Hello Elyse! I am learning my way around here. I've been finding all the nicest, most comfy places to curl up in. There are some other cats here. Mostly I just growl at them. They leave me alone, but sometimes one of them, the youngest and funniest-looking one, pesters me. What a nuisance!

Thank you for asking about me, and I'll make sure my new meowmie gives me the pet and the skritchie. Yes, I do like those!

Your friend,

P.S., Meowmie here.. Bob is coming along and getting used to his new home. He is very soft and sweet. By the way, the "nuisance" pest he refers to above is none of than his CH brother Elmer! Elmer is fearless and likes to provoke little wrestling matches and chases with his siblings. He and Poppy really get into it sometimes! But Bob is NOT interested.

The condition seems to have manifested itself differently in the two of them. Elmer has very long legs and a skinny tubular body. He looks like a small, short-necked giraffe or a colt or fawn... skinny legs that he spreads apart to help him balance and walks on wobbly almost as if they were stilts. Bob on the other hand looks like a regular cat, but he walks relatively low to the ground and often falls over as if his legs were not sturdy.

They are both sweet little guys, and I love them dearly. (As I do their other roommates Sydney and Peony and Poppy.)