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Thread: Do you think dogs can feel guilty ?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    KS, USA
    I'm sorry if nobody else agrees, but I think Daphne is guilty about things she does..And if you don't agree, I'm not a behaviourist...
    In memory of Rey's Rosebud (Rozye)
    April 26, 1990-April 26,2002
    Passed away in pain under the mercy of the needle because of severe colic.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    If dogs don't feel guilty, some of them should get academy awards for some of the performances I've seen.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Netherlands (where I'm from) & Germany (where I live)
    Even though I've read Carries words.... I'm also one of those who see human expressions and emotions in my pets.

    One look in The Cook's eyes after eating the Forbidden Catfood...... yep: guilty!
    But, she can also give me that look when I ask her something to do. So I have to agree on momoffuzzyfaces, she's quite an actress!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Hey Guys,

    The ' look' humans interpret as guilt, is not that at
    all to a dog. Dogs have no concept of right & wrong
    as humans think of it.. They know immediately when
    you are displeased with them and act appropriately
    submissive, but will go ahead and do the very same
    action which brought on the disapproval , the next
    chance they get. They do what feels good & right for
    them at the time, but they do not feel bad all afternoon
    while awaiting their people to come home and find
    the 'bad' deed. Yes they have what humans call a
    look of guilt, but they do not experience it in the way
    we think of it. Does that make any sense to you ?
    What I'm trying to say is dogs are not capable of
    abstract thought processes.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Here is a classic example of humans misinterpreting animal expressions and body language.

    Most if us have seen pictures of captive chimps that have been trained to smile on command. Circus chimps, film chimps and those used in T.V. We tend to accept the big grin as a sign that the animal is feeling secure and is happy enough.
    The big toothy grin is, however, how a chimp shows that it is feeling fear - a fear face.
    Once trained it does not mean that every time the chimp displays this expression it is fearful, just like a dog can be trained to limp when there is nothing wrong with it. It does show that while the expression is very similar to a human one the meaning behind it is very different indeed.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Johannesburg, South Africa

    A bit off-topic

    I agree that dogs don't "feel" the emotion but I have a question. My boys are rescues so I have no idea how they were being treated 6 months ago. However, in the house, they are usually brought in and told to lie down on the rugs (they would much rather be under our feet and sometimes we let them). When Digby comes inside, he usually has a "wary" head-down look on his face. Do you think that he was yelled at by the previous owner when he came inside, or is he reacting to our usual command to lie down? Is he just being submissive?

    Ah, confusing creatures!!

  7. #22
    All very very very good points ! But I still think they feel guilty, sad, happy, excited, depressed, embarassed ........... they are my babies and I love them very much and treat them like a child so I feel they can feel the same as a child can ???? Call me crazy everyone does
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa

    I would never call you crazy. Most people in
    fact tend to anthromorphize their pets.Dogs &
    cats can feel many of the same emotions as us.
    They feel pain, fear,hunger,happiness,joy,& can
    be excited or depressed, but not guilty or
    embarrassed. Only humans do, and only humans
    need to ... Hug Hannah & Copper for me. Liz.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New York
    Yes, I think dogs can feel guilty. When my mom yells or something Snowball will go hide under the end table in my living room or under the computer desk. Or if she takes something and we tell her not to do it again she puts her head down low and her ears go down lower too. Today my dog Snowball took a plastic thing of flowers and it was in her mouth. I said "Looks like Snowball wants to get married." and my brother Nick said to Snowball "Who's the special dog Snowball?". I just laughed.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Olympic Peninsula,Washington
    Originally posted by ilovehounds
    All very very very good points ! But I still think they feel guilty, sad, happy, excited, depressed, embarassed ........... they are my babies and I love them very much and treat them like a child so I feel they can feel the same as a child can ???? Call me crazy everyone does
    Then we will both be crazy. I feel the same way.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Just want to say how much I've enjoyed reading
    everyone's thoughts and feelings about this subject.

    Thanks ilovehounds ,for posing the question...

    All the discussion reminds me of a quote and riddle
    posed by Abraham Lincoln that says;
    "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg ?
    Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg ."

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