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Thread: Baby products? Questions for PT skin kid moms.

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    I had a stroller.. can´t remember brand... where you place the "carrier" and latch it to it.. baby facing to you...and when detatched it could be used as a car seat....

    let me try find a pic...*goes looking*

    something like this... in the stroller baby faces forward... but when car seat on baby faces you... (not same brand I had but similar shape)
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  2. #137
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    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Very cool! I think that's basically the same type of "travel system" my mother got us. I posted a link earlier on this thread. I'll have to have another look at it. Here's the one we like, but not crazy about the price. It is for birth to four years, though, which is really nice.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  3. #138
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    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)

    stroller on craigslist

    What do you ladies think of this one? It looks and sounds good to me. I just wrote to see if they still have it available. It may be the way we go if they do. That's quite a deal!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  4. #139
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Well, the stroller I listed earlier is sold, but here's another one...

    Looks good to me, but David may check it out this weekend.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  5. #140
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Looks like that may be worth checking out. I'm not familiar with that model of stroller, but Peg Perego is a quality brand.

  6. #141
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    Denville, NJ
    I was very lucky to have my best friend have her last baby exactly 1 year before me. She had a girl as well, so I did not buy hardly any clothes and I even took her carseat (used from a trusted source) though for baby #2 we are looking to maybe get a smaller, lighter one. My biggest recommendation is take what you can get used because a lot of stuff is used for a short time if it works for you at all. I barely used my playpen or "tall" swing but I bought a very reclined short swing more for baby babies and that was a life saver - for 2 months.

    We bought a Britax Boulevard, with side impact, when Sam was a year old and I recommend waiting on the bigger car seats (not the carry kind of the first year) because in 1 year they can make advances in design. Britax did not have side impact when Sam was born.

    I agree with waiting on a lot of stuff because you can't really predict what your needs will be. Baby proofing is quite a ways off but if you have room to store stuff and organizational skills to remember what you got then it's good for a shower.

    I breastfed and didn't need 1 can of formula. Despite that I received several different brands free and had at least 4 cans to give away. I think the companies got my name somehow and they sent free samples. I used an Ameda Purely Yours pump and evenflo glass bottles. Daycare did not have a problem with the glass bottles. At 6 months Sam was taking her daycare milk from a Born Free starter cup and she never had a fake nipple again. The glass bottles were still used to bring breastmilk to daycare so they could be warmed in glass and transferred to plastic.

    Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll have everything you need and more!

  7. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by finn's mom View Post
    Very cool! I think that's basically the same type of "travel system" my mother got us. I posted a link earlier on this thread. I'll have to have another look at it. Here's the one we like, but not crazy about the price. It is for birth to four years, though, which is really nice.
    The one your mom got will probably work until s/he's 4 too (if you're still even using a stroller at that point). You're baby probably won't want to sit facing you too long. We only used our stroller once before Nathan was probably 6 months old. We used a carrier until that point. By 6 months he was well ready to be facing out, he loved looking at everything. You may not ever need/want a second stroller. Just something to think about.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  8. #143
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Quote Originally Posted by KBlaix View Post
    The one your mom got will probably work until s/he's 4 too (if you're still even using a stroller at that point). You're baby probably won't want to sit facing you too long. We only used our stroller once before Nathan was probably 6 months old. We used a carrier until that point. By 6 months he was well ready to be facing out, he loved looking at everything. You may not ever need/want a second stroller. Just something to think about.
    Agreed on that. I think the one my mom got is only up to 20 something pounds, but that might just be the car seat part. I haven't purchased anything, though, just brainstorming. I love all the feedback in here!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  9. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by finn's mom View Post
    Agreed on that. I think the one my mom got is only up to 20 something pounds, but that might just be the car seat part. I haven't purchased anything, though, just brainstorming. I love all the feedback in here!
    Yea, that would most likely be the carseat weight limit. Infant seats usually go up to 20-25 pounds.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  10. #145
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by sabies View Post
    I breastfed and didn't need 1 can of formula. Despite that I received several different brands free and had at least 4 cans to give away. I think the companies got my name somehow and they sent free samples.
    Me, too! Keep in mind that many shelters/food banks can use the free formula you receive! I didn't donate mine, as at the time it didn't occur to me.

  11. #146
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Chicagoland, IL
    I can't say how happy I am for the two of you and your new babies.

    I couldn't resist imposing my 2 cents on you guys. I would have to echo everyone else's comments on the Britax carseat. Hugito has either the Marathon or the Decathalon (I honestly don't remember) but we've been very happy with it. The seat launders well and he seems to be comfortable in it. Be sure and have it inspected to make sure it's installed correctly. Your local police department should be able to help you with that.

    As far as diaper rash things go, I used a few things. I used desatin and A & E ointments at first and had pretty good success with them, but as Hugito got older and the rashes became more severe, I had to use Triple Paste. That stuff works wonders. It's very expensive, but worth it, IMO. For his excema, I started using Aquafor at first, but found that vasalene worked just as well for a fraction of the cost. I did buy Dreft laundry detergent for him because of his sensitive skin.

    I rented a Medula pump from a hospital close by. I couldn't afford the ones they sold and I really liked the one they let me use at the hospital, so that worked best for me. When I was discharged, the hospital gave me all the hoses, nozzels, bottles, etc., for it, so I didn't have to purchase anything in that regard.

    I had a hard time with high chairs. The first one I bought was a booster, but I didn't like it because it dominated a chair in my dining room. I then bought a different high chair that he's still using to this day, but I hate that it doesn't fold flat. It's pretty huge. Babies R Us had one that folded down to 3 or 4 inches if I recall correctly but it was on the pricey side. So, take your space into consideration when buying one.

    As far as strollers go, I registered for a Graco. I love their stuff. But, someone decided that I didn't want a Graco and bought me what THEY wanted which was a Cosco travel system. I HATED it! The carrier was fine, but the stroller was crap. The safety reviews on them were terrible, customer service was even worse. I went out and bought me my own Graco stroller that is what Johanna (Cataholic) referred to as a Hummer. This thing is huge. It has a 50 lb. weight max. But, hey, I had a near 10 lb. baby, so I figured I needed something big. I love the stroller and had no problems with getting it in or out of my car, but then again, I have an SUV.

    Be sure to have Tylenol, Motrin and Benadryl on hand. I didn't have these when I first brought him home and learned the hard way that it was foolish of me not to. You never know when these little guys can spike a fever on you and you want to be able to treat it quickly.

    I also agree with not buying a lot of clothes. I didn't know the sex of my baby before he was born, so I didn't buy ANY clothes. I had tons of onesies and jammies, but no clothes. I had 5 showers. But, what ended up happening was after he was born, people would bring boy clothes when they came to meet him, so I was still good. There were still outfits he never wore because he grew out of them before I could get them on him. Shoes were a waste of time and money before he could walk. But boy, did he look cute!

    These sheets have been a life saver for me. He still uses them to this day. I hated changing his crib sheets. Taking off the bumper, all his crib toys, etc. What a pain. These sheets are da bomb!!!!

    Hugito used Avent bottles and we had great success with them. I had a Boppy but didn't care for or use it much. His swing was a Godsend. He slept his first 7 hours in his swing. He loved it! He also had a bouncer and used it quite often.

    I used Pampers Swaddlers when he fit into them, but switched to Huggies from size 2 on up. I agree with Sparks that it's much more cost effective to get them from Sam's or Costco. I used Costco's wipies (unscented and dye free) and had no problems with them. I also had a wipey warmer and got great use out of it.

    Kari, I saw you mentioned something about jogging strollers? I read that those tend to tip over, so just be careful if that's the route you choose to go.

    That's all I can think of for now.

    Good luck to you both!
    Last edited by Lobodeb; 02-18-2009 at 11:53 PM.


    "Ladies, we need to stop comparing men to dogs. Dogs are loyal!" Wanda Sykes

  12. #147
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hi Debbie! Thanks for all the great info. I will definately look at the Britax brand car seat. I just have to see a light color because it gets so hot in FL. Darker materials keep the heat in them. Will I need a travel system too if I get a Britax. I read that the travel system buckets are good only for a few months (when the baby is small). They tend to outgrow them. Man I wish I could win a lottery. The products I really want are pricey.

    Also, and this question is for everyone:
    Where in the heck do you buy a crib?
    I don't want a Babies R us crib. I went to look at cribs twice and most are flimsey and they want big money for them. The only one that seemed sturdy enough was 400 dollars. I've been to many furniture store and nooone carries cribs. I don't really want to buy on-line because you can't get the feel of an item without seeing it first. Is there another store that sells them and that has a few assembled to see and touch?
    Last edited by beeniesmom; 02-19-2009 at 07:15 PM.

  13. #148
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I bought a crib from Kmart and was completely 100% comfortable with it. It was a light wood colour, VERY plain, nearly had a mission style look to it. I think I paid less than $200 for it. And, it was one of those 10 in 1 (LOL, okay, I think it is called a 3 in 1). BUT, I never used it as anything other than a crib. I gave it away when J went from a crib to a big boy bed. I skipped the youth/toddler bed stage. I think those things are kind of junky looking, and fit such a small timeframe in the child's life.

    I have found that the 3-in-1s, once converted, are really cheap looking, you often still have to buy a frame for it, and aren't worth the money. This is merely my own opinion.

    J still sleeps on a mattress and box spring, as I went with a higher end of each, and they are nearly 26" off the floor! Perhaps this summer I will investigate a bed frame that has drawers under the bed (always need extra storage). He will possibly need a small ladder to get into the bed, LOL.

  14. #149
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by beeniesmom View Post
    Also, and this question is for everyone:
    Where in the heck do you buy a crib?
    I don't want a Babies R us crib. I went to look at cribs twice and most are flimsey and they want big money for them. The only one that seemed sturdy enough was 400 dollars. I've been to many furniture store and nooone carries cribs. I don't really want to buy on-line because you can't get the feel of an item without seeing it first. Is there another store that sells them and that has a few assembled to see and touch?
    We bought our oldest daughter's crib (which our younger daughter moved into this weekend) at a baby specialty store when we lived in Georgia. If you can find a local store along those lines, you can find something higher quality, but you will also pay for it. We went with one of the less expensive models in that particular store. Daughter #2 was rather unexpected, and we just didn't have the money saved up for furniture like we did the first time. We ended up purchasing a second-hand (still okay safety-wise and in good condition) from friends whose boys were beyond the crib stage. It may sound strange, but I've seen some nice looking cribs at Target lately. I'm with you on the buying online thing. If it is a big item, I want to be able to see it in person.

    Also, I can't remember how close we live to the same area, but there is a Baby Depot (Burlington Coat Factory) in Daytona. I haven't been in there, but they may have some other options.

  15. #150
    We actually got our crib at Walmart... it came in a set with the crib, changing table and dresser all in one box and it was only $200 I think. The brand is simplicity. and we have been very satisfied with all of the pieces.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

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