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Thread: How's your company doing?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southern California
    Both my husband and I are still employed, thank God. I work for a school district in California (not as a teacher), and thankfully, our district prioritizes jobs. They only lay off after cutting supplies budgets, and anything else they can. Last year, we laid off lots of computer techs, librarians, and kidergarten teachers. Most have been brought back (not sure why), but I have a feeling they will have to be let go again before next year begins (July 1st). As for my department, there is 1 person who was hired after me, so I believe she would be cut before I would. (There are 5 people in my dept including the director, and I've been here over 5years.)

    As for my husband, I would really be surprised if his company survived the next few years. They had a staff of about 40, and laid off 25% right before Christmas. They also made almost everyone cut down on their hours, from 8 to 7 a day. He does software tech support, and the stress levels were already too high. Add to that 1 person from his department being let go and shorter hours in which to do the same amount of work, and the stress skyrockets. Their customers have actuallly been complaining because the tech guys don't get back to them within a "reasonable amount of time" anymore. So, they're going to hire one guy for the tech support department, and they gave my husband back the hour a day.

    I'm very thankful that we seem to be secure for the moment. We both are willing to deal wtih the commuting to keep our jobs in this tough economy.
    Visit my photography web site!
    0.1.0 German Shepard/Chow mix (Kiley)
    0.1.0 Rosy Boa (Nelson)
    1.1.0 Bearded Dragons (Bonnie & Clyde)
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    *Sammy was Pet of the Day!!*
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  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    I was a corporate travel agent for 30+ years, and got laid off (highest paid) in 2003, due to 9/11.

    A few of my friends still have their travel jobs, but with company layoffs and budget crunches, probably won't for long. I guess I'm lucky to be on disability, so I have something.

    This is a scary, sad, time for everybody. I'm so thankful I have a place to live and food to eat. I've totally changed my buying habits. If it ain't on sale, it don't get bought! And if it's not a necessity, furgetaboutit!

    I hope all you PTers are OK.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    My husband is active duty in the US Air Force so we are safe at the moment. His field has one of the lowest retention rates in the military because there is SO much money to be made on the outside. They can replace some jobs in the militray with civilians (non military folk) but even taking our benefits into account, they would have to more than triple his salary to ellicit any kind of interest from the outside workforce. It's just more cost effective to keep him.
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    How's MY company doing?? Well, Mollie is sleeping in the window, Murphy sleeping on the floor next to me, Shorty looking for the litterbox. Who knows about the others. Oh! You mean company as in work. Ooops, never mind.

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    We're still firing on all cylinders, thank goodness ... but with changes. As economic conditions impact areas of our business, we need to re-think how we use our people resources and I admire our senior leaders for being proactive in their thinking rather than reactive. Being a subsidiary of a fairly large and powerful, conservative-thinking Canadian organization really helps.

    I am fortunate to work with a small team who manages our largest client and as such, although everyone is feeling the impact of these times, in a sense we are busier in maintaining that relationship and thinking through new strategies to protect that portfolio. I'm grateful to have this opportunity and my heart really hurts for all those whose lives today are being disrupted and disarrayed.

    As challenging as things are, I hope there are good lessons learned from this situation and that we all come out in a better place.
    Yours in Whiskers

    I'm not young enough to know everything.

    "The Best Mirror is an Old Friend"

    “The secret of what is small is the secret of clear-sightedness; the guarding of what is soft and tender is the secret of strength.”

    • Lao Tzu

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I work at a grooming salon. Last Christmas was by far the slowest Christmas we've ever had, and I've worked there for over 6 years. After Christmas we barely had any business at all. We work on commission so I pretty much working for nothing. Actually since around last September I've been averaging a couple hundred less per paycheck. It's understandable though, when times are tough getting your pet groomed isn't exactly high in the priority list. Things are starting to pick up a bit now though, we've actually had some business. Luckily I haven't been faced with the prospect of losing my job, I know many people have.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    I work for a security company that is worldwide so we always have clients. My area has laid off some people though as some of the clients have gone out of business .

    There will always bee a need for security, sadly so I know I'm in a steady line of work. I just don't know if I want to do it forever but right now its what I got and I am darn glad!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    I work for a very small data management company. It's just me and another girl here. Fortunately our clients save money when they have their documents scanned and electronically stored, rather than physically stored in a warehouse.. so we're doing well.

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Lancaster, PA - USA
    We are blessed to be busier than ever. Seriously. We are looking to hire another tech, maybe two.

    We are a small IT integrator, specializing in Microsoft Small Business solutions. We just inked a new, LARGE contract that will be pushing us into the mid sized business space. That and we were selected, out of almost 52,000 applicants, to be one of 12 Microsoft Gold Certified Partners to participate in the Windows 7 launch event in October. (Until Microsoft changes the release date....LOL)

    So, like I said, we are very blessed. My problem now revolves around not seeing my home in the evening until after dark. LOL

    If any of you know a Windows geek looking for a job and are in the central PA area... Let me know.
    "Unlike most of you, I am not a nut."

    - Homer Simpson

    "If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."

    - Sun Tzu - Art of War

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I work for the state of ca, we just got furloughed 2 days a month so basically a 9 percent pay cut.

    I have worked there for 24 years so not too worried about being laid off but it could happen to some of the new hires. Contrary to popular belief we work our butts off but Arnold doesn't see it that way, we are the first on his chopping block.

    I am not complaining and I am thankful for a secure job that pays good benefits.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Wyoming, USA
    I own my own business, which is thriving, thank goodness. I am looking to hire a couple more groomers, but just haven't found the right ones yet.

    My husband's employer, however, is doing layoffs and pay cuts left and right. So far, neither one has affected us yet, but it may come.

    Scary stuff.
    "We give dogs the time we can spare, the space we can spare and the love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made" - M. Facklam

    "We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers and discoverers - thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses. Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams."- P.S. Beagle

    "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king." - J.R.R. Tolkien

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I work at a dental lab. Our boss hasn't laid off any one but last year we were quite slow so I was rarely able to work even 8 hours a day. I get paid by the hour so my paycheck wasn't what it should be.

    Now we've really picked up and I've been able to work 8 hours most days with some overtime. This week has been extra busy since Monday is a holiday. I'm lucky to have a job and to also have enough work to do.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West Columbia, SC
    Five days after my original posting and things aren't looking any better.

    Today I was told that hours were again being cut for several people and 2 would be laid off. I was cut by 3 hours a week ( from 24 to 21). The owner cut his own pay in half.

    Doesn't sound good at all.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by wolf_Q View Post
    I work at a grooming salon. Last Christmas was by far the slowest Christmas we've ever had, and I've worked there for over 6 years. After Christmas we barely had any business at all. We work on commission so I pretty much working for nothing. Actually since around last September I've been averaging a couple hundred less per paycheck. It's understandable though, when times are tough getting your pet groomed isn't exactly high in the priority list. Things are starting to pick up a bit now though, we've actually had some business. Luckily I haven't been faced with the prospect of losing my job, I know many people have.

    I'm also a groomer. After Christmas is usually slow, but this year was bad, and it's still pretty slow. But one groomer lost her husband, so both her and her mom are gone for a while, so we're down two groomers.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    So far, Mike still has his job... and it's almost the end of February. I am still praying he doesn't lose it - I still haven't found a job either and I am graduating in March.
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

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