I know there are some really poor quality chain leashes out there. Namely from the dollar stores.

The one i have I got about eight years ago. It has been used with a German Shepherd Dog, two Labs, and two Huskies. And a few other smaller dogs. (Like i said, I let a couple friends borrow it, and have had strays and fosters.)

I bought mine from Kmart. I got the same kind as i had bought for my Rat Terrier, but with larger links. A good quality one will have welded together links and the clasp will be sturdy. (By the way... I wouldn't buy the ones Kmart now carry.)

As with any chain material it is good to inspect them now and then.

Sorry to hear that yours failed you when you needed it most

Quote Originally Posted by Suki Wingy
Thank you. I'm going to search for the halti, if I can't find it I'm just buying another. My dog actually snapped that style of leash (chain) apart and got loose when he (generally free of agression) lunged barking at the lady who lives across the who is already terrified of him. This is the type of leash that he snapped

When he pulls I don't think he even feels it, or the discomfort or pain registers. We usually walk him in a properly fitted prong (pinch) collar. When he gets on the lead, he is almost oblivious to me except for if I say "squirrel," when he looks around exitedly for a squirrel, and if I cluck with my mouth he knows we're going to turn. Otherwise, it's like he has blinders on. If I drop the lead or he is off, he usually runs as far and fast as he can. Back when he was about 3 (4 years ago) he could be off leash around my stepdad or if we don't make a big deal, but my mother ruined that by yelling at him frantically every time he got 50 yards away. We used this harness, but he did not understand that was stopping because he was pulling, and we made no progress, just stopping and going, stopping and going.

Really sorry fpr hijacking the thread!