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Thread: Baby products? Questions for PT skin kid moms.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hi folks, I just got back from work.
    Thanks for the replies. I have a lot of reading to do.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    On car seats, if you don't mind it costing a little more, Britax is the best out there.
    Thanks for the info. I'll research the Britax kind and Evenflow.

    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    If you are planning on doing any formula feeding, our girls have done well using both the Parent's Choice (Wal-Mart) and Target store brand formula. Because of FDA regulations, the nutritional value is on par with the name brands, and it is much less expensive.
    Good to know, but I plan on breastfeeding too.

    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    With our oldest daughter, we got a convertible crib.
    In the long run, it sounds convenient because it lasts longer.

    Thanks again!

    Quote Originally Posted by sparks19 View Post
    Diapers.... Do you have a BJ's near you? or even costco?
    Yes, both. I'll look to price them there. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky_mom View Post
    Get nail clippers, medicine spoon dosifier or the new pacifier style ones...

    one tip get a box of diapers every payday as a routine.... you can get them from now... stage 3-4 is what I used most... then 2... and 1 and newborn I used least maybe just a bag or two...
    Great advice. Thanks!

  3. #18
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    Apr 2005
    Gosh, there is so much to buy... I guess we will help the economy.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Mexico
    good thing you are planning on breastfeeding.... but you should buy one can nonetheless, just in case...

    I too bought a convertible crib that could be turned into a toddler bed and after that we bought big kid bed the normal individual ones even grown ups use...

    oh oh... get a matress cover... just in case you get spills (pee/poop/milk,etc) so it doesn´t gets ruined...

    there are also lots of stuff... most of it unneccesary... but you´ll figure out and prioritize the needs vs. the wants......

    are you having a baby shower?... perhaps you can ask for gift certificates as presents... I would say diapers but you need to figure out which works best for you and your baby so you don´t end up with tons of useless diapers...

    oh and DO NOT buy tons of baby clothes... they´ll leave it behind in DAYS.. literally....if you really really like something, buy it the next size up so it gets weared at least a couple months... same with shoes
    Corinna´s Christmas Card Swap ´06
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  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    It's been a while for me Finn's mom so I think my advice would be a bit outdated. But congratulations on your soon to be new addition to the family. Hope everything goes smoothly for you.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh, and keep an eye on Freecycle in your area - often "durable goods" get Freecycled when a child outgrows them, and as you have plenty of "lead time," it cannot hurt to look!

    One little girl in our church has a ton of clothes her grandmother saved from when this baby's mom was a baby herself - lots of baby clothes get so little use that they are good for several kids worth of wear! The one sure thing about babies is they grow!
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #22
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    May 2005
    If you are going to breatfeed and want to pump, get a medela pump. They are expensive ($250 and up) but BELIEVE ME they are completely worth it.

    We have an Evenflo car seat - when Ty was 2 months old someone ran a stop sign and we were in a pretty bad accident. The car seat held up extremely well, so personally I would recommend that brand.

    Diapers, I think depends on the baby. We have found that Huggies work best for us...we tried just about every other brand and he pees right out of them.

    Just my advice, but don't buy or register for any clothes, people like to buy baby clothes and you will probably end up with way more than you will need.

    I like Dr. Brown's bottles, especially since Ty had some colic. They really helped with that.

    One tip - you are not supposed to microwave breastmilk. Supposedly it breaks down the components of the milk. Forumla in the microwave works just fine, just shake it up a lot.

    I'll probably think of more soon. Good luck!

  8. #23
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Husky_mom View Post
    Are you having a baby shower?... perhaps you can ask for gift certificates as presents... I would say diapers but you need to figure out which works best for you and your baby so you don´t end up with tons of useless diapers...

    oh and DO NOT buy tons of baby clothes... they´ll leave it behind in DAYS.. literally....if you really really like something, buy it the next size up so it gets weared at least a couple months... same with shoes
    Yes, I think I am. A co-worker of mine said she was going to throw me one. I really don't know many people and don't have a lot of close friends so I was surprised at her gesture. It'll probably be 3 people! hehehe, including me. I am hoping my mom will fly from Italy to attend when the time comes. I figured my mother in law would buy some baby clothes. She always does that with the other babies of the family. I probably will buy but a few pieces. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by JenBKR View Post
    We have an Evenflo car seat - when Ty was 2 months old someone ran a stop sign and we were in a pretty bad accident. The car seat held up extremely well, so personally I would recommend that brand.
    Oh my, I'm glad Ty was ok. Another reason to look at Evenflo. Thanks.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Bexhill, UK
    Buy Sudocream and Calpol in bulk! both are a god-send
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  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by JenBKR View Post
    If you are going to breatfeed and want to pump, get a medela pump. They are expensive ($250 and up) but BELIEVE ME they are completely worth it.
    I agree completely! I loved my Medela pumps (I had an electric and manual). This time around I plan to get a Medela Pump in Style. I pumped a lot with Nathan. Nathan was a very lazy eater (still is) and early on I had more milk than a cow. I'm hoping I don't need to pump nearly as much this time around.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by DJFyrewolf36 View Post
    He needs special anti gas bottles though too or else he gets REALLY cranky!
    There anti-gas drops too which work well.

    Quote Originally Posted by prechrswife View Post
    Another thing we love is our front carrier. Ours is a Snugli, but there are a number of brands out there. We used ours with both girls until they outgrew it, and it is still in good enough condition for baby boy. Great for those times when you want baby close but need your hands free--grocery store, etc. I tried using a sling carrier with Katherine, but she hated it with a passion. I have seen others use them with a lot of success, though.
    Baby's are so picky, aren't they. We never had any luck with the sling either. We used a carrier (also a snugli), but Nathan really didn't care for it after too long. We ended up just carrying him most of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky_mom View Post
    I too bought a convertible crib that could be turned into a toddler bed and after that we bought big kid bed the normal individual ones even grown ups use...
    We got a convertible crib for Nathan too. We co-slept with him since day one and never used the crib. Now it's set up as a toddler bed and I'm not buying the new baby a crib, we'll never use it. Something you ladies may want to consider if your planning on co-sleeping.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  12. #27
    One of my favorite baby products (for when the baby is a little older, around 4 months or so) is an excersaucer. We have an Evenflow exersauser and LOVE it. Nathan loved that thing and it was great, I could set him in it while I cooked, washed dishes, or started a load of laundry.

    I don't think anyone has mentioned a boppy yet either. It's great for breast feeding, or for just holding your baby. We also used it when Nathan was able to sit up with a little support-
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by KBlaix View Post
    One of my favorite baby products (for when the baby is a little older, around 4 months or so) is an excersaucer. We have an Evenflow exersauser and LOVE it. Nathan loved that thing and it was great, I could set him in it while I cooked, washed dishes, or started a load of laundry.

    I don't think anyone has mentioned a boppy yet either. It's great for breast feeding, or for just holding your baby. We also used it when Nathan was able to sit up with a little support-
    I agree with both of those. Our exersaucer has held up great, too. We have used it for both girls, and other than the fact that it doesn't play music anymore, it is still almost like new.

    We also used our Boppy a lot with Katherine, for both breast feeding and bottle feeding, and for just holding her.

    When she got a little older, we used one of those Bebe Pod chairs (Bumbo seats are another brand), and that worked great when she was at that almost-but-not-quite sitting up stage.

  14. #29
    OH yeah boppy's... AWESOME. I had two. one for Hannahs room and one for the living room since I used them THAT much lol. I took it everywhere with me and used it all the time and when Hannah started learning to sit up on her own I put her in the center of the boppy so it gave her a little support and was a cushion if she should fall over. LOVE boppy's

    exersaucers are great. We have the baby einstein one and Hannah STILL loves it.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  15. #30
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    May 2005
    Register for gates now.....all of a sudden your little one will be on the move and you'll be needing them. We basically babyproofed the living room and keep Ty in there as much as possible. It's surprising how quickly they can get into everything!

    We have a rather large kitchen with hardwood floors, so his walker has been great. I can make dinner, clean up the kitchen, etc., and he is happy in his walker for a little while. The kitchen is now the only room in the house that is even remotely clean

    I'd say don't bother with a diaper genie, they are a pain in the butt and you have to keep buying their refills. We have a diaper champ and it works really well, and you can use whatever bags you want.

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