Who? YOU!
Where? Albuquerque, NM
When? October (see below)

Hi all! Here's an invite to visit us SouthWesterners!

The National Arabian Horse Show begins Oct. 17th and runs through Oct. 25. That leaves two weekends: the 17th/18th/19th or the 24th/25th/26th. I *HIGHLY* suggest the weekend of the 24th/25th/26th. The culmination of the even is on the night of the 25th and I *STRONGLY* recommend attending this. (The opening ceremony with the American/Canadian national anthem is completely breathtaking!! Two yrs ago they also did a special tribute to 9-11. AWESOME!)

I know not everyone is a horse nut but there are other things as well... Zoo, Aquarium, last year there was a cat show held on the same grounds as the horse show... and babolaypo65 is scoutin' out 'doggie' ideas as well as other interests.

Anyone interested?!

If I drive, I'm more than willing to pick up anyone from the airport and/or carpool!