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Thread: 2009 Pregnancy/baby thread

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by beeniesmom View Post
    Baby is still breach. The doctor told me to use an ice pack on where her head is more or less to make her uncomfortable and encourage her to move... Never heard of that before.
    My friend said that her friend was addicted to iced drinks when she was pregnant, and any time she drank them her baby would kick like crazy. They figured it was because her stomach was so close to the baby and it was cold for her.
    I've been BOO'd!

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    How funny, I never thought of that! Umm, Carmen, what if Sprout LIKES the cold? Then she'll never move!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    I had a friend give birth last November. Her baby was breach. She'd gone to the acupuncturist one morning for a treatment. She had heard that sometimes those help move the baby. That afternoon she had a doctor's appointment. Her amniotic fluid was low, so they did a C-section that night. There wasn't enough fluid for the doctor to try to turn the baby. I think she was just over 35 weeks at the time. Neither mom nor baby had any complications. Although, it was so funny to see her baby girl next to all the other babies. The rest of them were all nice and straight and then there was her baby with the legs twisted all around. I'll have to find a picture to post. (She is fine now, although she did have some chiropractic visits for awhile.)

    This was her normal position for several days. That's how she had been in the womb.

  4. #154
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    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    I'm so excited, we got our furniture tonight! David put the glider/rocker together (decided against getting the ottoman) and I put the crib together, with his help for some parts. It looks beautiful! I love it way more than I expected, and the white is perfect. The blue of the glider doesn't match, but it doesn't clash, either. And, David's blanket from when he was a baby is over the back of it anyway, so you can't really tell. I will post photos in the next couple days. We are going to put the dresser together tomorrow.

    I couldn't wait. Check out my nursery thread for more photos. Here's one!

    Last edited by finn's mom; 06-30-2009 at 10:41 PM.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Oh wow, that baby girl's legs are funny looking. I'm glad she and mom ended up doing fine. Thanks for posting the picture. It's hard to put my head around just how big she might be in there right now! I'll be 35 weeks soon.

    Kari, I love the nursery. I'm waiting to post pictures as soon as some of the wall hangings are up. Hopefully by this weekend.

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Wow, not much longer and there will be several more PT babies! I hope your babies turn for you soon! I have heard that babies can turn as late as a few days before delivery, and maybe the ice pack trick will work (I haven't heard of that before either, but it makes sense).

    Carmen have you had an ultrasound recently? They can usually estimate about how big they are, but I know it can be off. I had to be induced at 36 weeks because my preeclampsia was getting worse, and Lyra was already 6 pounds...but I think she would have come early anyway (when they started the induction they found out I was already 3 cm dilated) and big babies run in the family on both sides.

    Kari, the nursery is awesome! I love the Dr. Seuss theme. It looks like it was a lot of fun to put together (well as fun as it can be when you can't breath because your stomach is so in the way- at least that's how I felt!).

    Lyra had her 4 month check up last week and she is now 14.5 pounds and 25 1/4 inches! She is also getting really fun now that she is into everything she can reach. I think she's going to be able to sit up on her own pretty soon- right now she can for a few seconds, but then she tips over. Here are a few pictures of her, I can't resist sharing:

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    What a beauty she is already! Her eyes are looking so dark! Do you and/or daddy have dark eyes?
    Thank you. Yes, we both have hazel brown eyes, so we were pretty sure about her eye color even before she was born!

    I'd also love to see some new pictures of Vincent and Stratton!

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks for posting pictures of Lyra. What a doll! She is a beauty!

    They've been doing an ultrasound every week but only to check for amniotic fluid levels. The ultrasounds last about 2 minutes and the tech never gives me pictures or shows me the screen.
    HOWEVER, tomorrow, the dr. said he was going to have her do a full ultrasound and we may get to see how big she is. I hope!

    Wow, I didn't remember you were induced at 36 weeks. Yikes!
    I'm looking forward to her being born because I am getting really uncomfortable but I don't know about 36 weeks...
    I am having blood pressure issues too so it wouldn't be out of the question.
    I'd like my mom to be here and ... it would be nice to go to my baby shower before little lady makes her appearance..... so fingers crossed she will come after July 18th hehehe!

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by beeniesmom View Post
    Thanks for posting pictures of Lyra. What a doll! She is a beauty!

    They've been doing an ultrasound every week but only to check for amniotic fluid levels. The ultrasounds last about 2 minutes and the tech never gives me pictures or shows me the screen.
    HOWEVER, tomorrow, the dr. said he was going to have her do a full ultrasound and we may get to see how big she is. I hope!

    Wow, I didn't remember you were induced at 36 weeks. Yikes!
    I'm looking forward to her being born because I am getting really uncomfortable but I don't know about 36 weeks...
    I am having blood pressure issues too so it wouldn't be out of the question.
    I'd like my mom to be here and ... it would be nice to go to my baby shower before little lady makes her appearance..... so fingers crossed she will come after July 18th hehehe!
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you that your baby doesn't come too early- maybe just a little, like a week or two!

    It was pretty scary being told I was getting induced- they were already planning to induce labor at 37 weeks because I was diagnosed with mild pre-e, but then for some reason my blood pressure shot through the roof (I went in because I had a bad headache) and they told me they were keeping me to be induced that same day! As much as I had complained about being tired of pregnancy, I totally wasn't ready to hear that. But it worked out ok and luckily Lyra was completely healthy. My midwife told me that it's not uncommon for babies to develop faster when their mother has pre-eclampsia- I was told developmentally Lyra was more like a 37 week baby. And all I really cared about was her being healthy.

    Good luck with your last few weeks- I don't know how you can handle it in Florida, which must be really hot this time of year. Are you having an issue with swelling? I think that was the worst for me. Due to pre-e I was swollen everywhere! I was convinced I would never be normal again, so it's quite a relief to have my own body back (well, sort of anyway! It definitely doesn't look the same ).

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Lyra is so beautiful. thanks for sharing her prettiness with us. And, thank you for the compliments on the nursery, I love putting it together. We just put the dresser together tonight, and I am really pleased with it. I'll get photos of it soon. We are going to use the top of it as a changing table, but for now it has some of the photo frames and the lamp that will eventually go on the bookcase.

    I haven't had any swelling, yet, and the heat's not getting to me too badly yet. I mean, it's Texas in July, so it's HOT. But, I don't feel any more uncomfortable than I usually do.

    We will see our little girl on the 9th, so I'm really hoping she's in a different position then. That little girl in the photo is precious, but what a position to be in! I know that I read that breech babies can take awhile to get "straight." Our girl will come out eating her toes if she stays the same way she was last week! As long as she eventually straightens out, I don't mind having a U shaped baby for a couple weeks.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  10. #160
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    Apr 2005
    Oh my goodness. The ultrasound today was quick but I got a lot of information.... Baby girl is a whopping 6 pounds already! The dr. said she's in the 80th percentile and we are looking at a 9 pounder more or less (if I have her at 39 weeks as they are planning). They do not think she will move head down because she's been in the same position for so long. She still breach but her legs are off to the side. Her head is to the right of my stomach, she's looking toward my left and she is practically 'sitting' on my right hip. The legs are up but not in her face. They are across to the left. Oh boy....

  11. #161
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Well, maybe she will still surprise you and turn - you never know! How fun that we get to learn these things nowadays - just think that when many of us were born, ultrasounds were not even in use!
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #162
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    Apr 2005
    I know! Sometimes I wish I didn't know. It would save me from stressing out!

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    We have our sonogram on Thursday! Can't wait to find out how much she weighs now and if she's moved at all from the brief photos we saw of her a couple weeks ago!

    We are getting the house ready for the baby shower on Saturday. We are expecting 20 to 30 people, so it should be a fun day!

    I am going to put a couple plants in the nursery, to help with the air quality. Not to mention they're beautiful. I love living things! I got a gorgeous, big ivy plant that I will hang from the ceiling in one of the corners. I'm debating on whether or not to get a second hanging plant (another ivy or maybe a spider plant) or a floor plant, like a bamboo palm. I have one spot that a big floor plant would work. We'll see!

    David's sister got us a set of red and white gingham curtains, so I'm going tomorrow to pick up the hardware so we can hang them!

    I think we have settled on Clara Elizabeth, but if she comes out looking like a Natalie, we may change our minds.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  14. #164
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    Apr 2005
    That's great Kari! I bet Thursday can't come fast enough for you and David.

    I had a regular visit yesterday and my doctor was called in an emergency half way through it. I was happy to see her go as if I ever got in a predicament I would have wanted to her to move just as fast.

    My baby girl is still breach.

    My baby shower is on a Saturday too but on the 18th. I am getting so excited! My mom gets here Monday the 13th!

    How are you feeling?

    I'm doing pretty good. My BP was normal and my wieght is stable, so are the GD numbers. The only problem I have been having the last few days is something called round ligament strain where it hurts where your leg attaches to the body. Everytime I take a step, it feels like someone is stabbing me down there! I was told it's normal and that some people get it as early as 20 weeks!!!
    Last edited by beeniesmom; 07-08-2009 at 06:26 PM.

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Wow, Carmen, that sounds painful! I'm glad, even with our small troubles, that we haven't had anything really bad with our pregnancies! We are both blessed so far with all this!

    My gestational diabetes is under control, I'm right at about 15 pounds weight gain and no problems at this point (besides the diabetes and breech position). I think she is still breech, but I'd like to see her in a slightly different position than she was last time. That will give me a little hope that she might still move into the ideal delivery spot! I still sleep well and through the night, my 2:30 am pee breaks aren't as consistent as they had gotten there for awhile (I was like clockwork every single night!).

    Got our curtains for the nursery and I bought the rod today. I picked out a little blue rubbery/plastic hamper, too. We'll see if I like it. I am looking for a little ottoman/storage cube to put with my glider, but so far, I haven't found the right piece. I'll use a box if I have to before I'll buy something that doesn't fit just right.

    We are excited about tomorrow and Saturday! I've been organizing and cleaning the house all week and will continue to do so for the rest of the week. In preparation for the shower and for baby's arrival! I'm just about all packed for the hospital, too. One bag for me, one for Clara! It feels nice to be able to say her name!

    I can't wait to hear about everyone else's pregnancies and see more baby photos!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

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