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Thread: Presa Canarios

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Presa Canarios

    I was just reading up on the Whipple case in San Francisco and noticed that the attacking dogs were referred to as Presa Canarios. Just exactly what breed of dog is this - I've never heard of it. Someone please enlighten me, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Columbia, MD

    That story was horrible. I saw some pictures of the victime, and almost threw up! How irresponsible of the owners. Supposedly, the breed is tame with the family, but distrustful and very violent with strangers. (if so, why put the animal in a situation where he could encounter strangers like and apartment building!).

    Origins of the Breed

    Since the 16th century, the Presa Canario has been mentioned in documents of the Canary Islands. It is assumed that it was introduced into the Islands by the Conquistadors and Spanish Colonialists. With time and in the isolation it has become a breed in its own right. It is also believed that it has been influenced by other breeds from Great Britain, Cuba, etc. What is certain is that this dog, of sizeable body and head and extraordianry temperament, has always been used in the Canary Islands to guard farms and cattle. When the breed is finally recognised by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), the Presa Canario will also be known as Dogo Canario.

    General Form and Character
    It is an extraordinarily powerful looking dog with a severe gaze. Especially suited to guarding and defence. It is of firm temperament with a grave and deep bark. The Presa Canario (Dogo Canario) is affectionate, docile and well-behaved with his owner and family, but fierce with strangers. Independent and aggressive with other dogs, both of his own breed and other breeds. It has been used in the past as an excellent fight

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Thank you Souraya - this looks like a very, very powerful dog. I agree with you - they look like they need a whole lot more room than an apartment building to reside in. I'm still really vague on the whole Whipple situation - I wonder what really caused these dogs to attack - the owners don't appear to be too bright.

  4. #4
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    Columbia, MD

    I have been reading up on the story and doing my research for a few months now and am appalled by the whole thing. The dogs' owner is in prison and his lawyers sorta adopted him and the dogs. The lawyers as well as the prisoner are members of the Arian brootherhood. According to some sources, these particular dogs were bred to be violent killers. The victim was a lesbian softball coach that lived on the same floor. Each Presa Canarios weighed over 130 lbs. They were kept in an apartment! Supposedly, the lawyer couple had had previous unfriendly confrontations with the lesbian victim. On the day that the dogs maulled the victim, the dog was on a leash but got loose and attacked. The owner said that he wouldn't listen to her wjen she told him No. Go figure!

  5. #5
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    The victim was a woman lacrosse coach.

  6. #6
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    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Souraya - since I posted last, I also read up on this situation so I could understand a bit more on what actually happened. I didn't know the owners were part of the Ayrian thing, but I did know that the victim was a lesbian. Sounds like an extreme hate crime using those poor dogs as weapons. This is really incredibly awful. All this hate. I think that's why I've avoided reading too much about it - this kinda thing just makes me sick.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Edmonds, WA USA
    I also did not know these people were involved in the Arian brotherhood, and it certainly makes it suspicous

    To the extent that this woman was mauled, it's difficult to believe that the owners can use the excuse that 'the dog would not listen when I said no'..........
    What kind of thing is that to say about something so horrible?

    Not that I didn't think anything of it before, but the whole arian thing puts a whole new spin on all of it! VERY QUESTIONABLE about their intent.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Riding my bike somewhere...
    The news down here had a like whole 5 minute segment on this breed, not bad stuff about them but good stuff! I think their beautiful (porbably cause the lok like Pits ) i dont know muhc about them thouhg sorry

  9. #9
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    Mar 2001
    I saw on the news tonight both owners of the dogs were found guilty on several charges. Both dogs have also been put down. I know they put one down pretty soon after the incident. Not sure when the other was put down.

    The whole story is gut wrenching.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Riding my bike somewhere...
    I beleive this is the report your talkin about....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Los Gatos, CA
    CourtTv has a great load of info including the court documents- the original filings. Hopefully the transcripts from the trial will be posted after the sentencing portion. They already have posted the documents for the 5 guilty verdicts. 3 for her and 2 for him. It (the CourtTv site) also tells about the backgrounds of both defendants, how the met, about their adopted son, religion, etc. about the victim - Did you know she almost made the Olympic track team in 96? about both legal teams. Well, worth the reading time!!

    Hera, the second dog,was put down in January.

  12. #12
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    Syracuse, NY
    I learned something interesting about wolves/dogs a while back on Discovery Channel or Animal Planet or one of those about how they hunt. Apparently lions/tigers/ big cats will hunt down their prey and grab them by the throat to suffocate them. After the prey has passed away or is unconscious I assume, they will then eat them or move them or both. Wolves do not hunt or eat this way. They will bring down an animal any way they can with their pack and then all the members will start to feed off the animal while it is still struggling/alive. (Sorry! I know it's gross but...They said on the TV show that the prey has "natural mechanisms" to help it not to feel the pain) Carrie, Aly, you are both skilled in animal behavior. have you heard this too? SO anyway, I have heard a little about this case here and there and one thing I heard was that these dogs immediately went for Ms. Whipple's throat and ripped it right out of her body and that this was Bane's first and primary action. This leads me to believe that these dogs were trained to attack in this fashion, rather than just being an aggressive breed. I just hope that this guilty verdict does not generate enormous anti-dog feelings across the country, especially towards certain breeds. I agree with it from what I know but it does set a precedent and it worries me some.

  13. #13
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    Never has the Last word.
    While they do resemble pit bulls, I certainly do not think they are cute/beautiful at all. Give me a pit bull anyday.
    These people deserve whatever comes their way. I think that Knoller probably did nothing no matter what she says b/c of Whipple being a lesbian. I think Knoller is demented enough to think what Bane did was really cool or totally awesome.
    As I posted before in The CNN posting in General, I read an article about the case and I feel Noll and Knoller are nuts. There is no way 2 sane people would live with 2 dogs like that in that small of a space. They admitted to beastilogy, and getting involved with this prisoner was beyond what they intended and they got involved over their heads and the madness just spiraled out of control. Noll was quoted as saying that "you should see how Bane is hung, I am jealous" or something to that effect. Knoller was quoted, during a preliminary trial I believe, after saying she was so distraught and couldn't control Bane, "that he went after Whipple like a bitch in heat."
    And blamed Whipple for wearing a pherome based perfume or being on her period.
    Hera was initially said to not be involved in the attack, but blood and tissue was found in her teeth, but noone thought to get a fecal sample from her.
    Bane, when the officers entered the apartment, was locked in bathroom. When they opened the door, the walls were covered in feces and blood, and he had to be tranquilized b/c he was so out of control.(would it be adrenaline that made him that way, just wondering?)
    I think Knoller and Noll think they did nothing wrong, and just had some really cool dogs. Someone told me that taking the size of Noll and Knoller and Bane and Hera, it was the equilvalent of 4-5 people living in a 650 sq ft area.
    On my final thought, in the article I read, a man stated that while the couple was out walking the dogs before the attack, he reached down to pet Bane on his head, and surprisingly Bane didn't snap at him, but he did say that when he touched his head, he felt "an evilness and blackness that emitted from Bane" like he had never felt before. Even tho, the prisoner that the couple adopted in adulthood (who I can't remember his name to say my life) never met Bane and Hera or got to touch them, I think they absorbed his evilness and the blackness of his soul.

    May God bless Diane Whipple and the Lord have mercy on who sent her to heaven. If possible.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  14. #14
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