I'm glad you revived this thread! Now I know I'm not crazy, and I can finally admit one of my deep secrets that I have never before shared with ANYONE! I love smelling my dogs' feetsies and giving their feetsies kisses! When they are dry and haven't been walking in something icky that is. I have never mentioned it to anyone before, or ever done it in front of anyone. I have always thought they had a very distinct toasty-like smell, I think fritos is the perfect description of it.

I once cautiously mentioned to my mother that I actually kind of like the doggy odor, the natural doggy smell. A wet dog can still be a bit strong, especially if they are in bad need of a bath , but I love to bury my face in their fur sometimes and just breath in their natural doggy smell, the same smell I suppose some people think is really stinky and would be appalled to put their face near it. Granted if they are really dirty or have been rolling in something it's not the same

Now I can finally admit to some of these things without being thought of as a wacko, at least not totally!