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Thread: What does this all mean!?!?!?!?!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    its not that easy. i get teased everyday. im just scared that if i do turn him in that he will do something to me because somehow he knows where i live. hes even crank called my house while he was in Canada with some friends.

    RIP Stormy
    RIP Sky

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    check your PM... I sent you something.

  3. #18
    Threatened? Threatened in which sense? If this is something that is really serious and bothering you, I think you need to bring it to your parents attention.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Yeah, that's b.s. If he's threatening you, take care of it now. Get that out of your system now. You can not let anyone ever in your life let you feel that way. Especially if he's 18. He's an adult, and, you're a kid. Go to someone now and make it known what he's doing. You don't have to go into all the details on here if you don't want to. If it's serious, take it straight to your parents and/or even the authorities.

    Thanks, Dogz!

    "...when does sometimes turn into all the time...." Joe Pisapia

    "We all start off as strangers, it's where we end up that counts." Jennifer Beals, Four Rooms

    "And I find it kind of funny...I find it kind of sad...The dreams in which I’m dying Are the best I’ve ever had" Tears for Fears, Mad World

    "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world" Dr Paul Farmer

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    I definetly think you should tell your parents or someone of higher authority, besides us, because there's absolutely nothing we can do for you if/when he does plan to do something to you.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits


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