I keep Max from getting into too much trouble by pooping him out as often as possible. I don't know your dog or anything about the area where you live, but I found a couple of ways to give Max so much exercise that he stays out of trouble for over a day afterwards! He just lays around resting. You know what they say - "A tired puppy is a good puppy".

My favorite way is to go out to a very out-of-the-way loop nature trail where I rarely run into other people. I take him off the leash and let him run off his energy while I walk the trail. He runs way ahead, then runs back to me, and keeps doing that until he just wears himself out. He runs at least 5-10 times as far as I walk. Then when he's worn out I put him back on the leash and we finish the trial and drive home.

Another great way is to take him kayaking with me on a very slow, shallow river. He runs up and down the banks and through the water, and swims around. The river we go down is 7 1/2 miles long and he must go over 20 miles with all the running around he does. By the time we get to the end he's worn out and he sleeps all the way home and the entire next day!

I keep him from digging too much by just bringing him back inside as soon as he's done his thing. I like the swimming pool idea, though! I'll have to try it.