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Thread: show bunnies

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i do have pictures of him and he lives out in mi shed in the back yard.. heres one picture of him..
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    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    AWWWWW!!!! That has to be one of the CUTEST buns!!

    Is your shed your warm?

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    well they have sheets in them and they have doors and bunnys are more used to the cold them the warm they perfer the cold.
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Originally posted by bunyfoofoo
    well they have sheets in them and they have doors and bunnys are more used to the cold them the warm they perfer the cold.
    Yes, I know. A dog likes the cold better then the warm, bit still can get cold. I was just wondering if your shed was warm. If not what are doing to keep your bunny warm?

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    im shur they are just fine they like it out there
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Why wont you just answer my question? I mean I'm not trying to be mean or anything. There are WONDERFUL bunny owners who keep there bunnies outside in a shed. I'm not saying you are a bad bunny owner just because our beleifs are diffrent. All I'm asking Is Your Shed Warm??? If not what are you doing to keep your bunnies warm? Why won't you answer this? I'm come to the conclusion your shed is freezing. Is this true?

    If so what are you doing? I'm guessing nothing (only because you wont answer my question)

    You should build them a hutch, or wooden box to sleep in. If you fill it with hay it will be a nice warm cozy box for them to sleep in. They arn't hard to make at all.

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I'm not saying you are a bad bunny owner just because our beleifs are diffrent. All I'm asking Is Your Shed Warm??? If not what are you doing to keep your bunnies warm? Why won't you answer this? I'm come to the conclusion your shed is freezing. Is this true?
    no as a mater of fact mi shed is not cold. they do have hutches and their is straw with them. sorry i didnt answer ur question i never realized that was what u were asking considering u asked more then one at a time. everytime i walk into my shed it is not cold and i go in there all times of the day moringin after noon and night. so are u happy i answerd ur question since it seemed to bother u so much that i didnt answer it soon.
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Northeast, MA.
    no posts since 12/8? Why am i surprised. bunnyfoofoo you were not asked a multitude of questions, you were asked one: Is the shed warm? You tried to answer 3 times and failed to. Makes one wonder if you are able to remember to feed and give water to the bunny let alone whatever other animals you have. If you need help, please ask for it because I suspect you are not sure what you are doing. Rescue groups are there to help you if you cannot handle the responsibilities you've taken on. Call them and don't take in any more animals be it for "show" or whatever. Do not abandon them into the wild or streets just because things didn't work out, and don't just stop feeding them or giving them the care needed just because they aren't being "show" animals or the way you might like them to be.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    I have NEVER seen the point of having a pet that has to live outside, unless it has an aggressive personality or is a farm animal.

    The prob w/rabbits living outdoors is that they are vulnerable to extreme changes in weather---often too cold in winter, too hot in summer; don't be fooled by ARBA.... DOMESTICATED rabbits do not tolerate big swings in the weather very well. In winter their water and food will freeze at the drop of the hat, often before they have the chance to finish their meal. In summer their fur makes them extremely vulnerable to heat stroke and death.

    Rabbits are extremely social animals and being alone in a shed for the majority of the day is not going to speed up the process of having the rabbit trust you to handle him. They love life, are charming and wonderful pets.......but they still remain a PREY animal and retain those instinctive fears of their forebearers ... of anything that moves quickly, are loud and larger than they are. This is a major reason why rabbits are not respected by most people: they are viewed as timid, boring and not much more than a lump of fur when nothing could be further from the truth. Unless you are going to be outside with your rabbit for several hours a day he is not going to have the chance to develop to comical, affectionate and charming pet they can be.

    Lastly, it is well-known is that outdoor rabbits have a much shorter life span than a lucky house rabbit, outdoors they avg 4-6 years, while indoor rabbits average 7-11 years; int he past year we have started to hear of 12-17 year old house rabbits.

    You might go to and read up on rabbit care. They do have info on outddoor living. They are also the experts in rabbits as pets. It is my experience that ARBA and 4 H groups are more interested in rabbits as livestock, meat and show animals and neither group seems to have bothered at looking beyond this elementary view to see that rabbits have much more poertential than that.
    Mom to 9 wonderful bunnies and an energetic young cat from you-know-where.
    Bunny Basics educator
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Noah, Casey, Daisy, Marie, Velvet, Emma, Robbie, Chocolate

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    How are you and your rabbit doing? Sound like you bailed out in answering questions. If you need help with care of your rabbit ask your vet or there are lots of good books on care of animals at your local Pet co or pets mart or what ever animal warehouse is in your area. I used to have rabbits whwn I was little and my dad built a huuch with like a little box so my rabbbit could curl up and keep warm.
    There was straw in there.
    Sandy Frost

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    no i du not feel i have a reason to give up mi animals i du feed them every morning and water them. after school i take them out and play witht hem thast y i havent been on the computer. and i du not get y u think i cannot "take care of" mi animals they all love me. the reason they du not get to live inside is that mi mom is allergic to them and rabbits can live outside i have plenty of books on them. and as long as u put them ourt there in the summer they will be fine because then they get used to the weather and they can handle it. mi rabbits are fine. they su not seemed affected bi the weather. they all seem healthy and everything. mi vet even said they are healthy and watever i was doing to keep doing it. and if u want to hear about someone who needs to get ride of some of her bunnys.. she has her bunnys in a shed with out a door she has 13 bunnys. they have icecycles growing off there eyelashes and theyer eyes are beeing frozen shut. there wiskers are fallin off and everything, now mi bunnys are not in that condistion. they du not have anything rong. and the only thing that freezes in that shed is the water because IT WATER! and so if any of u have a problem with how i take care of mi animals u can all kiss mi a*s! im sorry i am being a bi*ch but when people tell me i cant take care of mi animals and tell me to give them to a pet helper place i find that really RUDE! so this is one of the last messages i will post on this website because i cannot take the rudeness of you people. and as far as any i am conserned i answerd the question "is mi shed warm" the way i felt it should have been answerd.
    LiSa NiCoLe

    ~!*&*!~Zane, parker, rizzo, tinkerbell, sounna, noodles, harley, persy, spike, kermit, yoshi, fredrico, tonks, beshy, nikko, bekko, fire~!*&*!~

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin
    Let's see, I just checked on the National Weather Service website, and the temperature is 21 degrees in Washington, and there are snow and blizzard warnings. Please do not tell me that you think a 21 degree shed is not cold for a rabbit. That's just plain sick. I don't know about in Washington, but here in Wisconsin the state does not except that crap i.e animal abuse- and you can get in some serious trouble.

    If you truly love this animal and have hopes of showing it- PROPERLY CARE FOR IT- meaning keep it housed in a comfortable WARM(warm would be 60 degrees and up)place.

    God help that beautiful rabbit! I am praying for you little bunny- that is if you haven't passed away from hypothermia by now.
    LAURA {Human}, FRANNY {Boxer}, PEANUT, BUSTER, & NIBBLES {Rabbits}

    Thanks Roxyluvsme13!

    "The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horses' ears"- Arabian Proverb

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Same here YLL. I feel so bad for the poor bunny. I know some people who have HEATED sheds and keep there rabbits in there, but I can't imagine keeping them just out in the cold. It's like you sitting in the shed (probly) on cold wire flooring with nothing to keep you warm.

    Honestly, because it took you so long to answer me I beleave your shed isn't warm. Personally I know if my bunnies were outside I would be reluctant (sp) to fo out and feed them, it would just be to cold, I can only imagine.

    Poor, Poor bunny, probly freezing right now.

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Northeast, MA.


    Hi bunyfoofoo- if it was me that offended you, I'm sorry. What I think is most important at present is the situation you described of 13 rabbits basically being neglected and freezing which equals abuse. You must be so upset by seeing this. What happened when you confronted the owners? You know, when you told them the rabbits need vet care for hypothermia and then need indoor nursing and care remainder of the winter? Did they yell at you? You could leave them info in their mailbox about discounts they can get through organizations that help. Or offer to take some of them to your warm shed maybe? Do you have room for 13 more or could you build an addition this summer?
    I'm sure your bunny will be fine because you are there so much to make sure. If something does happen though, what will be your next step for your next rabbit or rabbits (if you take on the 13 abused ones?) I mean with your mom allergic, maybe the garage or cellar- are those areas free? Do you have friend that could help? Or maybe the biology lab at school? (We always had a pet in science class when i was in school). Or maybe your English class? Let me know if you need any more recommendations on how to handle this horrible situation. In the meantime, I'm sure you've contacted the local Animal Rescue organizations and reported this- Good for you! And thanks for letting us all know.

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