I got it! I'm so excited, this is the first cone I've ever rescued! I did just like I said, but instead of swooping, I casually sauntered over and grabbed it - much less suspicious. And the good news is Terry says we can keep it!

Now my question is, how do I tell if it's a boy or a girl? Do cones come in different genders? And what do I feed it? He (I've temporarily determined he is a he) is in the garage right now so he should be able to find something to eat out there, shouldn't he? And do I need to provide a litterbox - or do I walk him? I'm so confused...I've never had a cone before, you know.

The first thing I did when I got him home was give him a good bath. He was filthy, but that's to be expected considering he was living on the streets and got run over and everything. So here's a before pic.

You can see he's pretty dirty, but overall he's in pretty good shape. He was a little tender where he had been bent over, but I'm sure that will heal in no time. He also has a few scars from previous abuse, but he's really in pretty good shape considering...

I have determined that he is of the Conus zebricus breed. More commonly known as the Lesser Striped Cone. I determined this by the wonderful reflective stripes he has.

And to make sure and keep this somewhat pet related, here's Tubby watching me give Coney a bath (yes, we've named him Coney).

After he dried off a bit, I brought him into his new home - our garage. I thought he would feel right at home there, but would be safe from all the maniacs on the road.

I think he's going to get along quite well here. Tubby didn't seem to have a problem with him....

And Peanut was more worried about the extension cord on the floor. I expected her to be a little skittish of the newcomer, but she didn't even bat an eye.

So those are all the pics I have for now. We left him alone in the garage to settle down a little and get over all the trauma he's experienced in the last two days. Hopefully he'll start feeling right at home real soon. We plan to bring him along in the motorhome when he gets more comfortable with us, so he'll go from being a homeless cone out on the streets to a sophisticated traveling cone. Now if I could only get to Germany for the International Pet Talk meeting, I could bring him along and he could be a world traveler!

Security: "'Scuse me ma'am, is that a traffic cone?"
Me: "Well, technically yes, but he's actually by pet. His name is Coney. Is there a problem bringing him on the plane? I didn't read anything where cones weren't allowed or had to be in my checked luggage...."
Security: "Not sure ma'am. I don't know what the rules are on cones. Somehow I don't think we can allow it on."
Me: "I'd like to speak with your superior officer, sir, because you don't understand. This isn't just any cone. This is Coney. My pet cone, and I believe I should be able to bring him on the plane with me."