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Thread: Skunk!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Northern California


    oh my gawd. Tonight, right after I took Gonzo on a 3-mile run he went straight to his doggy door. We close it at night so he doesnt go out, and he was doing his "lemme out" yip so I opened the door for him. my sisters friend Matt was over and we were talking, then we looked over and saw Gonzo acting really silly and happy and rubbing himself all over our new lounge chair cushins. I opened the back door up, and of course he came running in REEKING of SKUNKINESS ! He jumped up on me and I seriously almost puked. I took him out and covered him with a huge can of plain tomato sauce, rubbed it in really good, then washed that off and lathered in a diluted cupfull of Dial soap. I scrubbed him forever with the sauce (and of course got my new pants covered in red paste)! I especially got his face and made sure to watch out for his eyes and ears. Dried him off with three huge beach towels and blowdried... and he still smells like skunkbutt! I think he mustve walked up on the skunk, probably trying to befriend it and thought it was a bunny, but he didnt bark or anything out there. stupid skunk! His face smells absolutely the worst. His body is okay now, but his face.... is just repulsive. I feel so bad for him, his eyes look fine but his whole head is so strong-smelling. I gave him his eye drops just in case. No suprise here, he is sleeping in the laundry room tonight, with the fan on. He is so miserable, especially since Matt had been teasing him and calling him Pepe Le Pew! mean ol Matt.

    He was sprayed two years ago, when he was still a pup... almost the exact same situation, I let him out too late, his whole face smelled horrible. The smell stayed in his fur for about 4 months (and I washed him constantly), though it did fade he still smelled skunky, and that spray was only half as bad as this one! Anyone have ANY advice on how to get rid of this stank? It is making me sick just thinking about it. Tomorrow Ill have to get up and do the whole tomato paste/Dial thing again and my dad is calling the vet for advice. Also, I took a couple pics for fun.... horrrible quality because it is dark outside, and the camera also died before I could get any decent pics.

    "Oo mom.. do we get to play chase the hose this late at night!".. poor boy thought he was gonna play. nope.

    Have you ever seen a more miserable dog? my poor baby!

    <3 Erica, Fozz n' Gonz

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Aww, poor Gonzo! Mommy should have given you some meatballs to go with that sauce!

    They make special skunk odor removal shampoos for dogs. I'm not sure if they work or not though.

    I just did a little search and see that Nature's Miracle has a skunk formula. Its on and I imagine Petco would have it too.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Bronx
    Poor Gonzo --- but those pictures are great!

    The first one is like he's laughing, getting ready for fun

    And then he's like "Um, this is NOT what I had in mind..."

    Good luck with the stinkies!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Poor Gonzo and poor you.

    Hope this stinky situation is smelling fresh soon.


  5. #5

    Been there, Done that, with most every dog I've owned -
    and a couple I DIDN't own!
    (WHY do "visiting dogs" have to find a Skunk at MY house!??)

    Here's a very common "Recipe" posted on many sites >>

    "Foolproof" Skunk Odor Remover

    Paul Krebaum, a chemist for the Molex corporation in Lisle, Illinois,
    has developed a foolproof odor remover.
    This odor remover works on anything including
    decomposing organic matter, fecal matter, urine and skunk spray.

    This odor remover is made from simple household ingredients:

    * 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
    * 1/4 cup of baking soda
    * 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap.

    Mix the three ingredients together and use immediately.
    The chemical reaction produced from these ingredients
    lasts only a limited time.

    If you use this formula to remove skunk odor from your pet,
    be sure to rinse offhim off with water.
    Do not let the solution soak for more than a few minutes.
    Multiple Soakings and Rinsings may be needed!

    **And do *NOT* mix or store it in a CLOSED Container!!!
    The Chemical Reaction builds up Pressure and will cause a
    Closed Container to Repture or *BURST*!
    Use the mixture Quickly - and Throw Out any leftovers!

    And be CAREFUL around the EYES! Solution will BURN in the Eyes!

    /s/ Phred .
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Upstate NY
    Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

    Been there, Done that, with most every dog I've owned -
    and a couple I DIDN't own!
    (WHY do "visiting dogs" have to find a Skunk at MY house!??)

    Here's a very common "Recipe" posted on many sites >>

    "Foolproof" Skunk Odor Remover

    Paul Krebaum, a chemist for the Molex corporation in Lisle, Illinois,
    has developed a foolproof odor remover.
    This odor remover works on anything including
    decomposing organic matter, fecal matter, urine and skunk spray.

    This odor remover is made from simple household ingredients:

    * 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
    * 1/4 cup of baking soda
    * 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap.

    Mix the three ingredients together and use immediately.
    The chemical reaction produced from these ingredients
    lasts only a limited time.

    If you use this formula to remove skunk odor from your pet,
    be sure to rinse offhim off with water.
    Do not let the solution soak for more than a few minutes.
    Multiple Soakings and Rinsings may be needed!

    **And do *NOT* mix or store it in a CLOSED Container!!!
    The Chemical Reaction builds up Pressure and will cause a
    Closed Container to Repture or *BURST*!
    Use the mixture Quickly - and Throw Out any leftovers!

    And be CAREFUL around the EYES! Solution will BURN in the Eyes!

    /s/ Phred .

    Yup that does work, they do say that dawn dish soap is the best to use.

    You can also use masengil vinagar douche. pour on the dog & DO NOT rinse off. I have been using the douche technique for 14 years (nanook gets sprayed every year) And it works WAY better than anything I have ever tried before. For some reason masengil works better than other brands.
    Soar high & free my sweet fur angels. I love you Nanook & Raustyk... forever & ever.

  7. #7
    I wholeheartedly support the recipe Phred posted. I have first hand experience with it and it works like a charm. If your dog will hold still enough for you to apply it with a cloth to his face then I would try it.

    Good luck.

    *Thanks Ashley*

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Northern California
    thanks for all the advice! Aly, we went to Petsmart this morning and bought the Nature's Miracle skunk stuff. I used almost the whole bottle on him and soaked him - his body smells ok now, but his face is still skunky! we had to go to the dog park today because this is the day all of his friends come, so I soaked him with his doggy deoderant. everyone still noticed his stink! I might have to redo the Natures Miracle tonight or tomorrow...

    Phred, lv4dogs and Shelteez, I will definately try the recipe today! His face and neck is still horrible smelling. I'll be VERY careful with his eyes. thank you!

    Manda + Kys, aw thanks... he was pretty miserable last night but hes doing much better! He got lots of playtime and a really yummy stuffed, frozen kong and a greenie today... I feel bad because he is being confined to the laundry room and backyard until he smells ok he doesnt seem to mind, but I hope this stuff works..

    <3 Erica, Fozz n' Gonz

  9. #9
    oh goodness. i never had that happen i feel sorry for you. i thought tomatoe juice automatically got the smell out i guess now. i hope you get it out soon.. i know the smell is driving you and your dog crazy

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Originally posted by lv4dogs

    You can also use masengil vinagar douche.
    I feel for you! My RB dog was sprayed by a skunk once and got it full in the eyes! I called the vet and he recommended the Massengil douche also. Lately we have been smelling a lot of "skunk" in the yard late at night. Just last week my next door neighbor's dog got sprayed. My neighbor told me that he saw a mama skunk and a couple of babies walking away. YIKES they will grow up to be big skunks! I am starting to hate letting the dogs go out late at night now.

    Phred, thank you for that recipe. It's is made up of things that I think we all have on hand. I will print it out and hope I never have to use it!

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