Originally posted by zippy-kat
>blonde brain kickin' in<
So it's Feb. here but Jan. in Australia?
Purdy sharp of our lil to spot that typo Logan made!!!

"02/19/2002....but in Australia and other countries, it is
19/01/2002.....all the same when you come down to it!!"

Can't sneak nuffin past those Bunnie Moms!

Now Angles3 and Randi had a good idea ~
"Randi, I like your idea to do something special...
like get married, right at that particular minute.
It would sure make it memorable."

Well... *I* dint think *getting married* sounded like too red hot of an idea , so I just
Woke up the FurKids and dragged them out from under the puter desk and gave them an extra special *20:02, 20/02/2002* batch of {{Huggs}} and **Smooches** .

Cinder kinda gave me *the look* and seemed to be saying "You woke us up and dragged us out for THAT???"

Oh well ~ *I* felt good for doing it!

Thanks, all, for the neat post and great idea!