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Thread: Help!!

  1. #1




  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    I'm not sure, we would need more details, but sounds like it might mean a trip to the vet to me!

    Is it peeling like a sunburn sort of thing or like the whole top layer is peeling off? If it's the latter, has your cat been outside? If so, he/she might have gotten into a fight and should be looked at and given antibiotics.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I agree that your cat should most definantly be taken to a vet. Only a vetranarian could probably diagnose your cat, and tell you if he/she needs any antibiotics for this.
    y y
    [color=baby blue]Thank you Flamepony12 for the beautiful signature![/color]

    [color=baby blue]W[/color] RIP Magoo [color=baby blue]W[/color]

    e "With the qualities of cleanliness, affection, patience, dignity, and courage that cats have, how many of us, I ask you, would be capable of becoming cats?" Fernand Mery f

    [color=baby blue]Feed an animal in need with the simple click of a button: The Animal Rescue Site[/color]

  4. #4
    well this is her story. about a month ago my cat liz had bladder stone surgery. when she got home she baredly ate or drank and she just kept on getting skinnier. its been like this eversince and now shes evev skinnier. we havnt had the stones tested for yet but the vet said that it might be the food (by the way its her second time getting the surgery but she didint stay skinny). so 1 of my moms frinds cat had bladder stones 2 & she told her not to feed her seafood. so when we would feed her the new food she takes nibbles out of it & thats it but she wasnt eating the food that we would usualy had. about a week ago i saw that her nose was peeling and her nose hasnt been wet its kind of cold and dry. but then a couple of days later her nose was peeling even more kind of like a sunburn. my mom thinks its becaouse she hasnt been drinking water,my mom also said that her paws were peeling 2 (like a sunburn) but eversince the last time i saw her nose peeling she has been drinking water & her paws look better and i havent seen her nose peel eversine. the last time i saw it peel was on wendesday night. peas help im really worried about her.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Take her to the vet. List your concerns like you just did for us, and see what the vet says.

  6. #6
    Peeling skin can be a cortisone-related problem. It is also a symptom of allergies, so if you've had any changes in your household this could be a culprit. Your cat really needs to see a vet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    My large Shepherd/Collie/Lab mix dog, Akeila, has trouble with her nose peeling also and we first thought it was a sunburn. Come to find out she has Lupus. Her eye lids, and ear tips also peel. The vet gave us steroid pills to give to her, but we have opted not to treat her w/ the steroids because of all the side effects. She does reasonably well if the weather isn't too harsh. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Western Illinois
    my cats nose peeled a little too...i asked the vet and he said it was probably just dry. that was about a month ago and he's completely fine now.

  9. #9

    sorry it took so long

    hi sorry it took so long to get back with u . well when we took my cat liz to the vet the vet sent us right to the hispital. ended up that liz had a liver problem. we never noticed it becaouse liz was always a small eater. i kind of noticed that she was eating a little bit less before and after she had the bladder stone surgery but i thought she was just being picky with her food. but we learned that when u do have a liver problem especially with a cat it takes away your apetite so thats the reason why she wasnt eating.we took her to the hospital on thuresday night they hooked her up to an I.V and they were giving her medicine but on friday morning the vet called saing that she almost died but that around 2p.m she was doing better on satuday when i went to go see her she looked better she gained a little weight, her eye was getting better(oh yeah she started to get alot of gunk in her eye & when we cleaned it the skin was pinkish instead of brown), and her nose was going back 2 a pinkish. but the vet said that they were going to try to start to feed her some solid food but if she didnt eat it then they were going to force feed her eigther through her nose or her mouth. on sunday they started to force feed her through the nose becaouse she was to delicate through the mouth. well on tuesday the vet said that her test results came in and that theres nothing we can do and everything that she eating she throws up so we decided to put her to sleep. she could of lived for about another week but she would of been in pain. i couldnt believe that it happened so fast. before they were even born i use to take care of there mother beauty and she gave birth on my firsy comunion in '97' about 4 days later i took home liz my cat about 2 days later we took home her brother tiger, my brothers cat. i was there when they put her to sleep everybody was crying alot. tiger now is trying to find her, i think its now that he understands what happened but liz was a very smart cat and she understood everyword that i told her. i miss her so much i still think sometimes that im going to turn into a room and find her rolled up an a ball. but were doind better. there going to creamate her & there going to put her ashes in this yard that they have. thats were they put the rest of the animals.well thank for try to help.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I'm so sorry to hear about Liz! I know it's hard, but please try and remember that she is in a better place now, and you will see her again one day.

    RIP Liz.
    y y
    [color=baby blue]Thank you Flamepony12 for the beautiful signature![/color]

    [color=baby blue]W[/color] RIP Magoo [color=baby blue]W[/color]

    e "With the qualities of cleanliness, affection, patience, dignity, and courage that cats have, how many of us, I ask you, would be capable of becoming cats?" Fernand Mery f

    [color=baby blue]Feed an animal in need with the simple click of a button: The Animal Rescue Site[/color]

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    So sorry to hear about you Liz. RIP Liz

    Thanks manda_moo87 for my siggy

  13. #13


    thanx 2 everybody for helping i really appreciated it. sry i cant spell

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I know the way to San Jose!
    I'm so sorry. My first cat, Cardamom, died under similar circumstances only two months after I adopted her.

    Please remember all the good times you had with your kitty, and take comfort in knowing that she is now free from pain and waiting at the bridge for you.

    [b]"Virtue is triumphant only in theatrical productions." --The Mikado


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