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Thread: Firesky San Diego ,ca.

  1. Just found out the brother of a dear friend of mine lost his house. He, wife and three kids are living in a hotel. They live(d) in Scrip Ranch. Just last year when we were out there visiting he was telling about the addition he had just finished putting on his house.....They were given 10 minutes to evacuate and then it was all gone....

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
    Just found out the brother of a dear friend of mine lost his house. He, wife and three kids are living in a hotel. They live(d) in Scrip Ranch. Just last year when we were out there visiting he was telling about the addition he had just finished putting on his house.....They were given 10 minutes to evacuate and then it was all gone....
    How very sad! My thoughts and prayers will be with them.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    A few sad stories..

    Two women were hurt, one was killed, in a car accident as they tried to get horses out of the fire area in San Diego.

    Another woman was burned when she fell coming out of her home as the fire neared the house. 15 dogs were lost in the kennel she kept at the residence...

    16 people have died, over 1,300 houses lost - the area burned in all the fires has equaled the area of the State of Rhode Island.

    The smoke from the San Bernardino Fire has blotted out 2/3s of the sky over the City of LA..

    One great story was a fireman calling a local radio station to let us know that 30 fire fighters had VOLUNTEERED to come down and help out. They were in the process of driving a brush rig 750
    miles from Medford, Oregon to Los Angeles.

    There we also reports of rigs making their way from the Las Vegas

    prayers to everyone in and around the fire zones.
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA

    Perhaps this link will help These are two San Diego Channels, 8 and 10 (CBS and ABC), that have several links to show what's going on.
    For those who don't know San Diego, I-8 is the main east-west freeway through the mid area of town, with 52 a little farther north running e-w and 94 a little farther south, also e-w. Main North-South freeways are I-5 farthest west, then 163, 805 and I-15 (furthest east.) Sandy lives in Point Loma, nearest the beach and I live in the very mid-city community of North Park. Jackie is farther south and east of me.
    The main fires burning are about 15 mi north near the city of Escondido, south of hear in Otay and just north of me the San Diego communities of Tierra Santa and a little farther up the I-15 is the San Diego community of Scripps Ranch. This is just east-north of Miramar (MCAS) which also had fires. Then there is buring east and north of here (North Park) - Alpine, Julian, beautiful rural communities in the Laguna Mountains. What seems to beIf this link works, this little explanation may explain where we are in relation to the fires.
    The extreme buring pattern had a lot to do with the prevailing Santa Ana winds, which we get regularly. They are dry and strong winds that blow from the n-e, and with the fire, they caused a lot of sparking from site to site, and caused the massive smoke clouds.
    On sunday, the sky never got any lighter than a late afternoon/early evening light all day. It is very unhealthy out where I am, soot was on and in everything Sunday and Monday, and now smoke is leaving a fine dust all over.

    Evacuees were with my next door neighbor, my friends chose ths shelter for access to services and information. Two friends from work lost homes in Scripps Ranch, I just heard. It's heart sickening.

    I was out sick Monday from a soot and smoke induced sinus attack.

    Well, these links can take you developing news, if you want to check them out from time to time. If you get a chance, look for the "map" that shows how much of the city was burning - It's amazing!!

    Thank you all so much for the kind thoughts.
    Thanks for all
    Spencer's Mom

    Grasshopper Shadowcat Magicat
    August 14, 1986 - June 15 2004
    Thank you so much for the siggies, PCB & Kfamr

    * * I've Been Frosted * *

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
    It seems the whole of San Diego has been burning. Just a tragic thing to happen. Over 260,000 acres have burned, over I believe 300 homes and possibly 11 to 13 people have died. Many of them in their car trying to outrun the fire. Two elderly people jumped in their swimming pool to save their lives. They are finding charred pets in the burned out homes, and they are trying to find any animal that is loose and scared. There are many, many evacuation areas for people to go to.
    We live about two or three miles from the bay and lots of green around us, the closest fire to us is the Otay Lakes fire which is about 15 miles from us, but no worry here.
    Our daughter Lorie is in New York with her husband visiting his parents and her neighbor called us to say they were being evacuated, so our family went to her house met Jeff's swat team friend and they broke into the house and saved as many valuables and brought all of their vehicles to our house. They finally let everyone back into San Carlos and they are due home today so it turned out o.k.
    Our older daughter has her stepdaughter, grandaughter and husband as they were also evacuated from Kearney mesa.
    The ash is horrible, you can see it falling like snow.

    Our dogs are fine, we kept them inside and only brought them out to do their duty, things are looking much better now, we can actually see the sun, yesterday the day was like night.
    Jackie, Perry and Daisy
    I thought of you first when they said "San Diego" and "fire" and hoped you would be safe. Paul and I had such a nice time visiting with you and Don and Daisy and Perry, of course. I am glad you are all safe, and being careful with the smokey air and all that!

    Do say hello to Daisy for Paul, and Perry gets extra skritches from me, okay? (Each dog decided which of us h/she liked when we visited!)

    Be careful, be safe, all of you anywhere near the fires. Air quality is so important, so stay inside 'til they give the all clear if you can - you don't want to be breathing that ash!

    Ash falling like snow, how very scary!

    Hope the weather co-operates and the fires are contained soon. You'll all be in our prayers.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA

    On the Positive Side

    So far, Channel 10 has raised (at last count) $1.7 million dollars for victim relief, from corporate donations to $34.00 raised by two little girls who sold cookies.
    No matter where in the world tragedy hits, there is a beauty in the human spirit that does rise above and shine.
    Spencer's Mom

    Grasshopper Shadowcat Magicat
    August 14, 1986 - June 15 2004
    Thank you so much for the siggies, PCB & Kfamr

    * * I've Been Frosted * *

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    KOHALA thanks for all the useful information and the news link.
    Sandy Frost

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    I have been thinking of you all over here in Aussie.

    It is hard for me to figure out exactly who would be affected ...... so, prayers and best wishes to all Californians.

    It is coming into fire season here in Aussie, I know how bad it gets here, and only wish a speedy RAINFALL on California ..

    "No dog is born either vicious or friendly, but rather a blank slate that is moulded, for better or worse, by the owner."

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    Originally posted by slick
    Does anyone know if there are animal rescue groups out there rescuing pets??
    Oregon Humane Society in Portland is sending an Animal Rescue Team of three people. They have credentials and training for rescuing animals in the fire areas.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Modesto, Ca
    Wow! It just amazes me how quickly things can turn upside down!

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Thank you so much for those links Kohala.

    Everyone be safe! *hugs*

    This image... I'm just speechless.

    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA
    This morning the Cedar fire is still burning much of the east county. It moved out of the areas of Tierrasanta and Scripps Ranch on Monday, yet much of the news coverage is still focusing on those areas--which is frustrating. It is difficult to find accurate information about the active fire in Descanso and Julian.

    The communities of Crest and Harbison Canyon (in the east near El Cajon) burned on Sunday night and Monday, and the homeowners there had very little warning. By the time they found out the fire was coming toward them, it was too close to have time to pack. About 300 homes were lost, and there are many horses in the area.

    You asked about rescue for the animals: The SD Humane Society has a rescue program, as do many other organizations. Here's one Web site:

    I live in Rancho San Diego, which is very close to Crest, Dehesa, and El Cajon. Kohala's explanation of the area was great--thanks!
    Oreo and Molly

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Thanks for the note Karen, we are doing fine, Don put a wet bandanna over his nose and mouth and tried cleaning up some of the ash all over the place, it's everywhere. He finally gave up and I got him inside.
    Yes, Daisy loves the men and really took to Paul, lol and Perry is a ladies man so naturally he gravitated to you, lol. Daisy is still her independent self under all circumstances, nothing seems to bother her, but Perry has been very nervous, I guess he can smell the smoke.
    We have a little mountain town called Julian and it has been there for years and years. People go up there in the fall for the apple pies and they have a lot of antiques and shops, the firemen are inside the town with fire surrounding them and have vowed to save the town, but I hope at no loss of life. We do now have firemen here from all over the country, New Mexico, Arizona, all over California, and they said they are ready to fight this fire.
    These firemen are exhausted, it's amazing what one can do under stress.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
    Thanks for the note Karen, we are doing fine, Don put a wet bandanna over his nose and mouth and tried cleaning up some of the ash all over the place, it's everywhere. He finally gave up and I got him inside.
    Yes, Daisy loves the men and really took to Paul, lol and Perry is a ladies man so naturally he gravitated to you, lol. Daisy is still her independent self under all circumstances, nothing seems to bother her, but Perry has been very nervous, I guess he can smell the smoke.
    We have a little mountain town called Julian and it has been there for years and years. People go up there in the fall for the apple pies and they have a lot of antiques and shops, the firemen are inside the town with fire surrounding them and have vowed to save the town, but I hope at no loss of life. We do now have firemen here from all over the country, New Mexico, Arizona, all over California, and they said they are ready to fight this fire.
    These firemen are exhausted, it's amazing what one can do under stress.
    Jackie, I'm glad to here you are all safe. I heard on the news this morning about the firemen hunkering down in Julian trying to save it. They said so far they were holding their own.
    There was one town where one house remained untouched by the fire and every one around it was burned to the ground. So sad.
    Prayers still with all of you out there.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Jackie, Kohala, Kona and Oreo's Mom, it was good to hear that all of you are safe.

    My nephew works at Scripps in La Jolla and I was worried about him too.

    Our poor pets - they just must be kept indoors away from the bad air quality and soot.

    Big hugs to all of you and I hope you continue to stay safe as well as your families.


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