I took Catty1's advice so this is the second part to "They came and took him..." hopefully signalling a better life for Nathan.

He is doing much better now and everytime we take him somewhere people comment on what a happy baby he is (he usually gives them a big smile). He loves to wave bye-bye. He's walking a little better but is not doing it exclusively. The doctor told us that the month Stephanie had him she set him back 2 or 3 months and to not worry about him walking because he'll catch up. His ears seem to be doing them a lot better and he doesn't tug on them as much.
He's still waking up 2-3 times a night but I think it's out of habit because he's much, much easier to get to go back to sleep.
He has a well-baby check up sometime this week or next week.
He's just started using a spoon sort-of right (he dips it in his food and then sticks it in his mouth but it usually doesn't have anything on it)

Charles-well, he's still being Charles