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Thread: The Cruise Of The Good Ship "Feline Princess"

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Originally posted by Kirsten
    I assume it's politically correct what she did with that flag?

    Purrfectly acceptable! Flag flying is still in fashion here!
    "Everything is better when Ritz sits on it......or in it"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Well, I finally got word. Peanut sent me this pic of Tubby and the Tubby Shufflers. Seems Tubby heard how the orangies were ganging up and were intent on winning the tournament, so, being the competitive kitty that he is, he organized most of the blackies and formed his own team. He is so intent on winning that they even hired the onboard pro to teach them the finer points of shuffleboard.

    And Tray, Peanut said that Tubby had a talk with Grover and even though she's not totally a blackie, she decided to join the Tubby Shufflers. Seems Tubby appealed to her competitive spirit and told her how all that bungee jumping and stuff really isn't the place to be because you don't beat anybody at it. (Peanut said he could see she was spinning out of control and decided to become the fatherly figure to her and try and set her on the straight and narrow path).

    So I know it's hard to recognize your kitty when they're all black, so Peanut gave me a short list of who was part of the team. So clockwise from the top left you've got Grover, Tubby, Treacle, Jazz, Taz, George and Tubby really wishes Bramble would sit up and pay attention instead of sunning her tummy!

    She also told me that she and Samantha had a wonderful time at the spa, and they were going to go invite some of the other ladies to join them since they are quite addicted now and made another appointment for later today. She said Miley had indicated some interest since she needed a rest from watching Juni Rose, Edwina, Ritzy, Mimi, Livvy, Maggie, Nellie, Samantha (Sc) and Daisy all agreed an afternoon of massages and body rubs would be a wonderful thing. Boy, sounds lke Rauol and Fernando are going to be busy!

    She also mentioned that Lily & Pouncer are quite the cute young couple and that they were absolutely adorable when they went swimming with the dolphins. She said their young love is so addicting and romances are popping up all over the ship.

    Then she had to run, seems Perichot has fallen overboard and the mad rush is on to get him back on board!
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Ahh.... Pouncer finally clued me in on the New York trip..

    He said he flew in with a few other kitties, but they split up in the city...

    First was Edwina and Tibby - they got lost in Tiffany's.... look out, your virtual Master Card will be charged to the limit!

    Then they lost both Eddie and Rascal in FAO Scwartz. They got mesmorized by "welcome to our world, welcome to our world, welcome to our world of TOYS..." That song just lodged in their minds and they decide to stay and play while listening to the song!

    So it was just Pouncer. Lily, Boomer and his new friend Ketchum. But when they all came to the Empire Sate Building, Boomer thought he'd get into trouble if her went to the top - "after all," he said, "Meowmie won't let me out on the 7th floor - what about on the 1,860th floor!?!?"

    Pouncer had a very nice New Yorker take this photo f him and Lily at the top

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Can anybody tell me whether they got little Pericot? I won't be able to sleep if I don't know

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    TP, it is finally good that somebody talked some since into Grover! Bungee jumping! At least she is doing something not so dangerous now. This picture made me feel a lot better. Tell Tubby thanks for watching out for the little teenager. She is real good at sneaking off and trying to climb things, so beware!
    Great Picture!

    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Originally posted by catnapper
    Ahh.... Pouncer finally clued me in on the New York trip..

    He said he flew in with a few other kitties, but they split up in the city...

    First was Edwina and Tibby - they got lost in Tiffany's.... look out, your virtual Master Card will be charged to the limit!

    Then they lost both Eddie and Rascal in FAO Scwartz. They got mesmorized by "welcome to our world, welcome to our world, welcome to our world of TOYS..." That song just lodged in their minds and they decide to stay and play while listening to the song!

    So it was just Pouncer. Lily, Boomer and his new friend Ketchum. But when they all came to the Empire Sate Building, Boomer thought he'd get into trouble if her went to the top - "after all," he said, "Meowmie won't let me out on the 7th floor - what about on the 1,860th floor!?!?"

    Pouncer had a very nice New Yorker take this photo f him and Lily at the top
    OMG, and Lily has a meowmie who's afraid of heights.... LOL This picture makes my heart stand still!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Originally posted by tuxluvr
    Purrfectly acceptable! Flag flying is still in fashion here!
    Good... I think since she's in love with a boy from the USA, she wants to show her support!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I haven't heard anything from Beau and Felicia for a while.

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    (Romans 8:28)

    I've been defrosted-- Thanks, Sana

  9. #9
    Not to worry Felicia's mom. She and Edwina shared some catnip tea and crumpets. Edwina was very impressed by Felicia's refined and ladylike manners!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Killearn, Scotland
    Samantha, Daisy and Jessica have sent me a full report of last night's Burns' Supper.

    It seems that after HOURS with Raoul and Fernando, all the ladies were ready to party.

    As our host, Fister kindly agreed to address the haggis.

    I think he might have tasted it for the first time, but I'm not sure if he liked it much.

    The Reply for the Lassies was given by none other than Her Highness, the Lady Edwina. As always, she looked ravishing in one of her beautiful outfits.

    She made my girls quite jealous. They felt that as hostesses they should have made a bit more of an effort, so they scoured the ship for tartan accessories. Unfortunately this was the only one they could find.

    Girls!! Get up! That is not appropriate. You have guests to entertain.

    We also had a surprise guest.

    Ally flew in specially from Bahrain! Following her very professional rendition of "To a Mouse" when Edwina visited the Edinburgh Festival last year, she agreed to perform again. A magnificent rendition she gave too. She even brought her own props!

    Nellie also gave a very moving rendition of My Love is Like a Red Red Rose. When she finished, there was not a dry eye in the house. We don't know whether she was thinking of Lily and Pouncer and the beautiful red roses, or whether there was someone else on her mind. Clearly she was emotionally drained after her magnificent performance.

    The girls decided against trying to find a piper in Miami, in case the noise frightened any of the cats (it certainly would have frightened my girls I can tell you! And goodness knows what the little bunnies would have thought.) Instead, Tigris kindly agreed to play the piano.

    As Vio said, his playing is more for a jazzy event than a romantic one, but that was just what was needed after the poetry readings. After all, we don't want anyone getting carried away here. Some of the kitties are away from their meowmies for the first time.

    Nellie, Edwina and Jessica did a great job of looking after the younger girls and the shy boys. Also Grover was on her best behaviour, so her meowmie has not to worry. And let's be honest, if this face was looking at you, would you not behave as well?

    The carousing went on into the early morning, as befits the city that never sleeps. Samantha however is another matter.

    SAMANTHA!!! Wake up. You'll miss New York!
    Last edited by Killearn Kitties; 01-26-2004 at 05:21 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Edwina, your diamond necklace is so very becoming, you should wear it more often. Perhaps for the show this evening.

    Samantha, Nellie and Scout! I do hope that you found your way back to the ship - or we'll have to send someone searching for you!

    Now, what is happening here!! While the Tubby shufflers seem to be busy playing games, some of the kitties have spotted two familiar faces on shore - it seems that Cinder & Smoke made it to N. Y after all. Will they be boarding? But where is Sadie?

    I believe you are surprised Trevor and Tigris!

    Andy's attention is elsewhere, he wants to see what goes on in the sea .... Wow! It looks as if Cinder & Smoke's fireman buddies were out en force giving them a warm welcome. How nice of them!

    Have fun kids!!
    Last edited by Randi; 01-27-2004 at 08:18 AM.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    I just recieved an email from Boomer!

    Hi Meowmie!
    I'm havin the greatest time here in NY! Lily and Pouncer kinda make me feel ill cause they're so cute and their always staring into each others eyes and all I met this guy named Ketchum who's really cool. we've been hanging out. we all went to the empire state building but i didn't go up cause i didn't wanna make you mad or scared again. there's these funny little furry things that hop aroudn the ship.. it's so wierd meowmie cause i've never seen anything like it before! I wonder if it would run away if i tried to play with it? the big fluffy white one is so neat looking. there are a few new passengers that just joined the cruise. they're big and hairy and their tongues hang out when they get hot! what are they? i've never seen anything like that either! they're kind of scary but I won't tell anyone that i'm scared of 'em or they might make fun of me. the streets are really big here in NY and people drive on the WRONG side of the road!! there are two lane roads here that are the size of 4 lane roads back home in Japan! gots to go meowmie, gotta go meet up with soem friends to sing some karaoke!
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    Sadie says she's already inthe pool...what are Cinder and Smoke awaiting for?!?

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
    Then she had to run,
    seems Perichot has fallen overboard
    and the mad rush is on to get him back on board!
    OMG! Kat Overboard!

    The situation was well in hand...

    CUE da LifeGuard >>>

    Cinner sez ~
    Sure sounded like he sed " " when he
    cleared da railing onna Top Deck!
    Made quite da *SPLOOSH*, too!

    But lil Perichot climbed rite up on SmokeMutt's back;
    an they put-putted back to da Furr Boat.

    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    First was Edwina and Tibby - they got lost in Tiffany's.... look out, your virtual Master Card will be charged to the limit!
    I told Tibby she shouldn't be hanging out with Princess Edwina! She's a bad influence and is going to return from the trip with lots of expensive hats, fancy crowns and jewlery! I simply can not afford to take out another student loan because Edwina is teaching her how to live like a queen!
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

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