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Thread: Joey Update(11/30/03 at 12:00PM PST)

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    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Kirkland, WA

    Joey Update(11/30/03 at 12:00PM PST)

    I thought that I would start a new thread rather then making you all search for my latest update in 3 pages of posts.

    I should thank you individually, and when this is over I will. However, for now thank you all. Again I really appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts for my Joey girl. I think they are helping. Also, I really appreciate all of the very kind comments for me.

    Well, I just got back from the vet and the good news is that the xrays they took at one this morning shows that the gas that they saw yesterday had moved some. So, they didn't do the barium, I am sure that they the Joey liked that part. The doctor also saw some stuff that made her a little nervous like the spleen. She said that is not good as they should not be able to see that in an xray. She also did have a small stool early this morning also and it was not diarrhea. Sorry to be gross, the bad side is that it was still bloody. On the not so good side they still do not know if it is over, nor do they know exactly what is wrong. They are also continuing her on a course of anitibiotics. It may not be helping alot with what is wrong, but it will help keep any possibly complications from showing up. So overall, she seems to be better,yea. However, we still don't know what it is so we may not be out of the woods.

    The doctor gave me a couple of choices an agressive and a conservitive actions. Read this as an expensive and a cheaper course of action. Well, we worked out a middle of the road. From here they are going to wean her off of the fluids and see if they can get her to eat some bland foods. A wait and see sort of thing and she if she improves today. If she does not show any signs of improvment by about 5:00 or 6:00 tonight, we go with the more agressive. It doesn't involve surgery yet, thanks God. They are going to do some pretty intensive blood tests, and then tomorrow they will do an ultrasound. This will give a much better picture and they can see alot more internal organs and tell really how bad the intestinal walls really are.

    The good part is that they brought her out for me to cuddle with. She is definately more alert today, but still is not fully well. She let me hold her for half an hour. That is the longest that she has ever let me hold her. She had slept on me, but we have never cuddled like that. We also did some eye kisses. I still felt really bad having to hand her back to the doctor to go back to her cage. I am however happy that she got to see me and knows that I am still sround and haven't abandon her. It doesn't make her stiuation much easier, but I hope that it helped.

    Well, that is about it. Not alot of news, but it is all that's all I have at this point. I will have more tonight.

    Thank you and continue to keep Joey in your thoughts and prayer as I know that you will.
    Last edited by CatDad; 11-30-2003 at 02:19 PM.
    Bob & Joey,
    and their happy and willing slave, Bryan.

    Many Thanks to Kay for the Picture.

    My motto - "Bad Spellers of the World, UNTIE!!!!"

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