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Thread: Please help me with my fight at work...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca

    Please help me with my fight at work...

    For the ones that didn't read the other thread:

    I'm working on my rough draft for my repeal at work right now. I left out the sexual harrassment details of it because I know there are young ones here. -These are just thoughts that I've thrown together right now...It isn't proof read or anything...any suggestions?

    Heads up...I'm filing two because we are now having to report to our trucks instead of the office in the morning, and one to remove the suspension and final warning from my files...(Oh, and Glenna is my union steward representing me...)

    Hey, Glenna. Here are my rough drafts for my grievances. I want to make
    sure they are worded perfectly, so please do not share them with anyone yet.
    Any input of suggestions on what I have so far? I haven't called EEO yet, I
    couldn't get through that one day, I must have written down the wrong
    number. My job is on the line, and I am so scared that I can't even
    concentrate at work. I'm afraid my fear of losing my job is going to cause
    an accident in itself. This is really important to me, so please give me
    all the advice and suggestions you can. Thank you. -Tonya


    Reporting to trucks

    Reporting to our trucks is not the way to deal with the hostility issues in
    the yard. In fact, our safety is more at risk with this new policy. First
    off, this is not solving the problem, it is simply sweeping it under the
    carpet. Instead of the employees fighting in the office, they will now be
    fighting out in the yard and the field. This makes me feel very unsafe
    because there will not be as many witnesses nor as much risk of being caught
    by management. It is going to lower the moral and cause workers to be even
    more hostile then they already are. Also, this new policy is punishing
    innocent employees. What is the point of "behaving" if you are punished
    either way? It is very humiliating that only our crew has to report to their trucks. Our crew is currently the laughing stalk of the rest of the yard. Management really needs to address the abusers. It is
    ridiculous that management hasn't yet addressed the trouble makers. It has
    been the same people and the same conflicts over and over again through the
    years. The management's inability to solve this in the proper way is
    dragging down excellent employees.

    I am requesting a resolution once and for all for the hostile work
    environment, not a band aid.

    2 1/2 day suspension and final warning

    -I was not present the day of the meeting regarding yard conflicts. I was
    not aware that the next argument would result in suspension and an
    indefinite final warning. If I had known that my job was on the line, I
    would have not bothered defending myself.

    -I had been having conflict with Dave for several months but was intimidated
    to come to management regarding it. The reason why I was intimidated is
    because Dave has been antagonizing co-workers for several years. Nothing
    has been done about it. In fact, co-workers that have had conflict with
    Dave had been disciplined, yet Dave never had been.

    Dave sexually harassed me when we worked together in Keyes. He made sexual
    comments the entire time that made me very uncomfortable. I can take jokes
    very well, but he crossed the line. I told him that it bothered me and
    asked him to stop several times, but he wouldn't. I was scared to take the
    issues any further then that, so I just casually asked Mark (boss) not to put
    me with Dave any longer. I did not tell him why.

    Shortly after working with Dave in Keyes, Mark had me help out for a few
    days in the office. As everyone knows, Dave becomes very concerned when
    others get "special treatment". Probably a combination of me turning him
    down and myself getting to work inside is what set Dave off. He begun
    putting me down constantly and picking on me. Not only was he picking on me
    at work, but also off the job at our Horizons class after hours.

    I was very frustrated about it all, but I heard about what was going on
    between him and Joel and decided that I would be better off sucking
    it up and avoiding him then going to management.

    Then, he begun looking at my jobs. Questioning where I was, where I was
    supposed to be, and my work ethic. I felt like I was being stalked. I
    started getting scared because I do not think he is mentally stable.

    This is when I drew the line. I told him that I was tired of it and he
    needed to mind his own business. This set him off and he went into a
    rampage about me as soon as he thought I'd left the building. Up until
    then, I have done an excellent job avoiding conflict and defending myself in
    a businesslike manner the past few years. Including my issues with Dave. I
    caught Dave red-handed making crude remarks about me and I simply defended

    -I have been insulted and have had foul language used towards me many times
    in the past few years, yet management has never defended me. I have
    witnessed foul language and conflicts plenty of times and management just
    turned their heads.

    -I find it ironic that there has been so many conflicts, explicative
    language, etc... over the past few years that management has done nothing
    about, yet suddenly, I am being made an example of. I find this punishment
    unreasonable. I was simply doing the job of defending myself from a man
    that is well known for antagonizing people. I was doing the job that
    management should have been doing all along. If management had addressed
    Dave's hostility issues sooner instead of looking the other way, things
    would not have gone this far between Dave and myself, as well as Dave and
    Last edited by Tonya; 01-11-2004 at 10:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Do you want me/us to email or post about typos/corrections/suggestions?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    Not typos...I will mess with that at the end...When I write, I just throw a bunch of thought on paper. I worry about typos later.

    Just suggestions! And perhaps wording...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    First let me say I'm so sorry you have to be going through this. this Dave guy sounds like a real a$$.

    By reading this I can tell you are very angry and you have ever right to be but don't let your anger show to much in you complaint.

    Stick to facts and try not to piss off management, no blaming management, even if it is their fault. It will get you no where. Showing angry never seem to help in these type of situations.
    You don't want to anger the people you are tring to get help from.

    Just plain fact ie: Dave sexually comment: (what ever they where) on such and such time and date. etc etc.

    What Im saying is make it is short and to the point covering all the areas you can but without judging. Make it as clear as you can, so who ever reads it get only the issues at hand. Making you look like a concerned employee for all and not just a personal thing.

    Thats just my opinion though and how I might would handle it.
    You know the people you are dealing with better then me so maybe I'm wrong.

    Good luck to you.

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