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Thread: Pet Talk Meeting ~ Findlay, OHIO Bark Park ~ SUNDAY, Aug 31 ~ BE THERE!

  1. #226
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Great pics everyone!!! It looks like you all (and especially the doggies!) had a great time! I really think I'm going to have to move to meeting at the dog park wasn't enough! Nebo and I want to come to everyone one!

    p.s. The cone greeter was great! lmao

  2. #227

    Smokey's Tailz ~

    SmokeMutt here; wiff da Dawggie Slant onna
    Labur Day PT Gathurin!

    We took a few fotoz (and finally gotz da wunz frum LAST Tyme processed, too).
    Anna few shotz of Cinder an me havin a Swim/Baff atta BigLake, too.
    Here's a *kliker* to the Album:
    SmokeShotz on ImageStation.

    MoosMom's recent Adoptee, Carl, da Kone, derssed up reel nice an akted az da Offishul Greetur fur all the Arriving Guests an Visitin Dignaterriez...

    (We caught him jest az he wuz sittin down fur a Lunch Break.)

    WE wuz greeted by our Speshul Guests - Miz Karen (our Hed Bunnie), an Mistur Pet Talk - Paul. They'z boff Reel Nice; an it wuz PHUNN havin em wiff us all day!!

    Off to da Bark Park Yard!!
    A few of da Gang beat us there; but a lot more started arrivin. Sum NEW Facez - Ruthie an Zeus da Shepherd, burng their folks (Tammy & Andy) wiff da Mike an Molly Gang; an a soft an fluffie lil Akita pup - Katie - brung her folks (RobiLee an AJ).
    WELCOME to allua NewBeez - an we wanna see ya back fur da Big Birfday Bash atta Park on October 19th!!

    Almost hadda send da Search Dawgz out - da Cincy Tour Bus Drivur (Miz Johanna) missed da sine fur da *back door* approach; an they hadda drive round da block to to enter via da *frunt door*. Wurd hazzit they managed to find Baylee & Ringo's Howze onna return trip wiff no problemos!! Gud Job, Johanna!!

    Az usual - Dawggie Treetz GALORE!!
    Do a quick *Sit & Beg*; an sumbuddie wuz shovin treetz at'cha! An iffin ya kuldint wait - Dad's treet pouch wuz eezee pickin's whenebbur he crowched down! Miz Shawna figgered dat out reel quick! An we had da usual Tabul Surferz - Dazzi an Ruthie got dat routine down pat! Dunno if Miz Cinnerz tried it again or not - no inkriminatin pix (yet).

    Us Dawggies wuz all havin a BLAST! playin an rompin reel nice - when summa da Hoominz started *whumpurrin* DEY wuz *hungree* - so Mistur Mike blew da lunch whissel an da Kitchun opened up. WW! Talk about TREETZ. We kudda fed an Army!!

    Mike build da fiurz, den told Dad ta Lite em Up!
    WHOOSH! OMG! Thunk we wuz gonna burn down da Pavilun! Da Hed Kook (Mistur Mike) tossed on hiz speshul ressapee Beer Brats - MMMMMMMM! GUD *sniffs*! Smelt like da Coors Brewery wuz on fiur!
    Musta been GUD - kuz we dint get nun! Dad alluz saves da last byte an splitz if fur us. Not dis tyme . He ate da HOLE Ting!
    Burgerz must notta been too bad, neithur. Last a that went downna hatch wiff nebbur a thought of sharin it wiff us.

    An who made dem BROWNNIEZ!? Dad finks it wuz MoosMom?? Gawrsh, dey musta been GUD! Ebery tyme we lookd - der wuz Dad wiff Brownnie Krumbz onna shirtskin!

    Anna SALADz... Nebbur saw Dad eat DAT Much *wabbit food*! Tater salad musta been bad - Dad spent a lotta tyme tryin ta get ridda it - three skoopz (at least!)
    Then he moved on to da DeeZertz...
    Sooo much ta try, Soooo lil tyme...
    Must mention: when Dad wuz cleanin up; dat DEELishus *Appil Pie - wiffa gooey Karmul Toppin* dint quite get finished... so it rode home wiff us. (Dad nebber tossez Gud Stuff!) But now we gotz sumbuddies' White Pie Knife. Speak up an we'll mail it home or bring it next munth.

    Back to da Bark Park fur more Rompin an Playin an Chazin - an TREETZ!
    Lotta Pix bein *snapped* by da PT Hed Photo Guy - Mistur Paul. An we fink we spotted da Hed Bunnie makin sketchez... Wunder iffin she's plannin on makin sum Art Werk??? Hope she shares dat wiff allua us! (HINT!!)

    Affore we knew it - wuz gettin late - anna folkz who had long drives started sayin G-Bye. Alluz sad ta see da krowd start ta thin out. But a few stayed an chatted... we all hadda Gud Tyme.

    An THANKS to all who put munnie inna Kontribution Kanz!!
    We'z all Paid Up to Miz Amy on the Pavilun Rentals fur this year; gotz enuff fur da Depozit fur next munth's ShinDig; an have sum left ober fur a DONATION to the Bark Park Folks! TANKZ fur Helpin Out!!

    An we all otta pauze a minnit an Member our Missin Wabbit Buddie - Miz Sophie an her MawMee Tonya (Zippy-Kat). Sunday wuz Miz Sophie's Furst Birfday atta Rainbow Bridge ~ Hope ya hadda Nice Partee atta Bridge, Soph! We missed ya!! An Speshul {{{Huggs}}} to Dear Zipp!!

    An then it wuz ober. Karen an Paul headed off to their rent-a-room; Dad loaded da kar; an we wuz asleep onna back seet affore we cleared da parkin lot!

    Whutta PHUNN TYME wuz agin had by all!

    Iffin ya missed dis wun -
    We'z gonna DO IT AGIN - Next Munth...
    Da Fall Bark Park Birfday Bash -
    skeduled fur SUNDAY, Oktober 19, 2003.
    Same Place - Findlay, Ohio, Bark Park...
    PLAN Ahead to BEE THERE!!

    /s/ Yur Dawggie Korrispondent - SmokeMutt

    YEA! They're HOME, Safe & Sound!!
    Thanks agin fur *Droppin By*, Karen & Paul!!
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  3. #228
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Awww....Smoke, I truly enjoyed reading your post. I think you, Cinder and Phred are the best! It was so great to meet you all. I can't wait to see you again!


  4. #229
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    That was my fine plastic pie knife....I remembered it about halfway home...I was SO relieved to get 'rid' of that was yummy, though, wasn't it?

  5. #230
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    So Jo, where praytell are all of YOUR pictures?? lol

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  6. #231
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    I didn't get many pictures but here are a few of what I did get.

    First off, I arrived first - what was up with that? Phred usually gets there before me. But as 4 Dog Mother (me) arrived with 4 of her 5 dogs, she realized that there were already 4 dogs in the park - 4 greyhounds. Here are pictures of them:

    and Blaze and Nitro:

    They left as more Pet Talkers arrived. Here are a few of our group:

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  7. #232
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    Taggert, Ringo and Baylee:


    Then as more people arrived, Dazzi, self-acclaimed "boss" of the park began to need closer supervision and I'm afraid my camera got set aside. But what I did get taken are Here

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    My pictures are stuck on just took too long to upload..I am still working on it.

  9. #234


    Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother
    First off, I arrived first -
    what was up with that?
    Phred usually gets there before me.
    4/5 D-Mom ~

    When WE get sumwhere *furst* - it'z an axkadent!
    a) We gotz da Start Tyme wrong (by at least an hour!) -or-
    b) Ebberbuddie else got *losted*...

    Da Sunday *plan*:
    UP at 7; alarmS (THREE of em) set at 6:55.
    Leave "by 8"

    *Plan* as exeekuted:
    1) 6:55 BUZZ! *SWAT!* ...silence...
    2) above repeated for 20 minnitz
    3) 7:15: Dad: "We'z OK - I set it urlee... Zzzzz."
    4) 7:30: WE're LATE! Why dint you guyz wake me up!?
    ...Like, we shudda pushed him offa bed??
    5) FINALLY onna road at 8:15...
    6) PANIC stop at end of driveway! (Looks in trunk)...
    .. Yep! Cookies remembered - safely in trunk.
    7) THREE stops onna way...
    a) Ice fur da pop kooler...
    b) MickeyD's fur DAD's breakfast...
    c) MickeyD's fur BINX's treet (snauggage McBisquit...

    An you *wunder* how ya gotz der FURST??

    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  10. #235
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Geez Phred....WE even beat you!! lol

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  11. #236
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I love the pictures!!

    Andy, Kia, and I are sad we couldn't make it... hope we can make it to the next Pet Talk meeting.

    We'll post some pics of us at Dragon*Con.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hey everybody! I know I haven't been signed on in a while but I have been viewing the site from home occationally and I just wanted to say I loved all the pics! I really wish I could have been there, but being in Texas, there was no way I could make the trip! But I wanted to thank eveybody for the pics! Hopefully one day our girls will be able to join in on the fun!

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