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Thread: Message Boards

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    POTD was my first message board. How lucky I am to have my first board be the best on the net!

    Since I enjoy myself so much here, I wanted to join some more boards, so I went to a Basset Hound owner's board. I was skimming through their posts and was astonished at what I saw. Fights over whose dog was cuter (how juvenile!), little misunderstandings that lead to huge arguments, even profane swearing and insult-throwing. Coming from Pet of the Day, I was shocked at what else is out there. I had no idea people could be like that. It really made me appreciate what we have here so much. On that other board, no one seemed to know each other. They expressed some sympathy when needed, but it was given half-heartedly.

    Pet Talk is, in my mind and I am sure in everyone else's here, the best message board on the net. It's full of caring, sweet, loving people who are all truly connected through their love for their pets. Karen and Paul, thank you for giving me and all of us this wonderful board, this safe haven from the rest of the "bad guys" on all those other boards! This is honestly the best site ever!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy

    I really hope that a perhaps unfortunate choice of words from an unknown source will not put you off coming back to this board.

    Please take the time to read trough the various topics you will find that the majority of people have adopted from shelters or rescue groups and everyone is very sensitive on this issue. There are lot of people who volunteer, foster or help in some way or other. Some of us have adopted ill or pets with handicapped who would have otherwise have found it difficult to find a loving home.

    This is a board full of caring wonderful people, don't miss the opportunity to get to know them.

    [ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

    [ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gio ]

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Albert Lea, MN USA
    I love Cat of the Day and Pet Talk. At about the same time as I found this site (right after I went online), I started posting on another great cat website. I'm also a member of a mailing list for people with the INTP personality type (I rarely post, though).

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    California, USA
    Originally posted by alexnell:
    I love Cat of the Day and Pet Talk. At about the same time as I found this site (right after I went online), I started posting on another great cat website. I'm also a member of a mailing list for people with the INTP personality type (I rarely post, though).
    ... must be the Introvert in you.

  5. #20
    This is the first and only message board where I post messages. I tried the MSN Golden Retriever site but it takes forever to load and it's not as friendly as POTD. I come here every day, even when I should be doing something else, like right now Thank you Paul and Karen for your hard work in setting this up and God bless all the generous people who care for the animals. As one of the pet charities says: "It's their world too."

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Aberdeen, MD
    This is the first and only message board for me too and I think the people here are wonderful! Different opinions are stated in the nicest way, and all I've seen so far has been pleasant and very informative. Kudos to everyone who posts here, I've appreciated all of their posts.

  7. #22
    Yeah, Albea, animals are people too, huh?

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    This is not my first BB, but it is by far the absolute BEST! This is "home". Everyone here is truly concerned and interested in everyone else. I don't find that on any other BB. It is entertaining, fun, exciting, nerve-wracking, informative and supportive. Everyday I can't wait to get my DOTD "fix" and that means a few times a day and before bedtime, too. The support here is unbelieveable. I know people have worried as much about my dog as I also have worried about theirs! This is an award-winning site in my mind and my heart!!

    Cartwheel, you sound like a big supporter of shelter adoption!!!! So am I!!!!! As you will see in my signature, I push adoption every chance I get!! There are many of us who do the same. There are shelter volunteers here, also. We are all pet lovers, no matter what their breed or origins are. There are many rescued pets on this board. Many. Come on, join us. You'll see what we are like and you just might like what you see!!
    Save a life, ADOPT!!

    Rainbow Bridge Angels: Thor, Shiloh and Killian, Avalanche and Wolf
    (RB Gaylord and Bandit, fosters who have touched my heart)

  9. #24
    Well, this is my first message board ever. I was never the type, and then Pet Talk came along. They all sucked me right in!!!!!!!! I have never 'met' such caring and loving people before! I jumped right in and have never looked back. I don't even want to attempt to join other boards because there is only one for me... THIS ONE ! I don't think I could find one as good as this one.

    It still amazes me how much support there is here and compassion. We all treat each other like family. Even if there are disagreements or varied opinions, everyone goes out of their way to put their response nicely and honestly. It is wonderful! This topic is a perfect example! Just look at the responses to Cartweel's post I love Pet Talk and it is a daily visit for me...well, hourly visit!

    Our animals have come from so many different places. Each of my 3 came from all different places. Lexi I bought from a lady selling mixed breed puppies (best $60 EVER!), Sasha came from a friend who couldn't keep her anymore and Maddie was a stray I found and adopted from the shelter that she was taken to. I will begin volunteering for Arizona Animal Welfare League in a few weeks as well. YAY!!!! So, cartweel, we hope you stick around and enjoy it here. NO ONE on this board feels that any dog is less worthy than any other and no one will look at anyone differently just because of how they obtained their dogs. So, we agree completely with what you say. Adoption is such a great way (and in my opinion preferrable) to get an animal. Some breeders are out for the all mighty dollar and status. But there are decent caring breeders as well. Far be it from me to judge anyone. That description that you saw definitely DID NOT reflect the sentiments of ANYONE on this board or the moderators. We hope you stay and enjoy this and discover just how wonderful everyone is....

    okay, sorry. I'm done rambling

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    This is my first and last

    Felice, Zeus, Hercules

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    It looks like most of us are newcomers to this type of thing, with 13 yes and 8 no. How lucky for us that we found the best site on our first try!

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lawrenceville, Ga, USA
    I began posting on another BBS before finding this one. I still go to the other just to read the posts. That BBS is about my other interest, motorcycle racing, I enjoy this BBS much more.

    On the other BBS, there is bickering and lots of posturing about who is better. The other BBS does not allow "signatures", no pictures are allowed, and they are using the old version of the BBS software.
    Scott is owned by 5 cats: Jackson, Fluffy, Twidgit, Ashton, Lexi;
    and 3 dogs: Eli, Sassee, Ginger

    Fuzzy317's Pictures

  13. #28
    NO PICTURES!!! None of us would survive!

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