any long-term effect. I knew I was gonna grow up and be a better smarter, more successful person than any of the girls bullying me, so just dealt with it and talked back. It never got physical, just verbal. But I have siblings, and would have done okay if it got physical, as I was not afraid of hitting back!
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #23
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by lbaker View Post
    JONAH was being bullied?? OUR J?? Gimme the bus corner and I can do some bullying myself... I had plenty of experience when I was in school ~
    I am telling you....I couldn't really believe what I was feeling! "I will cut your eye out with a piece of glass". From a girl. First day, first ride to school.

    That was followed by the boy hitting him.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post
    I am telling you....I couldn't really believe what I was feeling! "I will cut your eye out with a piece of glass". From a girl. First day, first ride to school.

    That was followed by the boy hitting him.
    OMG I would be on that bus cussing like that Dad!
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  10. #25
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    It is the continued bullying to one person that has to stop. Other children seem to get in on it too. The school bus is a bad place for that to happen. The driver is trying to drive the bus & doesn't have time to be watching children especially in the very back of the bus. Things have not changed in fact I think they have gotten worse for children today. Having it televised on the Today show has brought it more into the light. I hope they do a follow up on it.

  11. #26
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    Lots of love and encouragement to him and his family from yet another who was verbally bullied all through high school.. GRRRR, I will get into that more when I have a bit more time, if you all can stomach yet another sad tale..

    It isn't just the actual bullies but all the others who remain silent that make its effect so deep and so insidious.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  12. #27
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    San Ramon,CA
    "Kids just being kids" is a BS answer in EVERY case. As human beings, we have a moral compass. Don't tell me these kids don't know what they are doing is wrong. I don't have kids of my own, but am known for defending my family and friends. I was out with friends and this guy kept banging into my friend and just generally rude. About the fourth time, I got in front of him and pushed him against the wall and said "If you don't STOP it, you'll regret it." My friends died laughing cause I'm 5'2" and the guy was over six feet.
    Good for this dad for standing up for his daughter. That's his JOB!

  13. #28
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by moosmom View Post
    No, but I do remember you dipping my pigtail in the ink well!!
    Well, I needed to do that so I could paint that "Smiley" on the back of your shirt.

  14. #29
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    Jan 2007
    I was bullied by my across-the-street neighbor growing up.
    She did the following over several years:
    banged my head against a brick wall
    hit me in the head with a croquet mallet
    made me eat an orange peel
    kicked me in the back while wearing steel-toed cowboy boots
    had a few of her friends hold me down (arms/legs) while she beat me until I was unconscious.

    That didn't include the name-calling and prank calls, etc.

    My parents spoke to her parents MANY times. But her mother was a rotten, evil woman... (our next door neighbor was in the hospital dying and the mom had the kids clean out the fridge and throw every piece of gross rotting food on the dying man's vehicle). We even filed charges against her for the medical expenses when she beat me into unconsciousness.

    I thanked GOD the day that bully dropped out of school.

    I will miss you forever, my sweet Scooter Bug. You were my best friend. 9/21/1995 - 1/23/2010
    Goodbye, Oreo. Gone too soon. 4/2003 - 9/12/2011.
    Farewell & Godspeed, sweet Jadie Francine. You took a piece of my heart with you. 11/2002 - 8/8/2016
    Charlie kitty, aka: Mr. Meowy. Our home is far too silent now. 2003-6/14/2018

  15. #30
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    Alberta, Canada

    Dad apologizes for threatening daughter's tormentors

    Dad apologizes for threatening daughter's tormentors

    A Florida dad who got national media attention after threatening children on a school bus for bullying his disabled 13-year-old daughter issued apologies Tuesday on national television and during a local news conference

    By The Orlando Sentinel

    * Video | Dad who stormed bus apologizes for actions

    LAKE MARY, Fla. — A Florida dad who got national media attention after threatening children on a school bus for bullying his disabled 13-year-old daughter issued apologies Tuesday on national television and during a local news conference.

    James Willie Jones, of Sanford, Fla., apologized for his behavior during a news conference and an appearance on ABC's "Good Morning America."

    He acknowledged he acted like a bully and repeatedly said he was sorry for what happened.

    "I regret for all the kids that weren't involved and had nothing to do with this (incident) that was on that bus at the time. ... I don't think we should promote bullying," Jones told "Good Morning America" host Robin Roberts.

    Jones, 42, said the reason for his actions — which included threats to kill the children and school-bus driver — was the safety and well-being of his daughter, who suffers from cerebral palsy.

    "When I walked my daughter to the bus that morning," he told The Associated Press, "she broke down in tears and finally told me about the bullies who had tormented her on the school bus. She was afraid.

    "In the heat of the moment, I wanted to confront the individuals ... as the protector of my daughter I could not stand by and helplessly watch her suffer."

    Jones and his wife, Deborah Jones, said their daughter remains hospitalized for stress she suffered in connection with the incident.

    Video surveillance shows Jones boarding a Seminole County school bus on Sept. 3 and launching into a profanity-laden rant.

    Seminole County Sheriff's Office deputies arrested Jones on charges of disorderly conduct and disturbing a school function.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

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